Rieccomi di nuovo. Come al solito nn riesco ad aggiornare il blog in tempo reale, e quindi raccontarvi tutto quel che succede è dura.
Incomincio chiedendo scusa a tutti i miei amici che ultimamente abbiamo sentito poco. CI MANCATE!!!!!(TUTTI). La settimana prossima facciamo un giro di telefonate.
Allora, da dove comincio? Oh yes, I had said that we were finally tasted the Sydney nightlife, and clearly we still managed nn. You may wonder how to hunt and 'possible. Well the answer is simple, this hostel and in particular the kitchen sn a magnet.
Last week we had the best intentions but then a birthday party Friday and a farewell dinner Saturday we stopped. Here
works this way, the evening comes to go to the bottle shop to buy a nice box of Goom (this is called the wine cheaper in Australia, but a sort of Tavernello cn egg and milk in fear ...... what sucks) and point straight to the kitchen of the hostel. They like a big family you start to drink, and without you're not you know it from the kitchen get out more nn '. Nightclubs and I miss them a bit, 'but you staying in the hostel group, knows people and is much more' fun that only go out 2-3, maybe in places full of charm and pussy, but where the lack of true friends at your side to get a shoulder in the most bizarre, it makes you feel so much. On Saturday night I really missed a bang. Anyway
in one way or another there is always so much fun. Here in the hostel we met three very strong Italian. 2 standard making the argument here, and have made their home base, the other is the bartender of the Scary Canary (the local hostel), where every Wednesday fan share theme and succeeds in hiding sempre a darci qualcosa a sgamo.
Riconfermo nuovamente quel che penso di Sydney: STUPENDA. E' come una cornice che risce a rendere speciale anche la cosa più banale. L'altra sera passiamo i casualmente in Geroge street e c'era la prima di High School Musical 3. La strada era affollata di gente, con giornalisti e televisione pronti a intervistare i protagonisti che da li a pochi minuti avrebbero fatto al loro comparsa per salutare i Fan. Che dire.....Zac Efron è davvero un nano.....Vanessa Hudgens davvero topa :)
Sta sera invece c'era la prima di Nicole Kidman che essendo australiana è stata pomapata ancora di più. Purtroppo siamo arrivati un po tardi e nn l'abbiamo vista......va bhè io aspetto con ansia di vedere dal vivo Jessica Alba.....
Ah proposito, vi sarete chiesti cosa significa il titolo. Ve lo spiego subito, abbiamo trovato lavoro!!!!
Nn è stato troppo difficile, una mattina ci siam svegliati(bhè oddio svegliarsi presto nn è stato facile), siamo andati in un agenzia in Bondi Junction (Swift Solutions, New Land street 1) e il pomeriggio avevamo un lavoro :)
In pratica funziona così: ogni mattina mandi un messaggio dicendo se quel giorno sei disponibile a lavorare, e loro se han qualche lavoro ti rispondono dicendo dove devi presentarti. Sn tutti lavori manuali e di pochi giorni, ma per ora va più che bene, più avanti cercheremo qualcosa che ci piaccia di più......
Ad ogni modo indovinate that we had to do is week? The work of butter, it seems clear: PA about Dani, but it sucks Cause I will resign:) ahahahaha
Scherzo from !!!!!! I know you're so touchy corrects me, I know you send out a major supermarket chain ........ but we are simply warehousemen discharging of containers.
Seriously, the job is really hard. The first day I spent 9 \\ 10 hours downloading trucks and containers full of beds, sofas, furniture, etc. ..... I thought he died, I felt more nn arms and thought about how good it was my job in Italy. On the second day, however, begin to engage and understand something of what they say you (who knows why but I have never nn done to drive the forklift: (). I confirm also that the wages sn very good, and good old Harvey Norman (an Australian Trony the sort) for 5 ½ days of work, I dropped about $ 930 gross and net diventan about 660. The exchange rate of € is hard to do because it depends on the oscillation of currencies. Until six months ago one euro was worth about $ 1.66 Australian. Now, after the stock market crisis has reached € 1 = $ 2 to settle back down to 1.83 (but it changes from day to day). Anyway I took Trai 360 and € 390euro (so would be among the worst in 1320 to 1600 a month by changing to the better, nn bad when you consider that we are the last link in the chain office in that warehouse, a friend of mine Sweden takes on a more even more than us).
Plus when you come in Italy you can claim back taxes and have more in superannuation (a pension that will pay the employer). Ah Butter already, here is nn never worked at night or on Sundays, I do a little thought ..... However
week is proved by the work we have always gone to bed early, Wednesday and Friday included (and I was sorry to Wednesday because of a sudden there was a scary parties where you had to dress sl cn aluminum foil to get the discounted beers, sn quickly able to dress up as Zoro from One piece and build 3 swords ....:) but took the beer to bed; sin but so do the opportunities for extravagant things lacking Nos, just remember the pajama parties to the last week where we were going around in his underwear and nothing else ...). Saturday instead, even though we are exhausted at least managed to buy the ingredients to the unobtainable mohito us, gave us the charge cn for a ride our Italian friends. Cn
Today we finished the job and until Monday we are going to nn cecare nothing, so I'm weekend we will be rested and ready to give up.
Nn nn septum, which is 3 days to ByronBay escaping into the local school to surf. High waves, and a bit of beer in the evening around the fire with a nice BBQ (barbecue) would be a nice way to celebrate the first month spent outside Italy:)
I greet you and keep you updated. Ciaooooooooooooooooooooooo
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