Hello ...
... I thought we were missing it?! But no, after the Christmas break we came back more loads than ever!
The first post-2011 will be along the lines of the purpose for which we have been passionate than in the past 18 months: transparent! In fact, now, we're going to give an account of the deliberations of the Commission Francesca Iacontini approved from November to now.
The two most important resolutions are: two diligence on the acts of the joints between January 2009 and November 2010, and above all an action of nullity for all sottosocietà Genia.
First, what is a "due diligence"? Give rise to a due diligence means to commission an expert group analysis of reality and the decisions taken by managers. This is a procedure usually of a company, and is established by a company that, before signing a cooperation agreement or acquisition, which controls the company should have to do. This procedure had already been taken to Genia, now the commissioner has extended to all acts that the Town Council have taken from January 2009 to present. Were appointed due avvocati: Antonio Chiarolanza e Carlo Marsico, e la spesa complessiva a carico del comune è di 25173 euro.
Seconda delibera, quella più "appetitosa", è quella con cui il commissario ha dato vita all'azione di nullità a tutte le società partecipate da Genia, ossia tutte le sottosocietà. Con ordine: perchè lo ha potuto fare, quali sono gli effetti e considerazioni politiche.
Innanzitutto la Iacontini ha dato due motivazioni a questa decisione. Prima di tutto
il Comune di San Giuliano sembra non aver mai votato nell'assemblea di Genia Spa la costituzione di altre società partecipate da quest'ultima,e inoltre
il Comune è risultato e risulta impossibilitato ad influire sulla gestione of companies formed from its participation in the Spa Genia, whilst not being a member was unable in the past and can not vote in their assemblies, resulting in loss of control of themselves and losses caused by the budget of their parent Genia Spa, with the risk of aggravation of the damage the municipality. The statute ofGenia (Article 5.5) provides the necessary authorization from the member (the City in the person of the mayor) for the acquisition of holdings in other companies.

The effects of an action are to uphold the return of all the contributions that Genia has given these companies, the termination of contracts between companies and Genia, and reliance on liquidators the company contracts with third parties.
E 'it possible that in these years, no one has realized that these sottosocietà stemmed from the sun? Leaving aside the question of the inevitable knowledge of this situation by the two mayors, it is possible that none of those around him has noticed? No one in the Board of Directors, which is politically appointed, and then shift the responsibility for policy on almost all political parties? None of the two joints that have occurred? The Commissioner has given birth to such acts with the powers of the board, it's not Wonder Woman! The reality is that these companies had the only utility to increase the number of jobs and seats directors to serve friends of friends, how that all worked together and that therefore no one had the desire to give birth. Meanwhile
for this act, for which the Commissioner was still entrusted to lawyers and Chiarolanza Marsico, the municipal coffers will spend another € 36,825, for a total, along with the business due diligence, of 62000 € ... all money saved if it were controlled by gradually and not suddenly jump out of all the altars.
If the action were to be accepted, so if all lines of business only to come back under the Board of Genia Spa, which is rumored to be a possible sale of some branches of the company. As for jobs, we talk of 25/30 redundant staff. On this, however, the Commissioner has already defected two meetings with the RSU Genia.
not for complacency, but casually reducing personnel and especially the deletion of sottosocietà Genia had two points on which, in our view, could not escape.
Also in 2011 ... they never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.
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