this morning I dropped a boulder on his head. Figuratively means, but the feeling is.
I felt that something was nn. Playing football without a lot of distortion I sn (among other things at the same ankle), but nn I never had to use crutches. And this morning's ultrasound, I thought I had the MRI and instead are consistent with our ultrasound, I have given the coveted verdict: I sn broke a ligament.
All projects that I had done all the things I had in mind to do, all erased cn stroke of a pen, I came to cry (in fact I own tears) I sn seen already in flight to Italy for make me .....
However withdrew the results of examinations by Dr. Richmond went sn, a nice guy who knows Biella and was several times in Italy. He explained that there sn three ligaments on the outside of the ankle, and that I broke my sn less important. In practice servon to fix the ankle ligaments, and to ensure that nn be gone for a stroll on his cabbage. Of course it is better to have them all three, but two is enough. In practice, some people
nn crea alcun problema avere rotto un legamento e posson fare attività sportiva come facevano prima(magari nn proprio a livello agonistico perchè le prestazioni ne risentono), ad altri invece può dare dei fastidi, del tipo che prendi tante storte, o che nn essendo stabilissima gonfia o da dolore ecc ecc.....
Mi ha quindi mandato dal fisioterapista, dove dovrò andare per un paio di settimane. Se sgonfia e nn da problemi la tengo così, altrimenti mi devon operare.
Se così fosse farò qui l'intervento. Da sto posto nn me ne vado, ci sto attaccato come un neonato alla tetta. L'operazione consiste nel cucire il tendine e si fa in day hospital. Ti pratican un buchino, cuciono e la sera te ne torni a casa. Per riprender l'attività sports van two months there, but to walk and turn Shawls hope that 3-4 weeks are enough.
The only problem is the cost of the intervention. Here health is very dear and I know that even if the insurance covers the surgery I will have to anticipate. If luck is nn sn
I do best so no intervention, even if arrived in Italy I will cmq, God made me cn three ligaments and there is a reason, but nn know what I want them all 3.
It follows that for another 2 weeks will swim in the limbo of uncertainty. Certainly I have to totally change my plans. Pio and I we set out to leave Sydney after New Years, to buy a car and driving towards the north to do a bit of fruit picking. Nn
If I work maybe we'll return a few days, even if I have to evaluate my disposable income to buy a spot, and if I am able to gather the fruits (as they told me to work very hard).
Otherwise my stay here will be prolonged enough and most likely I will divide us and Pius least for a while.
In any case it is useless to make plans now, so I have to pass the first two weeks and then we'll see.
Other things to tell you I nn, where nn sn I joined an English course for these 2-3 weeks to fill the time in a meaningful manner, and that the girl told me that physical therapy can begin nn use crutches (both what is healthy is healthy and what is broken is broken) and to walk.
I hope to be able to walk decently in 4-5 days so you can at least go out and do something, because here there is Lili (also called the girl of my dreams) that every night I asked to go here and e I nn I ever saw do na ...
Okay what will be will be, one way to find him back on the bike, get back the already free accommodation would be a good thing to depreciate a bit (yes Nos carrying suitcases, but clean the kitchen or make a breakfast would be feasible).
As usual I will keep you updated ..... I put the photos of the barbecue on Sunday in Bondai ...... See
Ps Abbiamo trovato un bottle shop che vende montenegro, limoncello e di saronno.....Uhhhhhh
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