Hello ...
... keep their mouths from the past. It goes a long way: an excerpt from De Republic (390-360 BC) of Plato, who stated, in reality negative sense, the point of view of the sophist Thrasymachus, a philosopher of the fifth century BC, in a dialectical clash with Socrates. Let us not be scared by the distance of time, and apply the concepts to the current ... At least let us try.
"You think that the shepherds and cattlemen seek the good of the sheep or cattle, and fatten them and look after them taking aim at some other reason is not the good of the masters and their own. Likewise you also believe that those who hold power in the cities have in respect of their subjects intentions other than those that might feed the flock, day and night and they do not seek precisely that from which it can benefit.
're so far from understanding something about justice and injustice to ignore that justice is actually a good of others, namely the return of one who is stronger and has the power and damage to the obedient and subservient, while ' controls on the real injustice of the just stupidity, and his subjects make the profit that is stronger, and served by making him happy, but certainly not themselves.

should be noted that, or sprovvedutissimo Socrates. The right man has to face the injustice of the underdog. First in companies where the business should join the other one, you'll never find at the time of the dissolution of society, that the right has gained more unjust, but not. In the second place in the affairs of the city, where there are taxes to pay, the right to equal pay more wealth, the other less, but when it comes to receiving, the first gains nothing, the second lot. When both
take some load control, at the right happens, because it is right to neglect his private affairs letting them go to ruin, not to derive any benefit from his public role, of alienating family members and friends he will not grant them any favors in violation of the right. Instead, it is unfair to those who are the opposite of that.
understand everything as quickly if you push the limits of perfect injustice, one that leads people to commit the greatest happiness, and those who suffer, not the means to practice extreme misfortune. This is tyranny.
When one is found to commit any injustice, taken individually, will be punished and covered dal disonore più grande: i colpevoli di ciascuno di questi parziali misfatti sono chiamati sacrileghi, trafficanti di schiavi, svaligiatori di case, rapinatori e ladri. Ma quando un uomo oltre che delle ricchezze dei cittadini si impadronisce anche di loro stessi riducendoli in schiavitù, invece di questi nomi vergognosi vien chiamato felice e beato, non solo dai cittadini ma anche da tutti quanti apprendono che egli è giunto al colmo dell’ingiustizia. Quelli che biasimano l’ingiustizia non lo fanno perchè temono di compiere atti ingiusti, ma perché temono di subirli."
De Repubblica, Libro I, Platone
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