Hello ...
... 2500 years and sentirli...
"Qui ad Atene noi facciamo così.
Qui il nostro governo favorisce i molti invece dei pochi: e per questo viene chiamato democrazia.
Qui ad Atene noi facciamo così.
Le leggi qui assicurano una giustizia eguale per tutti nelle loro dispute private, ma noi non ignoriamo mai i meriti dell’eccellenza. Quando un cittadino si distingue, allora esso sarà, a preferenza di altri, chiamato a servire lo Stato, ma non come un atto di privilegio, come una ricompensa al merit, and poverty is not an impediment.
Here in Athens we do like.
The freedom we enjoy extends also to their daily life, we are not suspicious of one another and do not ever annoy our neighbors when our neighbor like to live in his own way.
We are free, free to live just like we like, and yet we are always ready to face any danger.
An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs.
Here in Athens we do like.
We have been taught to respect the judiciary, and we were also taught to respect the laws and do not ever forget that we must protect those who get offended.
And we were also taught to observe those unwritten laws that reside in the universal sense of what is right and what is common sense.
Here in Athens we do like.
A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless, and though a few are able to create a policy, all well here in Athens we can judge it.
We do not regard the discussion as an obstacle on the path to democracy.
We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom, but freedom is only the fruit of the value.
So, I proclaim that Athens is the school of Hellas, and that every Athenian is growing in developing a self- happy versatility, self-confidence, and readiness to face any situation and that is why our city is open to the world and we never expel a foreigner.
Here in Athens we do like. "
Pericles - Speech to the Athenians, 461 BC or on Democracy (We suggest an interpretation of great Paolo Rossi, click here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHW2YaReTwY&feature=related )
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