Hello ...

... the degradation that has precipitated San Giuliano Milanese, as indeed the whole of Italy is visible to everyone. The responsibilities are many, but those are more serious due to the political class, the entire political class, is that the government and the opposition. In a healthy system administers those in power, who is not controlling.
In our sick system, for decades, politicians pretend to fight, but in reality are laughing behind our backs. The result of all this is that people are increasingly moving away from politics, at a time like the present where political decisions are critical to our future and our children.
This policy is the cause, basically, some nodes have come to roost in the world: the inequality of income distribution and the satisfaction of basic needs, and the consumerist economic system on the one hand, and pollution and resource depletion the other, rising unemployment and unsustainable, especially for young people, the resumption of religious fanaticism in a secularized society.
All this policy should respond, at all levels, from local to national and supranational level. To do this we need competent people, free, passionate, devoted to the common good, without prejudice.
There are these people?
We do not know with certainty, but we know that if we are definitely not in parties that are all the rage today, as the method of selection of these people has always been based on other qualities: incompetence, subservience, of interest only to their own advantage, accompanied by old ideologies and outdated.

From this comes the proposed policy
will present a program, a list of candidates for City Council, a mayoral candidate and a candidate for vice-mayor. The
Councillors and representatives of various companies in the City (Genia, ASF, Tasmar, Roccabrivio, etc..) will be selected on the basis of compliance with the requirements given, that person must be competent, free, passionate, devoted to the common good, without prejudice. The choice will be based on a candidate, who also soon begin to collect via this website. If a person feels that they are competent in a particular area we can send his resume, its powers, and if it is rated better than the others will be offered by us in that particular field, be it a department, be it a role on the board of Genia or other holdings.
"A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless" (Pericles, 461 BC)
present with a better San Giuliano.
They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!
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