Sunday, January 30, 2011

0ster Food Dehydrator Tips

Lady Liberty ', MISS

Hello ...

... is the time of Fabrizio de Andre, with a sensitivity of one of the most important, if not the most important poets of the last 60 years.

"Defendant listen, we will have heard.

You did not know you have a conscience phosphorus planted between the aorta and the intention.

We will have observed from the first beat of the heart to the rhythms shorter last emotion when he kills, helping to power, members
lifetime of power, huddled down in defense of their celebration.

And if you believed the revenge, the phosphorus-call indicated your urgency di potere, mentre ti emozionavi nel ruolo più eccitante della legge, quello che non protegge: la parte del boia.

Imputato, il dito più lungo della tua mano è il medio, quello della mia è l'indice, eppure anche tu hai giudicato.

Hai assolto e hai condannato al di sopra di me, ma al di sopra di me, per quello che hai fatto, per come lo hai rinnovato, il potere ti è grato.

Ascolta, una volta un giudice come me giudic
ò chi gli aveva dettato la legge: prima cambiarono il giudice, e subito dopo la legge.

Oggi, un giudice come me, lo chiede al potere se può giudicare.
Tu sei il potere. Vuoi essere giudicato? Vuoi essere assolto o condannato?"

Fabrizio de Andrè, Sogno numero due.
Per sentire la versione originale di Faber, clicca qui!

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Qualified Intermediaries Rules


Salve a tutti...

... spesso capita di riuscire a capire i problemi della situazione in cui si versa, ma contemporaneamente non si riesce ad allontanarsi da essi. Questa volta è capitato all'ex sindaco Luigia Greco, più precisamente è capitato nella lettera in cui dichiara di non candidarsi alle prossime elections.
The Greek started from a premise right:
"(...) the discussion of these months I have verified the prevalence of personal interests and the good part of the city, the distance between a part of the policy sangiulianese self, to be marked from ancient politics and personal and real problems of the city. On the other hand I have seen emerge in recent months, not only in my party, new energy positive, young people who look to politics as a service, not fresh forces marked by decades of political histories and towns (...)".
But Gina has been lost in the next step:
"(...) I will continue to ensure my commitment to the city and full support to the Democratic Party and the coalition, together with the candidate who will represent us .(...)"
The Greek, as unfortunately too many people in Italy, believes that the party system (and undemocratic) can still be curable, recoverable, believes that with some modifications is still usable. The parties are classic cars that will only achieve personal interests. In the election campaign party candidates classics will still sell the illusion that by putting an "X" on a ballot will have fulfilled your civic duty, because with the "X" send to "power" people who, by themselves, solve the problems of the city.
Awake! Till will be few people who are interested in politics, these people can easily make their interests behind you, but if you enter the game, maybe even just information and protesting will not be able to escape into a home in Hammamet, as did the much-revisited Craxi.
Sangiulianesi, this is a call to arms!

They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Think! The Constitution

Hello ...

"... smoking will make you dream for the future or a messiah soon everything will change, and you have pride as a new conviction. They will tell you that the wind was the breath of a woman to make a complaint, only one, covering every torment of a layer ... But if you refuse to play the actor, perhaps write a book as a freelance writer, and you may speak to broader horizons ... "(The Heavenly Men, Mogol-Battisti)

... Time proxies finished! We'll never served the dish ready, and so I will not ever offer. Scordo atevi that during the election campaign will try to sell a solution to every problem, we, as none of the political parties that will be presented, we do not have the magic bullet to solve all the problems of San Giuliano. Who promises to solve all problems alone is just an old con man che cerca di prendervi in giro per l'ennesima volta. Quello che differenzia noi da loro è il modo con cui imposteremo la ricerca delle soluzioni che attanagliano la nostra San Giuliano. Presenteremo un programma, ossia delle linee guida e degli obiettivi. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi ci serviremo di persone valide e apartitiche, le quali, però, dovranno farsi avanti tramite autocandidature, nelle quali esporranno le loro credenziali nei vari settori della gestione di un Comune. Tra le autocandidature sceglieremo i migliori. Se nessuno dovesse proporsi non ci spaventeremo, sia chiaro, ma cercheremo di portare avanti le nostre idee, e a raggiungere i nostri obiettivi con le forze che abbiamo attualmente, che già non sono poche.

"E forse infine non avremmo niente, perchè non difendemmo l'avvenire volgendo i nostri sforzi sul presente piuttosto che attrezzarci per morire. Beviamoci un caffè dolce compare, il nostro è un viaggio semplice e leggero. Sarà altrettanto facile inciampare, succede a chi cammina e guarda il cielo" (Senza Titolo, Mercanti di liquore)

Se sei stanco di loro, non scappare lasciandogli in mano il tuo presente e il tuo futuro, entra in gioco e mandali a casa!
Le deleghe che noi riteniamo veramente importanti sono le seguenti: Bilancio e Partecipate; Edilizia (privata e pubblica); Urbanistica; Ambiente; Cultura; Innovazione tecnologica; Commercio; Servizi Sociali... il tutto ovviamente accompanied by the opening of proposals for new proxies.
If you're ready to make your contribution from free advisers, same procedure!
In the coming days we will explain how ...

They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.
Civic List San Giuliano Milanese Five Stars

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Cheat On D Licence Test In Ontario

Hello ...

... it's up to Calamandrei Piero, one of the founding fathers of the Republic.

"(...) You see, the constitution is not a machine that once set in motion goes without saying. The constitution is a piece of paper dropped and does not move. Why you should move every day in the fuel lose, you put in the commitment, spirit, the will to keep these promises, his responsibility. That is one of the offenses that are made to the constitution is the indifference to politics, political indifference that is often a disease of large groups of young people. "Politics is an ugly thing," "I care policy" when I make this speech, I always reminded of that old little story, that someone you know, those two immigrants, two farmers, who traversed the 'ocean on a rickety ship. One of these farmers asleep in the hold and the other was on the bridge and noticed that there was a large storm with high waves and the ship swayed: So this farmer afraid to question a sailor: "But we are in danger? "and it says:" If he continues this sea, the ship sank in half an hour. " Then he runs into the hold to awaken his companion and says, "Beppe, Beppe, Beppe, if it continues this sea, the ship sank in half an hour." What he says: "What do I care, it's not mine!". This indifference to politics. 'S so beautiful, it's so easy: freedom there. We live under the freedom, there are other things to do than to take an interest in politics. And I know too! The world is so beautiful, there are many beautiful things to see and enjoy, as well as involved in politics. Politics is not a pleasant thing. But freedom is like air: you realize what it's worth when it begins to fail, when you hear that sense of asphyxiation men of my generation have felt for twenty years, and I hope you, young people, you'll never hear, and I hope you will not find you never feel this sense of anxiety, because you hope you manage to create the conditions for this sense of anxiety do not have to prove anything, remembering every day that we must take care about freedom, making its contribution to political life. (...)
So, you young people to have to give up your spirit, your youth, bring it to life, like what you hear, put in the civic sense.
(...) In this constitution
's in all our history, our whole past. (...) Great voices far, big names away. But there are also humble names, recent entries. How much blood and how much pain to get to this constitution! Behind every article of this constitution, or young, you have to see young people like you, who fell in battle, shot, hanged, tortured, starved to death in concentration camps, deaths in Russia, died in Africa, died on the streets of Milan to the streets of Florence, who gave their lives for freedom and justice could be written on this card. So when I told you that this is a dead paper, no, not a dead paper, this is a will, a will of a hundred thousand deaths. If you want to go on pilgrimage to the birthplace of our Constitution, go to the partisans in the mountains where they fell, in prisons where they were imprisoned in camps where they were hanged. Wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and dignity, go there, or young, with the thought that there was born our constitution. "

Piero Calamandrei, 26 gennaio 1955

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Funny Anniversary Games


Salve a tutti...

... dai giornali locali sarete venuti a conoscenza del fatto che a Stefano Dornetti, della Lega Nord, hanno bucato le gomme dell'auto, ma non temete, non le hanno bucate 150 volte come si evincerebbe dalla mole di articoli in merito, solo una volta. Altra notiziona, sempre sul Dornetti: hanno stracciato, coperto, o comunque reso illeggibili i manifesti con la sua bella faccia che ci faceva gli aug uri di buone feste... Scusa Ste, ci siamo dimenticati di ringraziare! Ma non si parla solo dei leghisti, leggendo i giornali verrete a sapere che il Pdl è divided on the person to be a candidate for mayor, who knows that discussions elevated to the decision: "This time it's my current", "No, I want the chair if not I apply myself." But we move on to dear
center. Toni will be presented for election in disguise: for election for some "young man" who has not realized how does the grand vizier, that is, or do as he says, or at home. He has done as mayor, he did as an adviser, will do so again. Other big news fresh fresh (so to speak, on this blog you already knew in November): Commissioner ad acta adopted without changes to the 2009 budget. Tonian I say, "See? It was not a monster of the Commission." The PD says: "Visto? Era un buon bilancio!".
Ragazzi, ma di cosa stiamo parlando? Qua sembra che abbiano tutti ragione, e nessuno ha ancora chiesto scusa per la situazione in cui versa San Giuliano. Ma sapete perchè sembra che abbiano tutti ragione? Perchè non si parla delle questioni veramente importanti.

Il commissario ha deciso di fare, dopo una ventina di giorni dal suo insediamento, quello che avevamo detto di fare noi tempo fa, e che la Greco, in un anno e mezzo, non è riuscita a fare. Infatti la direzione in cui si è mossa è la CANCELLAZIONE delle sottosocietà di Genia. Le sottosocietà di Genia (Genia Energia, Genia Ambiente, Genia Progetti e Lavori, Genia Sport) sono una truffa ai danni dei sangiulianesi, and no one says, or "young" of the Democratic Party, nor the 'opposition' of the center!
explain the scam. The district, in the person of the mayor, is the sole shareholder of Genia, and as such the directors decide that, in the Board of Directors, will go to direct it. These administrators have also created sottosocietà, in which the shareholder is not communism, but Genia. Consequently, the admin
sottosocietà of these tools give the administrator were not decided by the institutions, but from individuals. The problem is that these people, without any form of political legitimacy, public money administered! Everything has been created by a Board of Genia where men of all sides: from Friends of Toni to IDV, Pd by the League. All this happened with the tacit or explicit consent of the mayor (then Toni), and the approval of complicity or sleep assessors and advisers. These these sottosocietà Board, which handled public money were totally freed from the influences of the City: they made what seemed to him with our money, and the City had no power to intervene! If the action of nullity should go to the port companies will be dissolved, and dissolved the contract between the sottosocietà Genia, and handed over to liquidators contracts between them and third parties. Of this no one spoke, nè il Pd perchè è troppo coinvolto, nè Toni perchè è il diretto interessato, nè il centrodestra perchè... Il perchè lo sapranno loro!

E' ora di svegliarsi! Nei dibattiti politici che questi commedianti si creano su misura non si parla delle questioni rilevanti. Sanno parlare, e possono parlare, solo di sè stessi. Non hanno uno straccio di idea, nè parola, su integrazione, politiche sociali, politiche del lavoro, politiche della casa, innovazioni tecnologiche... Nulla. Se sei stanco di loro, non scappare lasciandogli in mano il tuo presente e il tuo futuro, entra in gioco e mandali a casa!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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The right and wrong from the past

Hello ...

... keep their mouths from the past. It goes a long way: an excerpt from De Republic (390-360 BC) of Plato, who stated, in reality negative sense, the point of view of the sophist Thrasymachus, a philosopher of the fifth century BC, in a dialectical clash with Socrates. Let us not be scared by the distance of time, and apply the concepts to the current ... At least let us try.

"You think that the shepherds and cattlemen seek the good of the sheep or cattle, and fatten them and look after them taking aim at some other reason is not the good of the masters and their own. Likewise you also believe that those who hold power in the cities have in respect of their subjects intentions other than those that might feed the flock, day and night and they do not seek precisely that from which it can benefit.
're so far from understanding something about justice and injustice to ignore that justice is actually a good of others, namely the return of one who is stronger and has the power and damage to the obedient and subservient, while ' controls on the real injustice of the just stupidity, and his subjects make the profit that is stronger, and served by making him happy, but certainly not themselves.
should be noted that, or sprovvedutissimo Socrates. The right man has to face the injustice of the underdog. First in companies where the business should join the other one, you'll never find at the time of the dissolution of society, that the right has gained more unjust, but not. In the second place in the affairs of the city, where there are taxes to pay, the right to equal pay more wealth, the other less, but when it comes to receiving, the first gains nothing, the second lot. When both
take some load control, at the right happens, because it is right to neglect his private affairs letting them go to ruin, not to derive any benefit from his public role, of alienating family members and friends he will not grant them any favors in violation of the right. Instead, it is unfair to those who are the opposite of that.

understand everything as quickly if you push the limits of perfect injustice, one that leads people to commit the greatest happiness, and those who suffer, not the means to practice extreme misfortune. This is tyranny.
When one is found to commit any injustice, taken individually, will be punished and covered dal disonore più grande: i colpevoli di ciascuno di questi parziali misfatti sono chiamati sacrileghi, trafficanti di schiavi, svaligiatori di case, rapinatori e ladri. Ma quando un uomo oltre che delle ricchezze dei cittadini si impadronisce anche di loro stessi riducendoli in schiavitù, invece di questi nomi vergognosi vien chiamato felice e beato, non solo dai cittadini ma anche da tutti quanti apprendono che egli è giunto al colmo dell’ingiustizia. Quelli che biasimano l’ingiustizia non lo fanno perchè temono di compiere atti ingiusti, ma perché temono di subirli."

De Repubblica, Libro I, Platone

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Get Chicken Grease Out Of Clothes


Salve all ...

... in a country where, when he speaks with someone, especially in politics, is now categorized according to their political party, and not by the content of his words, we propose to speak to the mouths of the past . You know, when someone dies is rampant hypocrisy of those who see politics only as a race in which grab the most votes possible. That is where we inaugurate this column will only talk to dead people, and as such will not be insulted in advance. The political discourse is no more, then politics is dead. In this country there is only a competition to see who has more "charm" in the election campaign, but not because we are not able to choose, but only because we have forgotten the criteria for doing so.

start with a lesson in politics by one of the symbols of anti ...

"I hate the cold. I believe that life should mean to be partisan. Who really lives can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life. Because I hate the cold.

Indifference is the dead weight of history. Indifference operates powerfully in the story. Opera passively, but it works. It's inevitable, is that on which we can not count, is what upsets the programs, which reverses the best built planes, is the brute matter strangling intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. absenteeism and indifference among a few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, why does not care, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems that history is nothing but an enormous natural phenomenon, an eruption, which are victims of an earthquake everyone who wanted and who did not want, those who knew and who knew, who had been active and indifferent people. Some whine piteously, others swearing obscenely, but none or very few people wonder: If I had done my duty if I tried to assert my will, would have happened what happened?

hate the indifferent even to this: Why bother me with their eternal whining innocent. I ask each of their account of how he played the role that life has placed and places every day of what he has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to do with their my tears.

am partisan, I live, I feel in the consciousness of my hand already beating the activity of the future city that my part is building. And it does not weigh up the social chain short, everything that happens in it is not due to chance, the fatality, but it's intelligent work of citizens. There is no one who is in it to the window and watch as the few sacrifice themselves, he fainted. Vivo, are partisan. So do not hate those sides, I hate the cold. "

Antonio Gramsci, 11 February 1917

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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godere della vista di una fatta di mucca!

"Of course, there will always be the poor who pursue wealth and power give a bad example, encouraging them to be hurt, to suffer because it" purifies the spirit "- theirs, of course -, to disagree and to prevaricate, to accumulate, to deceive, and appears to lie without. If we ignore them but we won and we can enjoy even the sight of a beautiful and made from cow fat that hundreds of flies and other insects turn into valuable fertilizer for our land. For those who do not know do not eat concrete and asphalt to produce warehouses and tangential, but dung to produce flowers as she said, once again, the great Fabrizio De André. "

Michele Zanetti from The animals are winning (2010)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Hello ...

... the degradation that has precipitated San Giuliano Milanese, as indeed the whole of Italy is visible to everyone. The responsibilities are many, but those are more serious due to the political class, the entire political class, is that the government and the opposition. In a healthy system administers those in power, who is not controlling.
In our sick system, for decades, politicians pretend to fight, but in reality are laughing behind our backs. The result of all this is that people are increasingly moving away from politics, at a time like the present where political decisions are critical to our future and our children.
This policy is the cause, basically, some nodes have come to roost in the world: the inequality of income distribution and the satisfaction of basic needs, and the consumerist economic system on the one hand, and pollution and resource depletion the other, rising unemployment and unsustainable, especially for young people, the resumption of religious fanaticism in a secularized society.
All this policy should respond, at all levels, from local to national and supranational level. To do this we need competent people, free, passionate, devoted to the common good, without prejudice.

There are these people?
We do not know with certainty, but we know that if we are definitely not in parties that are all the rage today, as the method of selection of these people has always been based on other qualities: incompetence, subservience, of interest only to their own advantage, accompanied by old ideologies and outdated.

From this comes the proposed policy

will present a program, a list of candidates for City Council, a mayoral candidate and a candidate for vice-mayor. The
Councillors and representatives of various companies in the City (Genia, ASF, Tasmar, Roccabrivio, etc..) will be selected on the basis of compliance with the requirements given, that person must be competent, free, passionate, devoted to the common good, without prejudice. The choice will be based on a candidate, who also soon begin to collect via this website. If a person feels that they are competent in a particular area we can send his resume, its powers, and if it is rated better than the others will be offered by us in that particular field, be it a department, be it a role on the board of Genia or other holdings.

"A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless" (Pericles, 461 BC)

present with a better San Giuliano.
They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Recover Mount And Blade

niente morirà mai

"Never ... never ... never ... Nothing will die The water flows, wind blows, the cloud escapes, the heart beats ... Nothing dies ... "

(The Elephant Man, David Lynch, 1980)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fotos De

The barrels will wake up New Year?

Hello ...

... I thought we were missing it?! But no, after the Christmas break we came back more loads than ever!
The first post-2011 will be along the lines of the purpose for which we have been passionate than in the past 18 months: transparent! In fact, now, we're going to give an account of the deliberations of the Commission Francesca Iacontini approved from November to now.
The two most important resolutions are: two diligence on the acts of the joints between January 2009 and November 2010, and above all an action of nullity for all sottosocietà Genia.
First, what is a "due diligence"? Give rise to a due diligence means to commission an expert group analysis of reality and the decisions taken by managers. This is a procedure usually of a company, and is established by a company that, before signing a cooperation agreement or acquisition, which controls the company should have to do. This procedure had already been taken to Genia, now the commissioner has extended to all acts that the Town Council have taken from January 2009 to present. Were appointed due avvocati: Antonio Chiarolanza e Carlo Marsico, e la spesa complessiva a carico del comune è di 25173 euro.
Seconda delibera, quella più "appetitosa", è quella con cui il commissario ha dato vita all'azione di nullità a tutte le società partecipate da Genia, ossia tutte le sottosocietà. Con ordine: perchè lo ha potuto fare, quali sono gli effetti e considerazioni politiche.
Innanzitutto la Iacontini ha dato due motivazioni a questa decisione. Prima di tutto
il Comune di San Giuliano sembra non aver mai votato nell'assemblea di Genia Spa la costituzione di altre società partecipate da quest'ultima,
e inoltre
il Comune è risultato e risulta impossibilitato ad influire sulla gestione of companies formed from its participation in the Spa Genia, whilst not being a member was unable in the past and can not vote in their assemblies, resulting in loss of control of themselves and losses caused by the budget of their parent Genia Spa, with the risk of aggravation of the damage the municipality. The statute of
Genia (Article 5.5) provides the necessary authorization from the member (the City in the person of the mayor) for the acquisition of holdings in other companies.
The effects of an action are to uphold the return of all the contributions that Genia has given these companies, the termination of contracts between companies and Genia, and reliance on liquidators the company contracts with third parties.
E 'it possible that in these years, no one has realized that these sottosocietà stemmed from the sun? Leaving aside the question of the inevitable knowledge of this situation by the two mayors, it is possible that none of those around him has noticed? No one in the Board of Directors, which is politically appointed, and then shift the responsibility for policy on almost all political parties? None of the two joints that have occurred? The Commissioner has given birth to such acts with the powers of the board, it's not Wonder Woman! The reality is that these companies had the only utility to increase the number of jobs and seats directors to serve friends of friends, how that all worked together and that therefore no one had the desire to give birth. Meanwhile
for this act, for which the Commissioner was still entrusted to lawyers and Chiarolanza Marsico, the municipal coffers will spend another € 36,825, for a total, along with the business due diligence, of 62000 € ... all money saved if it were controlled by gradually and not suddenly jump out of all the altars.
If the action were to be accepted, so if all lines of business only to come back under the Board of Genia Spa, which is rumored to be a possible sale of some branches of the company. As for jobs, we talk of 25/30 redundant staff. On this, however, the Commissioner has already defected two meetings with the RSU Genia.
not for complacency, but casually reducing personnel and especially the deletion of sottosocietà Genia had two points on which, in our view, could not escape.

Also in 2011 ... they never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we.