Il titolo nn vuol dire chiaramente nulla ma era un po che nn dicevo sta frase :)
Per chi nn lo conosce posto il link al mitico film Rocchio 47 che mi tira sempre su il morale nei momenti NO.
Ad ogni modo, un rapidissimo aggiornamento. Si tratta di Lupus :) No dai scherzo è che anche il Dr House mi manca un botto.....
Cerco di esser serio. Oggi mi è arrivato il referto dei raggi x. Mai foglio fu più utile. 2 righe cn scritto: Nn sembra esserci nessun osso rotto, e i tessuti molli sono gonfi. But heck, sn-ray xo prediction dle Otelma magician? From them I also arrived there, I was expecting something more precise.
Go Well, I bring to the doctor (visit free through Medicare card) and start the visit.
Oh, nn has done much in practice tells me that now that it's a little more deflated I have to do more x-rays to make sure that there are No bones broken, and ultrasound (I think it is magnetic resonance imaging) to see the ligaments. If there is someone broke sn Hunter bitter, or physical therapy a couple of weeks and then maybe as a new sn.
Monday I go to book everything. Saran 2 weeks long Cause I can make a club out there (I also need money but I can work nn). No I would give for a pint of beer beri and go hard, but Ste is a bit harsh conditions. Just
week that is hostel Lili arrived, the girl of my dreams: (
Okay see you, will post some pictures and as I have suggested, singing the dairy cow for nn feel sad .... Hello
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