Settimana di Merda......
It is a bit dark, tomorrow is a little more afraid ....... I like to quote the Articolo31 ..... You will say, as a week of m. .. has just begun!!
already but there sn all the premises. prso Sunday Juve to Inter. I've never seen a game so disgusting. And to think that to see nn sn Nenci went to sleep. We arrived at the hostel emezza at 5 am and we waited until six o'clock in the TV room and a half it started. Finished the rough show, I just stayed an hour and a half and then get up and carry bags for free accommodation. But the worst comes
yesterday. Sn salutarcoi passed to two of our friends today partivan to Melbourne, and as a farewell better than a practice match in Hyde Park? Bad idea, after a capital performance, I smashed my ankle sn metendo hurt his foot on a sidewalk. 3 / 2 time has become as big as a football.
called an ambulance ..... zero time a guy comes running in administering first aid. It gives me a spray to inhale that, in his words, and sends you to blow nn makes you feel the pain. I tre aspirate e gia ero rilassatissimo, ma il tipo del pronto soccorso mi incitava tirare di più. Tempo 2 min nn capivo più na maza e ho iniziato afargli domande una più stupida dell'altra.....e in tanto il tipo ghignava mentre Pio e gli altri mi facevan foto e video....(domani le posto perchè ora nn ho la memory card cn me).
Ad ogni modo ambulanza, raggi e visita dal dottore.
Secondo lui nn dovrebbe esserci nulla di rotto, ma dovrebbe esser solo una brutta distorsione. Quando però è così gonfia nn si vede benissimo nelle lastre e quindi per esserne certo tra 3 giorni devo andare a farmi vedere da un dottore qualunque. Se continua a farmi male farò altre lastre, se nn c'è nulla tempo 10 giorni e dovrei esser quasi in place.
balls because I revolve in sti nn days I can work (and even after doing heavy work is now very easy nn) will go out at night (adare around in crutches nn is ideal). Okay I'll try to take cn philosophy and I will take a good book to read: (
PS Go tranqui Butter, if Friday sn able to walk you make a complete report of the beauties of the hostel .....
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