Hello ...
... if a person visited and owned a local crime hotspot, full of disreputable people, dedicated to exploit and squander the money of others, and then if that person were to be expelled from this place because it has become too large, and then began to criticize such a space, what do you think of that person?
Probably the same thing you think of Marco Toni.
Marco Toni was expelled from PDmenoL few months ago (he was expelled, not gone) and now appears to newspapers such as the executioner of the parties. I partiti non sono un'istituzione a sé, non stanno in piedi da soli, i partiti sono marci perchè sono marce le persone che li compongono, e Toni faceva parte di un partito fino a poco tempo fa.
Ma leggete che cose tragicomiche riesce a dire.
Toni presenterà un "progetto che coinvolga persone al di sopra dei partiti, che siano in grado di dare le risposte che servono a San Giuliano, visto soprattutto come la politica tradizionale stia vivendo profonde fratture interne".

Clamoroso. E' lui la politica tradizionale, è lui il protagonista delle profonde fratture, è lui che ha fatto carriera politica all'interno di un partito marcio, ed è lui che pretende di farci bere la storiella delle persone outside parties! If these people are with him, why do not they speak instead of him?
not beware of imitations, and the list will present 5 Star people above party.
Toni is just an opportunist. "Never speak of the center-right and center now is an old-fashioned scheme". Toni said this only because he knows who do not want either one side or the other. Toni can not define something obsolete, until two months ago, was the protagonist, or at least can not do it without admitting that he got it all wrong.
But the best part: Toni will focus also on "rehabilitation of swimming." He wants to restore something that exists only in his imagination! But, moreover, we analyze how the money disappeared in the swimming center that was never built.
The City has requested a loan of about 3 million to the "Cassa". When you ask for a loan at this institute, to have that money must use them directly (they spend the municipality), or choose who to entrust the task through a tender. Well ... Yet another illegal administration Toni: Has not been done neither the one nor the other, and the money is gone.
THEIR never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!
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