Friday, December 26, 2008
Portable Indoor Shower
Verbatim and random.
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Le domande sorgono spontanee:
cosa diavolo cercavano di trovare?
come sono finiti sul mio blog?
ma soprattutto
Verbatim and random.
hope that never end in the hands of a profiler.
him and my bones do not give a damn how
I fucked the teacher anna
are a balding pornometalmeccanica
brand overalls in Muccino Parlami d'amore
Muccino rammstein
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ass fucked by baseball bat shit
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23/10/4004 @ ac
cristiana.alleanza hotmail.it
fantasiaerotica with his father on
Civic Party Works for the football world
scarface coat of arms
see greenish screen
machine sparamerda
gnik gnik
English supporters should go fuck ass
Renato Brunetta and pussies cocks
enormous extent
how the hell you are running a linux executable in
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"other music" + boleto
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pharmacist bastard
video of a scappellamento penis
the people asking peas rubber
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io vivo in vaticano blogspot.com
linguine nero
Le domande sorgono spontanee:
cosa diavolo cercavano di trovare?
come sono finiti sul mio blog?
ma soprattutto
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Brazilian Wax Men Images
Alti e bassi
Questa volta saro` breve, dato che nn ho molte cose da raccontare. Ho iniziato la physiotherapy, the ankle is what is so `. I'm weekend seemed to go better, and even if evil could not walk. For reasons unknown to me, however, `Monday 'is inflated again, moral of the story short, though for now I try to walk on nn is better ...... that sucks!!
Yesterday I started the English course, and all the new ones that have to do a test to see what level we were. Sn I finished at upper-intermediate. I looked at them and I said but take me for c. ... above c `and` only the most advance level and then goes ..... native sn `be better so if I can find it too difficult to ask to get off a level, but since I had the test and in the ass my class I feel good rest there (also because ` just entered the prof asked the other boys to ask me some questions and the first is was a girl who asked me if I was available:)). Anyway my prof is a madman, he sbellicare laughter. Yesterday I broke his belt and now I have bought a ...... nn is fashionable but really the guy has also a 50in years. Last
news, I have regained the free hostel accommodation. In practice four days a week I go to the airport to wait for the new arrivals cn the sign, call the coach of the hostel and bring them here .... nn is bad, nn effort and meet new people, the only problem is when scene reaching the airport at 6 in the morning ..... fear, but at that hour Foruno usually goes another guy ....
Okay I'll leave you ....... Christmas is fast approaching, regal ....
Questa volta saro` breve, dato che nn ho molte cose da raccontare. Ho iniziato la physiotherapy, the ankle is what is so `. I'm weekend seemed to go better, and even if evil could not walk. For reasons unknown to me, however, `Monday 'is inflated again, moral of the story short, though for now I try to walk on nn is better ...... that sucks!!
Yesterday I started the English course, and all the new ones that have to do a test to see what level we were. Sn I finished at upper-intermediate. I looked at them and I said but take me for c. ... above c `and` only the most advance level and then goes ..... native sn `be better so if I can find it too difficult to ask to get off a level, but since I had the test and in the ass my class I feel good rest there (also because ` just entered the prof asked the other boys to ask me some questions and the first is was a girl who asked me if I was available:)). Anyway my prof is a madman, he sbellicare laughter. Yesterday I broke his belt and now I have bought a ...... nn is fashionable but really the guy has also a 50in years. Last
news, I have regained the free hostel accommodation. In practice four days a week I go to the airport to wait for the new arrivals cn the sign, call the coach of the hostel and bring them here .... nn is bad, nn effort and meet new people, the only problem is when scene reaching the airport at 6 in the morning ..... fear, but at that hour Foruno usually goes another guy ....
Okay I'll leave you ....... Christmas is fast approaching, regal ....
Saturday, December 6, 2008
How To Melt Lead For Sinker Moulds
Immaginati il disagio di costui, col pisello di fuori davanti a noi 5 tirocinanti. Donne.
guess .. are delicate situations. just a little smile to disrupt self-esteem built long years
self-esteem collapses from the fact that immediately after you stick your ass a thing bigger than peas seen by all 5 girls present there
[Tirocinio di fuffologia.]
[Poverocristo deve subire endoscopia.]
[Poverocristo deve subire endoscopia.]
Immaginati il disagio di costui, col pisello di fuori davanti a noi 5 tirocinanti. Donne.
guess .. are delicate situations. just a little smile to disrupt self-esteem built long years
self-esteem collapses from the fact that immediately after you stick your ass a thing bigger than peas seen by all 5 girls present there
Rent To Own Home Contract, Sample
Saturday , I'm leaving. Should I bring
rumenta to various people, and I doto of bag.
time out, I put away the stuff IUM2, I shower.
I get dressed, picking out the need for: key, chiavicasa, mobile phone ..
not find his wallet.
then swore.
Comincio a ribaltare pile di roba in camera mia, portando alla luce appunti di filosofia, canzonieri scout, confezioni di kinder paradiso e altro materiale vintage anniottanta.
Cerco, seppur con più criterio, in altre stanze della casa.
Tento il tutto per tutto e telefono a mio fratello
'Hai il mio portafoglio?'
'ecco, bravo, portamelo'
Esco di casa borsello in mano e scendo ad aspettarlo.
Si scusa.
He hands me a portfolio.
I look at him.
'..... this is not my '
' no ''
's your fuckin'
'I had looked on the wrong side'
'on that side are the same!'
'seems to me that the scientific mentality that seems to be developing should allow to extend your empiricism on both sides of a portfolio, no? '
'see see'
re-turn to my room. (thus bringing it back to the initial situation)
begin to move furniture, tear wallpaper, knocking on walls in search of a particular sound, move books in libraries looking secret passages.
Meanwhile I get a message.
dip his hand into the bag to search for the phone.
eyes are wide open, the epiphany huge ego hanged.
Before leaving I just la presenza di spirito di notificare l'accaduto a mio fratello, facendogli presente che 'il più pirla resto sempre me'.
Saturday , I'm leaving. Should I bring
rumenta to various people, and I doto of bag.
time out, I put away the stuff IUM2, I shower.
I get dressed, picking out the need for: key, chiavicasa, mobile phone ..
not find his wallet.
then swore.
Comincio a ribaltare pile di roba in camera mia, portando alla luce appunti di filosofia, canzonieri scout, confezioni di kinder paradiso e altro materiale vintage anniottanta.
Cerco, seppur con più criterio, in altre stanze della casa.
Tento il tutto per tutto e telefono a mio fratello
'Hai il mio portafoglio?'
'ecco, bravo, portamelo'
Esco di casa borsello in mano e scendo ad aspettarlo.
Si scusa.
He hands me a portfolio.
I look at him.
'..... this is not my '
' no ''
's your fuckin'
'I had looked on the wrong side'
'on that side are the same!'
'seems to me that the scientific mentality that seems to be developing should allow to extend your empiricism on both sides of a portfolio, no? '
'see see'
re-turn to my room. (thus bringing it back to the initial situation)
begin to move furniture, tear wallpaper, knocking on walls in search of a particular sound, move books in libraries looking secret passages.
Meanwhile I get a message.
dip his hand into the bag to search for the phone.
eyes are wide open, the epiphany huge ego hanged.
Before leaving I just la presenza di spirito di notificare l'accaduto a mio fratello, facendogli presente che 'il più pirla resto sempre me'.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Spell To Become Popular
Barcollo ma nn mollo.......
this morning I dropped a boulder on his head. Figuratively means, but the feeling is.
I felt that something was nn. Playing football without a lot of distortion I sn (among other things at the same ankle), but nn I never had to use crutches. And this morning's ultrasound, I thought I had the MRI and instead are consistent with our ultrasound, I have given the coveted verdict: I sn broke a ligament.
All projects that I had done all the things I had in mind to do, all erased cn stroke of a pen, I came to cry (in fact I own tears) I sn seen already in flight to Italy for make me .....
However withdrew the results of examinations by Dr. Richmond went sn, a nice guy who knows Biella and was several times in Italy. He explained that there sn three ligaments on the outside of the ankle, and that I broke my sn less important. In practice servon to fix the ankle ligaments, and to ensure that nn be gone for a stroll on his cabbage. Of course it is better to have them all three, but two is enough. In practice, some people
nn crea alcun problema avere rotto un legamento e posson fare attività sportiva come facevano prima(magari nn proprio a livello agonistico perchè le prestazioni ne risentono), ad altri invece può dare dei fastidi, del tipo che prendi tante storte, o che nn essendo stabilissima gonfia o da dolore ecc ecc.....
Mi ha quindi mandato dal fisioterapista, dove dovrò andare per un paio di settimane. Se sgonfia e nn da problemi la tengo così, altrimenti mi devon operare.
Se così fosse farò qui l'intervento. Da sto posto nn me ne vado, ci sto attaccato come un neonato alla tetta. L'operazione consiste nel cucire il tendine e si fa in day hospital. Ti pratican un buchino, cuciono e la sera te ne torni a casa. Per riprender l'attività sports van two months there, but to walk and turn Shawls hope that 3-4 weeks are enough.
The only problem is the cost of the intervention. Here health is very dear and I know that even if the insurance covers the surgery I will have to anticipate. If luck is nn sn
I do best so no intervention, even if arrived in Italy I will cmq, God made me cn three ligaments and there is a reason, but nn know what I want them all 3.
It follows that for another 2 weeks will swim in the limbo of uncertainty. Certainly I have to totally change my plans. Pio and I we set out to leave Sydney after New Years, to buy a car and driving towards the north to do a bit of fruit picking. Nn
If I work maybe we'll return a few days, even if I have to evaluate my disposable income to buy a spot, and if I am able to gather the fruits (as they told me to work very hard).
Otherwise my stay here will be prolonged enough and most likely I will divide us and Pius least for a while.
In any case it is useless to make plans now, so I have to pass the first two weeks and then we'll see.
Other things to tell you I nn, where nn sn I joined an English course for these 2-3 weeks to fill the time in a meaningful manner, and that the girl told me that physical therapy can begin nn use crutches (both what is healthy is healthy and what is broken is broken) and to walk.
I hope to be able to walk decently in 4-5 days so you can at least go out and do something, because here there is Lili (also called the girl of my dreams) that every night I asked to go here and e I nn I ever saw do na ...
Okay what will be will be, one way to find him back on the bike, get back the already free accommodation would be a good thing to depreciate a bit (yes Nos carrying suitcases, but clean the kitchen or make a breakfast would be feasible).
As usual I will keep you updated ..... I put the photos of the barbecue on Sunday in Bondai ...... See
Ps Abbiamo trovato un bottle shop che vende montenegro, limoncello e di saronno.....Uhhhhhh

this morning I dropped a boulder on his head. Figuratively means, but the feeling is.
I felt that something was nn. Playing football without a lot of distortion I sn (among other things at the same ankle), but nn I never had to use crutches. And this morning's ultrasound, I thought I had the MRI and instead are consistent with our ultrasound, I have given the coveted verdict: I sn broke a ligament.
All projects that I had done all the things I had in mind to do, all erased cn stroke of a pen, I came to cry (in fact I own tears) I sn seen already in flight to Italy for make me .....
However withdrew the results of examinations by Dr. Richmond went sn, a nice guy who knows Biella and was several times in Italy. He explained that there sn three ligaments on the outside of the ankle, and that I broke my sn less important. In practice servon to fix the ankle ligaments, and to ensure that nn be gone for a stroll on his cabbage. Of course it is better to have them all three, but two is enough. In practice, some people
nn crea alcun problema avere rotto un legamento e posson fare attività sportiva come facevano prima(magari nn proprio a livello agonistico perchè le prestazioni ne risentono), ad altri invece può dare dei fastidi, del tipo che prendi tante storte, o che nn essendo stabilissima gonfia o da dolore ecc ecc.....
Mi ha quindi mandato dal fisioterapista, dove dovrò andare per un paio di settimane. Se sgonfia e nn da problemi la tengo così, altrimenti mi devon operare.
Se così fosse farò qui l'intervento. Da sto posto nn me ne vado, ci sto attaccato come un neonato alla tetta. L'operazione consiste nel cucire il tendine e si fa in day hospital. Ti pratican un buchino, cuciono e la sera te ne torni a casa. Per riprender l'attività sports van two months there, but to walk and turn Shawls hope that 3-4 weeks are enough.
The only problem is the cost of the intervention. Here health is very dear and I know that even if the insurance covers the surgery I will have to anticipate. If luck is nn sn
I do best so no intervention, even if arrived in Italy I will cmq, God made me cn three ligaments and there is a reason, but nn know what I want them all 3.
It follows that for another 2 weeks will swim in the limbo of uncertainty. Certainly I have to totally change my plans. Pio and I we set out to leave Sydney after New Years, to buy a car and driving towards the north to do a bit of fruit picking. Nn
If I work maybe we'll return a few days, even if I have to evaluate my disposable income to buy a spot, and if I am able to gather the fruits (as they told me to work very hard).
Otherwise my stay here will be prolonged enough and most likely I will divide us and Pius least for a while.
In any case it is useless to make plans now, so I have to pass the first two weeks and then we'll see.
Other things to tell you I nn, where nn sn I joined an English course for these 2-3 weeks to fill the time in a meaningful manner, and that the girl told me that physical therapy can begin nn use crutches (both what is healthy is healthy and what is broken is broken) and to walk.
I hope to be able to walk decently in 4-5 days so you can at least go out and do something, because here there is Lili (also called the girl of my dreams) that every night I asked to go here and e I nn I ever saw do na ...
Okay what will be will be, one way to find him back on the bike, get back the already free accommodation would be a good thing to depreciate a bit (yes Nos carrying suitcases, but clean the kitchen or make a breakfast would be feasible).
As usual I will keep you updated ..... I put the photos of the barbecue on Sunday in Bondai ...... See
Ps Abbiamo trovato un bottle shop che vende montenegro, limoncello e di saronno.....Uhhhhhh
Friday, November 28, 2008
Samsung Slash Software For Transferring
Aveva i Pugni nelle mani
Il titolo nn vuol dire chiaramente nulla ma era un po che nn dicevo sta frase :)
Per chi nn lo conosce posto il link al mitico film Rocchio 47 http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=kyvOzIUPNFQ che mi tira sempre su il morale nei momenti NO.
Ad ogni modo, un rapidissimo aggiornamento. Si tratta di Lupus :) No dai scherzo è che anche il Dr House mi manca un botto.....
Cerco di esser serio. Oggi mi è arrivato il referto dei raggi x. Mai foglio fu più utile. 2 righe cn scritto: Nn sembra esserci nessun osso rotto, e i tessuti molli sono gonfi. But heck, sn-ray xo prediction dle Otelma magician? From them I also arrived there, I was expecting something more precise.
Go Well, I bring to the doctor (visit free through Medicare card) and start the visit.
Oh, nn has done much in practice tells me that now that it's a little more deflated I have to do more x-rays to make sure that there are No bones broken, and ultrasound (I think it is magnetic resonance imaging) to see the ligaments. If there is someone broke sn Hunter bitter, or physical therapy a couple of weeks and then maybe as a new sn.
Monday I go to book everything. Saran 2 weeks long Cause I can make a club out there (I also need money but I can work nn). No I would give for a pint of beer beri and go hard, but Ste is a bit harsh conditions. Just
week that is hostel Lili arrived, the girl of my dreams: (
Okay see you, will post some pictures and as I have suggested, singing the dairy cow for nn feel sad .... Hello
Il titolo nn vuol dire chiaramente nulla ma era un po che nn dicevo sta frase :)
Per chi nn lo conosce posto il link al mitico film Rocchio 47 http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=kyvOzIUPNFQ che mi tira sempre su il morale nei momenti NO.
Ad ogni modo, un rapidissimo aggiornamento. Si tratta di Lupus :) No dai scherzo è che anche il Dr House mi manca un botto.....
Cerco di esser serio. Oggi mi è arrivato il referto dei raggi x. Mai foglio fu più utile. 2 righe cn scritto: Nn sembra esserci nessun osso rotto, e i tessuti molli sono gonfi. But heck, sn-ray xo prediction dle Otelma magician? From them I also arrived there, I was expecting something more precise.
Go Well, I bring to the doctor (visit free through Medicare card) and start the visit.
Oh, nn has done much in practice tells me that now that it's a little more deflated I have to do more x-rays to make sure that there are No bones broken, and ultrasound (I think it is magnetic resonance imaging) to see the ligaments. If there is someone broke sn Hunter bitter, or physical therapy a couple of weeks and then maybe as a new sn.
Monday I go to book everything. Saran 2 weeks long Cause I can make a club out there (I also need money but I can work nn). No I would give for a pint of beer beri and go hard, but Ste is a bit harsh conditions. Just
week that is hostel Lili arrived, the girl of my dreams: (
Okay see you, will post some pictures and as I have suggested, singing the dairy cow for nn feel sad .... Hello
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hamn Athlete's Foot Medicine To Treat Ringworm
Settimana di Merda......
It is a bit dark, tomorrow is a little more afraid ....... I like to quote the Articolo31 ..... You will say, as a week of m. .. has just begun!!
already but there sn all the premises. prso Sunday Juve to Inter. I've never seen a game so disgusting. And to think that to see nn sn Nenci went to sleep. We arrived at the hostel emezza at 5 am and we waited until six o'clock in the TV room and a half it started. Finished the rough show, I just stayed an hour and a half and then get up and carry bags for free accommodation. But the worst comes
yesterday. Sn salutarcoi passed to two of our friends today partivan to Melbourne, and as a farewell better than a practice match in Hyde Park? Bad idea, after a capital performance, I smashed my ankle sn metendo hurt his foot on a sidewalk. 3 / 2 time has become as big as a football.
called an ambulance ..... zero time a guy comes running in administering first aid. It gives me a spray to inhale that, in his words, and sends you to blow nn makes you feel the pain. I tre aspirate e gia ero rilassatissimo, ma il tipo del pronto soccorso mi incitava tirare di più. Tempo 2 min nn capivo più na maza e ho iniziato afargli domande una più stupida dell'altra.....e in tanto il tipo ghignava mentre Pio e gli altri mi facevan foto e video....(domani le posto perchè ora nn ho la memory card cn me).
Ad ogni modo ambulanza, raggi e visita dal dottore.
Secondo lui nn dovrebbe esserci nulla di rotto, ma dovrebbe esser solo una brutta distorsione. Quando però è così gonfia nn si vede benissimo nelle lastre e quindi per esserne certo tra 3 giorni devo andare a farmi vedere da un dottore qualunque. Se continua a farmi male farò altre lastre, se nn c'è nulla tempo 10 giorni e dovrei esser quasi in place.
balls because I revolve in sti nn days I can work (and even after doing heavy work is now very easy nn) will go out at night (adare around in crutches nn is ideal). Okay I'll try to take cn philosophy and I will take a good book to read: (
PS Go tranqui Butter, if Friday sn able to walk you make a complete report of the beauties of the hostel .....
It is a bit dark, tomorrow is a little more afraid ....... I like to quote the Articolo31 ..... You will say, as a week of m. .. has just begun!!
already but there sn all the premises. prso Sunday Juve to Inter. I've never seen a game so disgusting. And to think that to see nn sn Nenci went to sleep. We arrived at the hostel emezza at 5 am and we waited until six o'clock in the TV room and a half it started. Finished the rough show, I just stayed an hour and a half and then get up and carry bags for free accommodation. But the worst comes
yesterday. Sn salutarcoi passed to two of our friends today partivan to Melbourne, and as a farewell better than a practice match in Hyde Park? Bad idea, after a capital performance, I smashed my ankle sn metendo hurt his foot on a sidewalk. 3 / 2 time has become as big as a football.
called an ambulance ..... zero time a guy comes running in administering first aid. It gives me a spray to inhale that, in his words, and sends you to blow nn makes you feel the pain. I tre aspirate e gia ero rilassatissimo, ma il tipo del pronto soccorso mi incitava tirare di più. Tempo 2 min nn capivo più na maza e ho iniziato afargli domande una più stupida dell'altra.....e in tanto il tipo ghignava mentre Pio e gli altri mi facevan foto e video....(domani le posto perchè ora nn ho la memory card cn me).
Ad ogni modo ambulanza, raggi e visita dal dottore.
Secondo lui nn dovrebbe esserci nulla di rotto, ma dovrebbe esser solo una brutta distorsione. Quando però è così gonfia nn si vede benissimo nelle lastre e quindi per esserne certo tra 3 giorni devo andare a farmi vedere da un dottore qualunque. Se continua a farmi male farò altre lastre, se nn c'è nulla tempo 10 giorni e dovrei esser quasi in place.
balls because I revolve in sti nn days I can work (and even after doing heavy work is now very easy nn) will go out at night (adare around in crutches nn is ideal). Okay I'll try to take cn philosophy and I will take a good book to read: (
PS Go tranqui Butter, if Friday sn able to walk you make a complete report of the beauties of the hostel .....
Sarah Ashton Cosmetics
Jehovah's Witness
[posto un evento reale e recente. Tenete presente che nulla di quanto riportato è frutto della mia fantasia]
Pullman, me et brio. Vedo un ragazzo che sembra guardarmi. causa perversioni karatekistiche residue, comincio a cercare di capire se è armato, come posso difendermi, se al lunedì mattina sarei in grado di tirare un mawashigeri senza farmi del male da solo.
Si siede davanti a me
Egli: ciao
Egli: sei studente?
Me: sì.
Egli: di cosa?
Me: Informatica, here in pdf. You too?
He: No, I just have not done for the study
Me shrugs. He
: What's your name?
Me: Look, if you want to fuck you better convince me in a hurry, get down in two episodes (I say 'stop' but I came out that way.)
He: I am Sam, and you?
Me: Alan
Samuel, please, Alan. Nice name.
Me: ... thx
Samuel, but thinks, you are called Alan .. Me and I Samuel
raises an eyebrow
Samuel: Look, but .. (Approaching) you believe that there is some knowledge really important, something you can save?
Me: Oh shit, now you're not trying to convert me, right?
Samuel, why?
(see Brio stare)
Me: Well, because their helmets as a religion with me very badly
Samuel, really? Why?
Me: I think it's impossible to think and believe. Religion as an excellent target children of 5 years. For goodness sake, everyone has every right to believe in what he wants, and indeed, there are people, see the missionaries, who by faith live a life admirably. But from my point of view persolnalissimo, religion is a huge bullshit
him: why not .. God is calling you, calling you by your name
Me: I went down, excuse. Cmq And do not say you'd have a better chance to convert me to fuck that, but .. are there
Samuel gives me an invitation to a disco some Jehovah's Witnesses, and everything ends there.
Brevissssime considerations:
1) is too good. 1 minute to watch "I'm not made for the study" and "God is calling you." but what a coincidence ..
2) would be nice to try to sell my soul, or at least convert it to pastafarianesimo.
3) for the whole scene I thought of this answer .
[posto un evento reale e recente. Tenete presente che nulla di quanto riportato è frutto della mia fantasia]
Pullman, me et brio. Vedo un ragazzo che sembra guardarmi. causa perversioni karatekistiche residue, comincio a cercare di capire se è armato, come posso difendermi, se al lunedì mattina sarei in grado di tirare un mawashigeri senza farmi del male da solo.
Si siede davanti a me
Egli: ciao
Egli: sei studente?
Me: sì.
Egli: di cosa?
Me: Informatica, here in pdf. You too?
He: No, I just have not done for the study
Me shrugs. He
: What's your name?
Me: Look, if you want to fuck you better convince me in a hurry, get down in two episodes (I say 'stop' but I came out that way.)
He: I am Sam, and you?
Me: Alan
Samuel, please, Alan. Nice name.
Me: ... thx
Samuel, but thinks, you are called Alan .. Me and I Samuel
raises an eyebrow
Samuel: Look, but .. (Approaching) you believe that there is some knowledge really important, something you can save?
Me: Oh shit, now you're not trying to convert me, right?
Samuel, why?
(see Brio stare)
Me: Well, because their helmets as a religion with me very badly
Samuel, really? Why?
Me: I think it's impossible to think and believe. Religion as an excellent target children of 5 years. For goodness sake, everyone has every right to believe in what he wants, and indeed, there are people, see the missionaries, who by faith live a life admirably. But from my point of view persolnalissimo, religion is a huge bullshit
him: why not .. God is calling you, calling you by your name
Me: I went down, excuse. Cmq And do not say you'd have a better chance to convert me to fuck that, but .. are there
Samuel gives me an invitation to a disco some Jehovah's Witnesses, and everything ends there.
Brevissssime considerations:
1) is too good. 1 minute to watch "I'm not made for the study" and "God is calling you." but what a coincidence ..
2) would be nice to try to sell my soul, or at least convert it to pastafarianesimo.
3) for the whole scene I thought of this answer .
Friday, November 21, 2008
Where Is Your Cervix Right Before Menustration
Settimana da paura!!!
This week is going to Tuesday ..... the great I finished work at Harvey Norman and I received my first pay Australian $ 750 for 5 ½ days of work. It 's more than I expected, corresponding to about 410 euro (so if I had worked a month I would Cuccato more than 1600 €). I have paid $ 19 an hour, but if you work here on Saturday to get 50% more (while Sunday's double the normal pay), then Saturday I have given $ 30 per hour. Assuming that I did 7 hours sn, sn $ 140 in a single blow ..... No bad I think.
Satisfied I was going to wait some days before calling the agency and look for another job, but soon returned to the hostel I asked at reception and was able to obtain sn The Free accommodation. In practice, working three hours a day at the Base can stay for free, No I do nothing but bring your bags in the room of girls as long as the elevator is broken. The nice thing is that if there is no customer to serve nn I can run quietly in the hostel, eat, watch tv cn be my friends ...... etc. etc. In short the important thing is that it is available, but the For example, in the first day I had to take 3 hours 4 sl backpacks. I would say more than good, given that next week in practice I do not pay the hostel:)
Monday then call the agency to see if they have some other job for me to do chasuble. The ideal would be to combine three days of serious work, with three days of work at the hostel. If there I could could keep me more easily and have a bang of free time. Cross your fingers and hope that the elevator never nn aggiustino Othello: P
What else can I tell you ..... Oh yes sn went surfing yesterday in Moroubra. Initially we had to go to Bondi, but we changed the last idea. For $ 20 I rented a board and wetsuit to 'now and I sn launched. The problem is that Moroubra nn is the best place to start. It 'a spot far from perfect for beginners, and yesterday the sea was really pissed. There were quite so high, plus a strong current. It 'a very difficult sport, after 15 minutes already nn longer felt the force of arms in rowing. The bad thing is then I tried to go off but the waves bore me where they wanted them. At that point I sn said, "but I really want to go get those waves?" So I was cn a board under your butt, zero theory (just a couple of surftate in Tuscany, but there were high waves less than half) and not knowing what to do. Opto nn then to go over and try from them (in theory the waves van took off, when nn ripple and still make the wall). Bad idea, a huge wave overturned and slammed me underwater. It was like being in a washing machine, I continued to shoot (and the bad thing 'that you have no control nn nn and pray that there are rocks under the water or get the board on teeth nos.) Passed the wave I grabbed the wire Products which you are bound to the table to understand which side was the surface, and sn resurfaced. Adrelanica experience.
I did a little of a successful attempt to raise a fraction of a second, until I was obsessed table, and another machine via cn:)
short, my experience and 'helpful to understand that the first Sometimes it's much better to take some lessons ...
As for the nightlife is sn week there were pleasant surprises. In Italy you are stifled by the routine during the week ...... nn there is hope of doing something decent, nobody comes, nobody does anything and you are forced to wait for the damn weekend. If by chance you have fun then nn the weekend because something goes wrong, ecco che inizi la settimana seguente ancora più depresso.
Qua invece nn ci sn schemi....Da buoni biellesi quali siamo, abbiamo subito cercato di crearcene uno.......del tipo si esce il mercoledì, il venerdì e il sabato, quest'altro giorno invece no, quest'altro ancora si guarda un film ecc ecc.....col passare però ti accorgi che qua nn funziona così . Giusto il tempo di un battuto d'ali e i tuoi piani vanno a farsi benedire.
Sydney infatti permette potenzialmente di uscire ogni sera (chiaro che bisogna azzeccare i locali e che il portafoglio cmq nn lo permette), e col tempo capisci che nn sei davvero tu a decidere quando fare serata, ma che devi prendere al volo le occasioni quando ti s presentano. Ecco che quindi da un martedì evening that should have been consumed before the canvas and created a really nice evening with one and the rest of our Italian friends, then ended the Scrupphy Murphy (and we did well to come out Wednesday instead because the part with the Scary Canary had an abortion and nn so we did nothing). Last night the other night
paiura. Pasta with mushroom and kangaroo meat with friends, a bit of goon, beer, foreign friends and the evening took off. Among other things, I knew better than the goddess of the hostel. It 's like an Australian model. Have you in the film as it passes the rotating Where's My Car fans, and suddenly all move in slow motion putting a song in the background? (I remember a scene from Christmas vacation Liuk Perry cn 95) Here it happens like that when he passes. He contends the title of most beautiful hostel cn a Frenchman, Helody (which really is heavenly), but is a bit nasty (the model) at all because if you pull it. Last night, however, was very friendly, outgoing and drunk, although I think it was a well-designed operation to scrounge a cigarette:) Stase is Saturday and celebrating one month of our arrival in Sydney ..... as I said you never know nn what to expect, the evening that can be propetta schifida strophic but also the opposite, so ..... who knows.
Before leaving the hostel to inform you that we have booked up to December 23, then we should go for a week to stay in a house cn swimming pool, sauna, palestra ecc lasciata libera da 2 italiani. L'ostello infatti sotto natale probabilmente sarà pieno e anche più caro. Vi terrò aggiornati.
See you.......
This week is going to Tuesday ..... the great I finished work at Harvey Norman and I received my first pay Australian $ 750 for 5 ½ days of work. It 's more than I expected, corresponding to about 410 euro (so if I had worked a month I would Cuccato more than 1600 €). I have paid $ 19 an hour, but if you work here on Saturday to get 50% more (while Sunday's double the normal pay), then Saturday I have given $ 30 per hour. Assuming that I did 7 hours sn, sn $ 140 in a single blow ..... No bad I think.
Satisfied I was going to wait some days before calling the agency and look for another job, but soon returned to the hostel I asked at reception and was able to obtain sn The Free accommodation. In practice, working three hours a day at the Base can stay for free, No I do nothing but bring your bags in the room of girls as long as the elevator is broken. The nice thing is that if there is no customer to serve nn I can run quietly in the hostel, eat, watch tv cn be my friends ...... etc. etc. In short the important thing is that it is available, but the For example, in the first day I had to take 3 hours 4 sl backpacks. I would say more than good, given that next week in practice I do not pay the hostel:)
Monday then call the agency to see if they have some other job for me to do chasuble. The ideal would be to combine three days of serious work, with three days of work at the hostel. If there I could could keep me more easily and have a bang of free time. Cross your fingers and hope that the elevator never nn aggiustino Othello: P
What else can I tell you ..... Oh yes sn went surfing yesterday in Moroubra. Initially we had to go to Bondi, but we changed the last idea. For $ 20 I rented a board and wetsuit to 'now and I sn launched. The problem is that Moroubra nn is the best place to start. It 'a spot far from perfect for beginners, and yesterday the sea was really pissed. There were quite so high, plus a strong current. It 'a very difficult sport, after 15 minutes already nn longer felt the force of arms in rowing. The bad thing is then I tried to go off but the waves bore me where they wanted them. At that point I sn said, "but I really want to go get those waves?" So I was cn a board under your butt, zero theory (just a couple of surftate in Tuscany, but there were high waves less than half) and not knowing what to do. Opto nn then to go over and try from them (in theory the waves van took off, when nn ripple and still make the wall). Bad idea, a huge wave overturned and slammed me underwater. It was like being in a washing machine, I continued to shoot (and the bad thing 'that you have no control nn nn and pray that there are rocks under the water or get the board on teeth nos.) Passed the wave I grabbed the wire Products which you are bound to the table to understand which side was the surface, and sn resurfaced. Adrelanica experience.
I did a little of a successful attempt to raise a fraction of a second, until I was obsessed table, and another machine via cn:)
short, my experience and 'helpful to understand that the first Sometimes it's much better to take some lessons ...
As for the nightlife is sn week there were pleasant surprises. In Italy you are stifled by the routine during the week ...... nn there is hope of doing something decent, nobody comes, nobody does anything and you are forced to wait for the damn weekend. If by chance you have fun then nn the weekend because something goes wrong, ecco che inizi la settimana seguente ancora più depresso.
Qua invece nn ci sn schemi....Da buoni biellesi quali siamo, abbiamo subito cercato di crearcene uno.......del tipo si esce il mercoledì, il venerdì e il sabato, quest'altro giorno invece no, quest'altro ancora si guarda un film ecc ecc.....col passare però ti accorgi che qua nn funziona così . Giusto il tempo di un battuto d'ali e i tuoi piani vanno a farsi benedire.
Sydney infatti permette potenzialmente di uscire ogni sera (chiaro che bisogna azzeccare i locali e che il portafoglio cmq nn lo permette), e col tempo capisci che nn sei davvero tu a decidere quando fare serata, ma che devi prendere al volo le occasioni quando ti s presentano. Ecco che quindi da un martedì evening that should have been consumed before the canvas and created a really nice evening with one and the rest of our Italian friends, then ended the Scrupphy Murphy (and we did well to come out Wednesday instead because the part with the Scary Canary had an abortion and nn so we did nothing). Last night the other night
paiura. Pasta with mushroom and kangaroo meat with friends, a bit of goon, beer, foreign friends and the evening took off. Among other things, I knew better than the goddess of the hostel. It 's like an Australian model. Have you in the film as it passes the rotating Where's My Car fans, and suddenly all move in slow motion putting a song in the background? (I remember a scene from Christmas vacation Liuk Perry cn 95) Here it happens like that when he passes. He contends the title of most beautiful hostel cn a Frenchman, Helody (which really is heavenly), but is a bit nasty (the model) at all because if you pull it. Last night, however, was very friendly, outgoing and drunk, although I think it was a well-designed operation to scrounge a cigarette:) Stase is Saturday and celebrating one month of our arrival in Sydney ..... as I said you never know nn what to expect, the evening that can be propetta schifida strophic but also the opposite, so ..... who knows.
Before leaving the hostel to inform you that we have booked up to December 23, then we should go for a week to stay in a house cn swimming pool, sauna, palestra ecc lasciata libera da 2 italiani. L'ostello infatti sotto natale probabilmente sarà pieno e anche più caro. Vi terrò aggiornati.
See you.......
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wart Like Growth On Lip
Il Burro Australiano(nn parlo di quello da cucina...)
Rieccomi di nuovo. Come al solito nn riesco ad aggiornare il blog in tempo reale, e quindi raccontarvi tutto quel che succede è dura.
Incomincio chiedendo scusa a tutti i miei amici che ultimamente abbiamo sentito poco. CI MANCATE!!!!!(TUTTI). La settimana prossima facciamo un giro di telefonate.
Allora, da dove comincio? Oh yes, I had said that we were finally tasted the Sydney nightlife, and clearly we still managed nn. You may wonder how to hunt and 'possible. Well the answer is simple, this hostel and in particular the kitchen sn a magnet.
Last week we had the best intentions but then a birthday party Friday and a farewell dinner Saturday we stopped. Here
works this way, the evening comes to go to the bottle shop to buy a nice box of Goom (this is called the wine cheaper in Australia, but a sort of Tavernello cn egg and milk in fear ...... what sucks) and point straight to the kitchen of the hostel. They like a big family you start to drink, and without you're not you know it from the kitchen get out more nn '. Nightclubs and I miss them a bit, 'but you staying in the hostel group, knows people and is much more' fun that only go out 2-3, maybe in places full of charm and pussy, but where the lack of true friends at your side to get a shoulder in the most bizarre, it makes you feel so much. On Saturday night I really missed a bang. Anyway
in one way or another there is always so much fun. Here in the hostel we met three very strong Italian. 2 standard making the argument here, and have made their home base, the other is the bartender of the Scary Canary (the local hostel), where every Wednesday fan share theme and succeeds in hiding sempre a darci qualcosa a sgamo.
Riconfermo nuovamente quel che penso di Sydney: STUPENDA. E' come una cornice che risce a rendere speciale anche la cosa più banale. L'altra sera passiamo i casualmente in Geroge street e c'era la prima di High School Musical 3. La strada era affollata di gente, con giornalisti e televisione pronti a intervistare i protagonisti che da li a pochi minuti avrebbero fatto al loro comparsa per salutare i Fan. Che dire.....Zac Efron è davvero un nano.....Vanessa Hudgens davvero topa :)
Sta sera invece c'era la prima di Nicole Kidman che essendo australiana è stata pomapata ancora di più. Purtroppo siamo arrivati un po tardi e nn l'abbiamo vista......va bhè io aspetto con ansia di vedere dal vivo Jessica Alba.....
Ah proposito, vi sarete chiesti cosa significa il titolo. Ve lo spiego subito, abbiamo trovato lavoro!!!!
Nn è stato troppo difficile, una mattina ci siam svegliati(bhè oddio svegliarsi presto nn è stato facile), siamo andati in un agenzia in Bondi Junction (Swift Solutions, New Land street 1) e il pomeriggio avevamo un lavoro :)
In pratica funziona così: ogni mattina mandi un messaggio dicendo se quel giorno sei disponibile a lavorare, e loro se han qualche lavoro ti rispondono dicendo dove devi presentarti. Sn tutti lavori manuali e di pochi giorni, ma per ora va più che bene, più avanti cercheremo qualcosa che ci piaccia di più......
Ad ogni modo indovinate that we had to do is week? The work of butter, it seems clear: PA about Dani, but it sucks Cause I will resign:) ahahahaha
Scherzo from !!!!!! I know you're so touchy corrects me, I know you send out a major supermarket chain ........ but we are simply warehousemen discharging of containers.
Seriously, the job is really hard. The first day I spent 9 \\ 10 hours downloading trucks and containers full of beds, sofas, furniture, etc. ..... I thought he died, I felt more nn arms and thought about how good it was my job in Italy. On the second day, however, begin to engage and understand something of what they say you (who knows why but I have never nn done to drive the forklift: (). I confirm also that the wages sn very good, and good old Harvey Norman (an Australian Trony the sort) for 5 ½ days of work, I dropped about $ 930 gross and net diventan about 660. The exchange rate of € is hard to do because it depends on the oscillation of currencies. Until six months ago one euro was worth about $ 1.66 Australian. Now, after the stock market crisis has reached € 1 = $ 2 to settle back down to 1.83 (but it changes from day to day). Anyway I took Trai 360 and € 390euro (so would be among the worst in 1320 to 1600 a month by changing to the better, nn bad when you consider that we are the last link in the chain office in that warehouse, a friend of mine Sweden takes on a more even more than us).
Plus when you come in Italy you can claim back taxes and have more in superannuation (a pension that will pay the employer). Ah Butter already, here is nn never worked at night or on Sundays, I do a little thought ..... However
week is proved by the work we have always gone to bed early, Wednesday and Friday included (and I was sorry to Wednesday because of a sudden there was a scary parties where you had to dress sl cn aluminum foil to get the discounted beers, sn quickly able to dress up as Zoro from One piece and build 3 swords ....:) but took the beer to bed; sin but so do the opportunities for extravagant things lacking Nos, just remember the pajama parties to the last week where we were going around in his underwear and nothing else ...). Saturday instead, even though we are exhausted at least managed to buy the ingredients to the unobtainable mohito us, gave us the charge cn for a ride our Italian friends. Cn
Today we finished the job and until Monday we are going to nn cecare nothing, so I'm weekend we will be rested and ready to give up.
Nn nn septum, which is 3 days to ByronBay escaping into the local school to surf. High waves, and a bit of beer in the evening around the fire with a nice BBQ (barbecue) would be a nice way to celebrate the first month spent outside Italy:)
I greet you and keep you updated. Ciaooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rieccomi di nuovo. Come al solito nn riesco ad aggiornare il blog in tempo reale, e quindi raccontarvi tutto quel che succede è dura.
Incomincio chiedendo scusa a tutti i miei amici che ultimamente abbiamo sentito poco. CI MANCATE!!!!!(TUTTI). La settimana prossima facciamo un giro di telefonate.
Allora, da dove comincio? Oh yes, I had said that we were finally tasted the Sydney nightlife, and clearly we still managed nn. You may wonder how to hunt and 'possible. Well the answer is simple, this hostel and in particular the kitchen sn a magnet.
Last week we had the best intentions but then a birthday party Friday and a farewell dinner Saturday we stopped. Here
works this way, the evening comes to go to the bottle shop to buy a nice box of Goom (this is called the wine cheaper in Australia, but a sort of Tavernello cn egg and milk in fear ...... what sucks) and point straight to the kitchen of the hostel. They like a big family you start to drink, and without you're not you know it from the kitchen get out more nn '. Nightclubs and I miss them a bit, 'but you staying in the hostel group, knows people and is much more' fun that only go out 2-3, maybe in places full of charm and pussy, but where the lack of true friends at your side to get a shoulder in the most bizarre, it makes you feel so much. On Saturday night I really missed a bang. Anyway
in one way or another there is always so much fun. Here in the hostel we met three very strong Italian. 2 standard making the argument here, and have made their home base, the other is the bartender of the Scary Canary (the local hostel), where every Wednesday fan share theme and succeeds in hiding sempre a darci qualcosa a sgamo.
Riconfermo nuovamente quel che penso di Sydney: STUPENDA. E' come una cornice che risce a rendere speciale anche la cosa più banale. L'altra sera passiamo i casualmente in Geroge street e c'era la prima di High School Musical 3. La strada era affollata di gente, con giornalisti e televisione pronti a intervistare i protagonisti che da li a pochi minuti avrebbero fatto al loro comparsa per salutare i Fan. Che dire.....Zac Efron è davvero un nano.....Vanessa Hudgens davvero topa :)
Sta sera invece c'era la prima di Nicole Kidman che essendo australiana è stata pomapata ancora di più. Purtroppo siamo arrivati un po tardi e nn l'abbiamo vista......va bhè io aspetto con ansia di vedere dal vivo Jessica Alba.....
Ah proposito, vi sarete chiesti cosa significa il titolo. Ve lo spiego subito, abbiamo trovato lavoro!!!!
Nn è stato troppo difficile, una mattina ci siam svegliati(bhè oddio svegliarsi presto nn è stato facile), siamo andati in un agenzia in Bondi Junction (Swift Solutions, New Land street 1) e il pomeriggio avevamo un lavoro :)
In pratica funziona così: ogni mattina mandi un messaggio dicendo se quel giorno sei disponibile a lavorare, e loro se han qualche lavoro ti rispondono dicendo dove devi presentarti. Sn tutti lavori manuali e di pochi giorni, ma per ora va più che bene, più avanti cercheremo qualcosa che ci piaccia di più......
Ad ogni modo indovinate that we had to do is week? The work of butter, it seems clear: PA about Dani, but it sucks Cause I will resign:) ahahahaha
Scherzo from !!!!!! I know you're so touchy corrects me, I know you send out a major supermarket chain ........ but we are simply warehousemen discharging of containers.
Seriously, the job is really hard. The first day I spent 9 \\ 10 hours downloading trucks and containers full of beds, sofas, furniture, etc. ..... I thought he died, I felt more nn arms and thought about how good it was my job in Italy. On the second day, however, begin to engage and understand something of what they say you (who knows why but I have never nn done to drive the forklift: (). I confirm also that the wages sn very good, and good old Harvey Norman (an Australian Trony the sort) for 5 ½ days of work, I dropped about $ 930 gross and net diventan about 660. The exchange rate of € is hard to do because it depends on the oscillation of currencies. Until six months ago one euro was worth about $ 1.66 Australian. Now, after the stock market crisis has reached € 1 = $ 2 to settle back down to 1.83 (but it changes from day to day). Anyway I took Trai 360 and € 390euro (so would be among the worst in 1320 to 1600 a month by changing to the better, nn bad when you consider that we are the last link in the chain office in that warehouse, a friend of mine Sweden takes on a more even more than us).
Plus when you come in Italy you can claim back taxes and have more in superannuation (a pension that will pay the employer). Ah Butter already, here is nn never worked at night or on Sundays, I do a little thought ..... However
week is proved by the work we have always gone to bed early, Wednesday and Friday included (and I was sorry to Wednesday because of a sudden there was a scary parties where you had to dress sl cn aluminum foil to get the discounted beers, sn quickly able to dress up as Zoro from One piece and build 3 swords ....:) but took the beer to bed; sin but so do the opportunities for extravagant things lacking Nos, just remember the pajama parties to the last week where we were going around in his underwear and nothing else ...). Saturday instead, even though we are exhausted at least managed to buy the ingredients to the unobtainable mohito us, gave us the charge cn for a ride our Italian friends. Cn
Today we finished the job and until Monday we are going to nn cecare nothing, so I'm weekend we will be rested and ready to give up.
Nn nn septum, which is 3 days to ByronBay escaping into the local school to surf. High waves, and a bit of beer in the evening around the fire with a nice BBQ (barbecue) would be a nice way to celebrate the first month spent outside Italy:)
I greet you and keep you updated. Ciaooooooooooooooooooooooo
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yamaha Outboardno Power In Reverse
Gnappo sboroneggia
00:58 OMFG!
(not case is a little page contaballe level epic ..)
00:58 OMFG!
(not case is a little page contaballe level epic ..)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wedding Rsvp Time Frame
I see the headlines on GoogleNews and pass me the desire to read.
I wonder if it's worth spending the night at rodermi the liver.
If I consider this an event to self-destruction.
I wonder how many I will need more confirmation that I stop lying to myself.
Because I accept and admit that everything is a sign of the times
Linko Corsaro Bitter
and really, really
I wonder how we arrived at this
how to accept and what remains in addition to desertion
I see the headlines on GoogleNews and pass me the desire to read.
I wonder if it's worth spending the night at rodermi the liver.
If I consider this an event to self-destruction.
I wonder how many I will need more confirmation that I stop lying to myself.
Because I accept and admit that everything is a sign of the times
Linko Corsaro Bitter
and really, really
I wonder how we arrived at this
how to accept and what remains in addition to desertion
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Register To Tech Deck Live
Berlusconi makeup Nutella
"There you have them even the blacks?"
(George W Bush to Fernando Cardoso, then President of Brazil, Washington, DC, November 8, 2001)
This you have heard, Dubya.
"There you have them even the blacks?"
(George W Bush to Fernando Cardoso, then President of Brazil, Washington, DC, November 8, 2001)
This you have heard, Dubya.
Monday, November 3, 2008
How To Shingle Afro-american Hair
Maledetto Jet Lag
Before leaving I read the blogs of so many guys, I'm damned and cursed all jet lag (a jet). Sn I always wondered who had never so frightening. Of course, came halfway around the world that it is morning when in fact it is evening with us, but I thought enough to resist standing a few more hours and the game was done. An hour after as many words to each and every way ..... Well I was wrong big. We went to bed at 9 pm destroyed, and after 10-12 hours of sleep they thought they saved. But no! Gia sl because after a couple of days early to understand what it means to change the hemisphere. Nn so much rhythm resume giuto day and night to go to sleep .... that's the right time na walk. The problem is another, your body has been accustomed for years to meet certain rhythms that suddenly slip through completely. In Italy for example, I used to go to bed very late but I had to wake up early the next morning. Rather than watch a movie until I fall asleep at night. In the morning we wanted to ontrario the gunfire to wake up. After a few days in Sydney but I was wondering how it was possibile that evening at 8 nn I could keep my eyes open, while at 8 o'clock in the morning I was standing as if nothing had happened. The other day we had to wake up at 9 to change the room. I swear that at 5 am I was standing convinced that it was late, I seemed to have slept hours and wondered why la sveglia nn suonasse. Dopo un po ho controllato ed era notte fonda. Per fortuna dopo una decina di giorni ci siamo quasi adattati.
Ma parliamo di Sydney. Sydney e stupenda, senza alcun dubbio la più bella città che abbia mai visto. E' una città nata da poco, quindi è tutto nuovo e luccicante, dietro ogni angolo c`e` qualcosa che ti lascia senza fiato. Ogni tanto io e pio ci fermiamo ci guardiamo e ci diciamo "siamo proprio in un bel posto".
La cosa figa poi, e` che e` completamente immersa nel verde, ci sn parchi fantastici pieni di animali stranissimi: opossum, delle specie di gr dal becco lunghissimo, scoiattoli, pipistrelli giganti che dormon tutto il giorno ecc... e la cosa strana e` che camminano in mezzo to people as if nothing had happened. L `c` other day was a crane inside a giant shopping mall, and there was no case. It's strange
then see signs in the gardens that invite you to walk in the grass, a picnic or to smell the flowers, especially if one is used in Italy, where you forbid to do anything.
expected to pay to become an Australian citizen .... Ag
already, after seeing many houses we found a very nice. It is located in the center, one of the many buildings in a luxury cn inside swimming pool, sauna, jacuzi, gym, etc. .... Sn $ 160 a week per head, a bit less than what we pay in the hostel, and also includes the Internet, and other expenses, washing machine, plasma etc etc. Light, sn 4 parsene apartments where you live but in 8 to amortize the costs, but it's more than good.
the apartment is free ltra 2 weeks, and we would be 4 types and 4 girls. `The only problem is that you must rent a minimum of 2 months and we'll know if No` sydney so long. For most of
hostel nn is the best thing. Now try to do some work well epersonale a couple of hours a day, and in return you're free to stay. Nn
I know we will do ...... ..... the beauty here is that you live day to day.
As for the work and the cost of living that I can tell. Sn high salaries here, you permetton to make a living that most wealthy (clear that residents are paying them more and more cool TROVAN work well scene reaching that without much effort to 4000-5000 dollars a month for example by the employment), but cmq to find a job that you know the `English. A waiter at any rate, working full-time reaches about $ 3000 gross, that sn approximately 1500 €. Before the crisis, instead of the bag were about 2000 €, but no crisis or the cost of living here remains the same and then fucks him nn is something that `s € to those who live here. Those
$ 3000 van and then taxed (even if 90% of jobs pay in black), but in this case to return to Italy you can ask the Tax Refound, + the superannuation (pension, or that your employer provides you with part). Plus, if you work a year here is like if I had worked in Italy 2. The cost
of life if you go out like we do is about 1800-2000 dollars a month, so if one finds a steady job nn has problems. Some, however, they say, `No it is so easy to find why many a caller token, and you find yourself having to do 2-3 quibndi to get to work 40 hours sttimanali. They want to experience in more often, especially in large urban centers. Anyway tomorrow we take the license to give alcohol and then begin to look for work, so `` I'll be able to be more precise. Motl
The food is not bad compared with English, and supermarkets sn supplied for Italian products. No unfortunately have no idea what they are vodkas flavored (strawberry, mint, etc.), what is the crushed ice (no subject mohito Caipiroska etc ... pokissimi in strategic places where sn care), and what are the limoncello, Montenegro, etc. ... A
already forgotten, a sore point is the price of alcohol. Here sn dear, or better carey in local supermarkets but overloaded. They do it because here `bevon very young, and thus he can get a hold them at bay, although I seem to work very nn. In the evening you see drunk girls as ever ..... nn sn'm sure we'll have fun. Nn
Unfortunately we still have begun to turn to disk or crank it up, 'because we had too many things to do, and then we still had to environment, but starting this weekend we'll investigate the dark side of sydney .......
I greet you all, I miss you a mess ......... sorry if it often seems to write things at random, the result of a mind insane, but here I have always counted the time .... so just how did the English writer Joyce, I just throw up anything I throw my mind ..... she is become famous, maybe I'm lucky I too .... Hello to
ps I saw the picture on Halloween badooo, you miticciiiiiii.
Before leaving I read the blogs of so many guys, I'm damned and cursed all jet lag (a jet). Sn I always wondered who had never so frightening. Of course, came halfway around the world that it is morning when in fact it is evening with us, but I thought enough to resist standing a few more hours and the game was done. An hour after as many words to each and every way ..... Well I was wrong big. We went to bed at 9 pm destroyed, and after 10-12 hours of sleep they thought they saved. But no! Gia sl because after a couple of days early to understand what it means to change the hemisphere. Nn so much rhythm resume giuto day and night to go to sleep .... that's the right time na walk. The problem is another, your body has been accustomed for years to meet certain rhythms that suddenly slip through completely. In Italy for example, I used to go to bed very late but I had to wake up early the next morning. Rather than watch a movie until I fall asleep at night. In the morning we wanted to ontrario the gunfire to wake up. After a few days in Sydney but I was wondering how it was possibile that evening at 8 nn I could keep my eyes open, while at 8 o'clock in the morning I was standing as if nothing had happened. The other day we had to wake up at 9 to change the room. I swear that at 5 am I was standing convinced that it was late, I seemed to have slept hours and wondered why la sveglia nn suonasse. Dopo un po ho controllato ed era notte fonda. Per fortuna dopo una decina di giorni ci siamo quasi adattati.
Ma parliamo di Sydney. Sydney e stupenda, senza alcun dubbio la più bella città che abbia mai visto. E' una città nata da poco, quindi è tutto nuovo e luccicante, dietro ogni angolo c`e` qualcosa che ti lascia senza fiato. Ogni tanto io e pio ci fermiamo ci guardiamo e ci diciamo "siamo proprio in un bel posto".
La cosa figa poi, e` che e` completamente immersa nel verde, ci sn parchi fantastici pieni di animali stranissimi: opossum, delle specie di gr dal becco lunghissimo, scoiattoli, pipistrelli giganti che dormon tutto il giorno ecc... e la cosa strana e` che camminano in mezzo to people as if nothing had happened. L `c` other day was a crane inside a giant shopping mall, and there was no case. It's strange
then see signs in the gardens that invite you to walk in the grass, a picnic or to smell the flowers, especially if one is used in Italy, where you forbid to do anything.
expected to pay to become an Australian citizen .... Ag
already, after seeing many houses we found a very nice. It is located in the center, one of the many buildings in a luxury cn inside swimming pool, sauna, jacuzi, gym, etc. .... Sn $ 160 a week per head, a bit less than what we pay in the hostel, and also includes the Internet, and other expenses, washing machine, plasma etc etc. Light, sn 4 parsene apartments where you live but in 8 to amortize the costs, but it's more than good.
the apartment is free ltra 2 weeks, and we would be 4 types and 4 girls. `The only problem is that you must rent a minimum of 2 months and we'll know if No` sydney so long. For most of
hostel nn is the best thing. Now try to do some work well epersonale a couple of hours a day, and in return you're free to stay. Nn
I know we will do ...... ..... the beauty here is that you live day to day.
As for the work and the cost of living that I can tell. Sn high salaries here, you permetton to make a living that most wealthy (clear that residents are paying them more and more cool TROVAN work well scene reaching that without much effort to 4000-5000 dollars a month for example by the employment), but cmq to find a job that you know the `English. A waiter at any rate, working full-time reaches about $ 3000 gross, that sn approximately 1500 €. Before the crisis, instead of the bag were about 2000 €, but no crisis or the cost of living here remains the same and then fucks him nn is something that `s € to those who live here. Those
$ 3000 van and then taxed (even if 90% of jobs pay in black), but in this case to return to Italy you can ask the Tax Refound, + the superannuation (pension, or that your employer provides you with part). Plus, if you work a year here is like if I had worked in Italy 2. The cost
of life if you go out like we do is about 1800-2000 dollars a month, so if one finds a steady job nn has problems. Some, however, they say, `No it is so easy to find why many a caller token, and you find yourself having to do 2-3 quibndi to get to work 40 hours sttimanali. They want to experience in more often, especially in large urban centers. Anyway tomorrow we take the license to give alcohol and then begin to look for work, so `` I'll be able to be more precise. Motl
The food is not bad compared with English, and supermarkets sn supplied for Italian products. No unfortunately have no idea what they are vodkas flavored (strawberry, mint, etc.), what is the crushed ice (no subject mohito Caipiroska etc ... pokissimi in strategic places where sn care), and what are the limoncello, Montenegro, etc. ... A
already forgotten, a sore point is the price of alcohol. Here sn dear, or better carey in local supermarkets but overloaded. They do it because here `bevon very young, and thus he can get a hold them at bay, although I seem to work very nn. In the evening you see drunk girls as ever ..... nn sn'm sure we'll have fun. Nn
Unfortunately we still have begun to turn to disk or crank it up, 'because we had too many things to do, and then we still had to environment, but starting this weekend we'll investigate the dark side of sydney .......
I greet you all, I miss you a mess ......... sorry if it often seems to write things at random, the result of a mind insane, but here I have always counted the time .... so just how did the English writer Joyce, I just throw up anything I throw my mind ..... she is become famous, maybe I'm lucky I too .... Hello to
ps I saw the picture on Halloween badooo, you miticciiiiiii.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Write I-130 Cover Letter
Primi week end......
I'm back ..... we are still alive .... It was almost a week nn update the blog but I finally found a moment of time.
Sn a lot of things happened in these last days, and nn so if I can tell you everything ..... well, should I try.
We start from where we had left, that last Friday (but last I mean last). There was our first night out. We left cn 2 British girls and a Californian. E 'output was very touristy. We went to the Sky Tower, where you can see all of sydney, with binoculars and even the people in the process that c. .. After they have eaten and greeted the two Englishmen who were leaving the next day and had to wake up early. We were the pious and I in California. She girl is really a character, drink more 'of us put together, and exclusively champagne (although we believe to be a Aperol). More than a backpackers (traveler with the backpacker) appears here on holiday. You see her run to the hostel in a dressing gown, often gives us something to drink (he says that they also offer devon girl sometimes .... Yay), and realized that it must speak up or nn understand it:)
Sydney offers No lot in the evening but think of leaving and entering the first room is filled with hope that .... you got it wrong, here are very different from our own pace, eat first, the happy hour is at 7-8 and the first disc apron . Clear night you can do every night, people and 'full, but we know the areas cmq right. We clearly on the first night we ended up in the business district, cn few places, in the closing half-empty .... there should be time, and everyway the evening was pleasant.
We get to Saturday, the birthday of Pio. Although newly arrived we had a good group. Here is a really bang conoscon people. Without even understand how we ended up in the room to drink the famous "wine Viggiano you," a lousy wine cn ingredients into unthinkable, but cmq statement. It was me, pious, happy (Italian girl known on the first day), 2 other guys in turin, a Dane, a Canadian, two British girls (one of which is very nice, as she said her salad nn says no), hani (a boy UAE nice that we called the teacher because he taught us English), and others .... Cmq
evening quiet in the room to shoot a sea \u200b\u200bof \u200b\u200bcrap, and after a jump in half pub \\ half-hard, a place cmq beautiful and full of people.
this weekend but nothing special, it was Halloween but for a number of drawbacks me nn sn enjoyed long history. Saturday instead of Italian dinner in an Italian restaurant (We met several neighbors here to study and we had a good group). Ate well, spent so much but satisfied. Pizza, tiramisu and fans always Menabrea their shape .... The evening 'was relaxing ....
a quick jump to a pub where we realized being in a gay party, and then all at home ....... Nn sn miss some hilarious scenes, like the foul-mouthed wheel of a car type, which approached, opened the window, foul-mouthed and then scoured away or that of a man asleep in a park cn the guys who threw the bread to get it caught from animals. Awakened by the cops the guy was just tired fake and tried to ignite na siga cn a certain nonchalance. Nn sn finding the lighter, however, the courses help the children who first offered him a target and ..... What a strange
Australia .... Tomorrow I will tell you the first impressions about the city, because of things to say but there are the laptop battery is going ........ Oh yes we may have found a home .. .. swimming pool, sauna, gym .... nn ... got it all goes well tomorrow I'll tell you hello ....

I'm back ..... we are still alive .... It was almost a week nn update the blog but I finally found a moment of time.
Sn a lot of things happened in these last days, and nn so if I can tell you everything ..... well, should I try.
We start from where we had left, that last Friday (but last I mean last). There was our first night out. We left cn 2 British girls and a Californian. E 'output was very touristy. We went to the Sky Tower, where you can see all of sydney, with binoculars and even the people in the process that c. .. After they have eaten and greeted the two Englishmen who were leaving the next day and had to wake up early. We were the pious and I in California. She girl is really a character, drink more 'of us put together, and exclusively champagne (although we believe to be a Aperol). More than a backpackers (traveler with the backpacker) appears here on holiday. You see her run to the hostel in a dressing gown, often gives us something to drink (he says that they also offer devon girl sometimes .... Yay), and realized that it must speak up or nn understand it:)
Sydney offers No lot in the evening but think of leaving and entering the first room is filled with hope that .... you got it wrong, here are very different from our own pace, eat first, the happy hour is at 7-8 and the first disc apron . Clear night you can do every night, people and 'full, but we know the areas cmq right. We clearly on the first night we ended up in the business district, cn few places, in the closing half-empty .... there should be time, and everyway the evening was pleasant.
We get to Saturday, the birthday of Pio. Although newly arrived we had a good group. Here is a really bang conoscon people. Without even understand how we ended up in the room to drink the famous "wine Viggiano you," a lousy wine cn ingredients into unthinkable, but cmq statement. It was me, pious, happy (Italian girl known on the first day), 2 other guys in turin, a Dane, a Canadian, two British girls (one of which is very nice, as she said her salad nn says no), hani (a boy UAE nice that we called the teacher because he taught us English), and others .... Cmq
evening quiet in the room to shoot a sea \u200b\u200bof \u200b\u200bcrap, and after a jump in half pub \\ half-hard, a place cmq beautiful and full of people.
this weekend but nothing special, it was Halloween but for a number of drawbacks me nn sn enjoyed long history. Saturday instead of Italian dinner in an Italian restaurant (We met several neighbors here to study and we had a good group). Ate well, spent so much but satisfied. Pizza, tiramisu and fans always Menabrea their shape .... The evening 'was relaxing ....
a quick jump to a pub where we realized being in a gay party, and then all at home ....... Nn sn miss some hilarious scenes, like the foul-mouthed wheel of a car type, which approached, opened the window, foul-mouthed and then scoured away or that of a man asleep in a park cn the guys who threw the bread to get it caught from animals. Awakened by the cops the guy was just tired fake and tried to ignite na siga cn a certain nonchalance. Nn sn finding the lighter, however, the courses help the children who first offered him a target and ..... What a strange
Australia .... Tomorrow I will tell you the first impressions about the city, because of things to say but there are the laptop battery is going ........ Oh yes we may have found a home .. .. swimming pool, sauna, gym .... nn ... got it all goes well tomorrow I'll tell you hello ....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Going To Europe; Charge Dell Laptop
Another Brick in the Wall
Honestly, I'm one of those misanthropic tendencies. I like to socialize, I love being around friends, but I have many years the idea that 'people' is stupid, violent, different from me.
I live in a country of worshiping a God who created the world, destroyed the city, spoke in a dream dogs and pigs, the sun stopped and opened the Red Sea .. but (by chance!) since camera phones are no longer even see you for coffee.
live in a country where people are burning, managing at times to kill himself or to kill for sport, for a look at a girl, out of boredom.
live in a country that has been handed over to a criminal.
live in a country where information is inconsistent and manipulated, in which a fact if and only if there has been repeated on television, a country where the truth of things is no longer valid.
But I tried, fuck off, I tried to do my tiny part. Today. Manifesting to defend what I believe will be my fucking world, or school and research.
Children, students, teachers, researchers. YOU CAN NOT
longer ignore
sang today.
but I fear it may
all right I'll try, folks.
but the 'fuck it, I go abroad' is the tip of the tongue.
PS, Maroni: 'The situation in yesterday's Piazza Navona in Rome has been handled by the police PERFECTLY '
Baller on your grave, the son of a bitch.
Honestly, I'm one of those misanthropic tendencies. I like to socialize, I love being around friends, but I have many years the idea that 'people' is stupid, violent, different from me.
I live in a country of worshiping a God who created the world, destroyed the city, spoke in a dream dogs and pigs, the sun stopped and opened the Red Sea .. but (by chance!) since camera phones are no longer even see you for coffee.
live in a country where people are burning, managing at times to kill himself or to kill for sport, for a look at a girl, out of boredom.
live in a country that has been handed over to a criminal.
live in a country where information is inconsistent and manipulated, in which a fact if and only if there has been repeated on television, a country where the truth of things is no longer valid.
But I tried, fuck off, I tried to do my tiny part. Today. Manifesting to defend what I believe will be my fucking world, or school and research.
Children, students, teachers, researchers. YOU CAN NOT
longer ignore
sang today.
but I fear it may
all right I'll try, folks.
but the 'fuck it, I go abroad' is the tip of the tongue.
PS, Maroni: 'The situation in yesterday's Piazza Navona in Rome has been handled by the police PERFECTLY '
Baller on your grave, the son of a bitch.
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