Salve a tutti...
... spesso capita di riuscire a capire i problemi della situazione in cui si versa, ma contemporaneamente non si riesce ad allontanarsi da essi. Questa volta è capitato all'ex sindaco Luigia Greco, più precisamente è capitato nella lettera in cui dichiara di non candidarsi alle prossime elections.
The Greek started from a premise right:
"(...) the discussion of these months I have verified the prevalence of personal interests and the good part of the city, the distance between a part of the policy sangiulianese self, to be marked from ancient politics and personal and real problems of the city. On the other hand I have seen emerge in recent months, not only in my party, new energy positive, young people who look to politics as a service, not fresh forces marked by decades of political histories and towns (...)".

"(...) I will continue to ensure my commitment to the city and full support to the Democratic Party and the coalition, together with the candidate who will represent us .(...)"The Greek, as unfortunately too many people in Italy, believes that the party system (and undemocratic) can still be curable, recoverable, believes that with some modifications is still usable. The parties are classic cars that will only achieve personal interests. In the election campaign party candidates classics will still sell the illusion that by putting an "X" on a ballot will have fulfilled your civic duty, because with the "X" send to "power" people who, by themselves, solve the problems of the city.
Awake! Till will be few people who are interested in politics, these people can easily make their interests behind you, but if you enter the game, maybe even just information and protesting will not be able to escape into a home in Hammamet, as did the much-revisited Craxi.
Sangiulianesi, this is a call to arms!
They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.
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