Thursday, October 30, 2008

Going To Europe; Charge Dell Laptop

Another Brick in the Wall

Honestly, I'm one of those misanthropic tendencies. I like to socialize, I love being around friends, but I have many years the idea that 'people' is stupid, violent, different from me.

I live in a country of worshiping a God who created the world, destroyed the city, spoke in a dream dogs and pigs, the sun stopped and opened the Red Sea .. but (by chance!) since camera phones are no longer even see you for coffee.

live in a country where people are burning, managing at times to kill himself or to kill for sport, for a look at a girl, out of boredom.

live in a country that has been handed over to a criminal.

live in a country where information is inconsistent and manipulated, in which a fact if and only if there has been repeated on television, a country where the truth of things is no longer valid.

But I tried, fuck off, I tried to do my tiny part. Today. Manifesting to defend what I believe will be my fucking world, or school and research.

Children, students, teachers, researchers. YOU CAN NOT

longer ignore
sang today.
but I fear it may

all right I'll try, folks.

but the 'fuck it, I go abroad' is the tip of the tongue.

PS, Maroni: 'The situation in yesterday's Piazza Navona in Rome has been handled by the police PERFECTLY '
Baller on your grave, the son of a bitch.


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