Hello ...
... the little party democratic than a couple of weeks ago we also introduced the Hon. Erminio Quartiani. He was asked a simple question: "The much-criticized Toni for more than a decade has been endorsed by the Democratic Party, even during the period in which he created this avalanche of damage. There is a form of liability of the party?".
The answer, of course, was a bit more convoluted, "Toni had a consensus, both among citizens, both in the party. He has used this agreement in no way clear, and with hindsight Genia is a company too large to San Giuliano. " Evidently i grandi capi del PDmenoL fanno finta di non sapere che il consenso di Toni, e Genia, non sono due cose separate.
Genia era una macchina elettorale principalmente di Toni. Era principalmente di Toni perchè lui, grazie al consenso del Pd, è stato il creatore, ma tutti gli altri, in cambio del silenzio, pretendevano una piccola parte della macchina elettorale. Altrimenti non si spiegherebbero amministratori di Idv e della Lega che non sapevano nulla della situazione, non si spiegherebbero assessori al bilancio (Morelli) che si vedevano soffiare milioni di euro per il centro natatorio senza dire nulla. Genia era una macchina elettorale.

Bollette che non venivano inviate proprio nei periodi di campagna elettorale, ma che now they're back on the rump of many citizens. Hiring "nice" in the sense that were based on sympathy and friendship of the political turn. Of these assumptions, the number is exaggerated, the RSU said nothing. Now he woke up, and announced a strike that focus primarily on waste collection. About waste. The Tam-Tam in December, the magazine of the mayor, and only the Mayor, printed in glossy paper and paid by the citizens, the Handbook has been printed for recycling.
Going to intuition, you where to throw plastic cases for CDs, glasses, plates and plastic utensils? In the plastic ... but no! The plastic plates are not plastic, the cutlery Plastic does not go into plastics, as well as cartons of pizza (of course without the pieces of pizza in) do not go on paper, but indifferentiation. But there is nothing new under the sun. This is not an anomaly of San Giuliano, but many administrations. For many disposal companies, also apparently the one that leans San Giuliano, the collection is a problem, probably because investments have been made on incinerators, and therefore should not separate and recycle, but should also burn the one that is not necessary burn. Things, or is the case, or the company that disposes of the waste in San Giuliano is not valid, because in the municipalities where si fa veramente la raccolta differenziata i rifiuti di plastica vanno nella plastica. Non è una questione di poco conto, perchè noi cittadini paghiamo la tassa sui rifiuti, e questa tassa, con una raccolta differenziata valida (come quella del modello Vedelago) potrebbe essere molto più leggera.
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