Hello ...
... has begun the removal of the organs of dying Genia. Commissioner Frank stated that it Iacontini Behind share a range of tasks, which until now had been handled by Genia. First, the service tax collection in these days will pass to the City in the coming weeks will also waste management, green, and roads, water management and by April (with 15 employees) Amiacque to pass, a company 100% public. Now the unions are asking
meetings, there is now fear for jobs. The unions themselves, however, when workers were recruited by methods patronage Genia said nothing. Sure, there have been regular recruitment, and the only body that could distinguish between normal and patronage hiring was the RSU, but obviously was not done or no control, however, and as usual, he pretended do not see why unions should always spoil workers. Now all employees at risk of Genia, and not just the patronage employees, but everyone, and the liability is not in the attitude of the Commissioner present, but the attitude of the entire policy sangiulianese in the last ten years. Blame the commissioner is like blaming the bitter medicine prescribed by your doctor. The problem is not the bitter medicine, but the disease, such as how to make policy PDmenoL, PDL, IDV, the League and all the others.
Now everybody is talking about, by Toni who, ridiculously, as a politician makes the anti-political, a Fazioli (former president Genia), which after being the hero of the disastrous management of Genia, along with his Compagnucci of snacks Toni says that it is not require the return of the tasks in the council, and there are alternative methods, but that obviously does not have the courage to unfold. He criticized this decision of the Commissioner, now we could say what its alternative solution ... As the impression that will never happen.
Fazioli is a major contributor, for example, one of the top scams Genia. The board of Genia (Fazioli was referred to the president) has created sottosocietòà, with its own board of directors, which unlike the parent company were not composed of people with political legitimacy, despite managing public money. In short, the "nobodies" managed the money of all. And as to what the commissioner has taken legal action, it is obvious that Fazioli is just not nice.
Genia is the society of paradoxes. It 'a fact that has troppi dipendenti, e che il monte stipendi sia una causa del tracollo di Genia, tuttavia se i lavoratori del settore ambiente, ossia quelli che raccolgono i rifiuti, decidono di non fare gli straordinari, via Turati viene sommersa di spazzatura. Ma se i dipendenti sono troppi, com'è possibile che ci sia bisogno dei loro straordinari?!
Intanto parrebbe che anche il commissario Francesca Iacontini sia coinvolta nello scandalo del Trivulzio, in quanto ha abitato fino a Novembre 2010, senza probabilmente averne diritto, in un'abitazione di via Settala, a Milano, con un canone da 250 euro mensili.
San Giuliano è proprio una città senza pace...