Saturday, February 26, 2011

Multi Region Dvd Player Jacksonville Fl


Hello ...

... has begun the removal of the organs of dying Genia. Commissioner Frank stated that it Iacontini Behind share a range of tasks, which until now had been handled by Genia. First, the service tax collection in these days will pass to the City in the coming weeks will also waste management, green, and roads, water management and by April (with 15 employees) Amiacque to pass, a company 100% public. Now the unions are asking
meetings, there is now fear for jobs. The unions themselves, however, when workers were recruited by methods patronage Genia said nothing. Sure, there have been regular recruitment, and the only body that could distinguish between normal and patronage hiring was the RSU, but obviously was not done or no control, however, and as usual, he pretended do not see why unions should always spoil workers. Now all employees at risk of Genia, and not just the patronage employees, but everyone, and the liability is not in the attitude of the Commissioner present, but the attitude of the entire policy sangiulianese in the last ten years. Blame the commissioner is like blaming the bitter medicine prescribed by your doctor. The problem is not the bitter medicine, but the disease, such as how to make policy PDmenoL, PDL, IDV, the League and all the others.
Now everybody is talking about, by Toni who, ridiculously, as a politician makes the anti-political, a Fazioli (former president Genia), which after being the hero of the disastrous management of Genia, along with his Compagnucci of snacks Toni says that it is not require the return of the tasks in the council, and there are alternative methods, but that obviously does not have the courage to unfold. He criticized this decision of the Commissioner, now we could say what its alternative solution ... As the impression that will never happen.
Fazioli is a major contributor, for example, one of the top scams Genia. The board of Genia (Fazioli was referred to the president) has created sottosocietòà, with its own board of directors, which unlike the parent company were not composed of people with political legitimacy, despite managing public money. In short, the "nobodies" managed the money of all. And as to what the commissioner has taken legal action, it is obvious that Fazioli is just not nice.

Genia is the society of paradoxes. It 'a fact that has troppi dipendenti, e che il monte stipendi sia una causa del tracollo di Genia, tuttavia se i lavoratori del settore ambiente, ossia quelli che raccolgono i rifiuti, decidono di non fare gli straordinari, via Turati viene sommersa di spazzatura. Ma se i dipendenti sono troppi, com'è possibile che ci sia bisogno dei loro straordinari?!

Intanto parrebbe che anche il commissario Francesca Iacontini sia coinvolta nello scandalo del Trivulzio, in quanto ha abitato fino a Novembre 2010, senza probabilmente averne diritto, in un'abitazione di via Settala, a Milano, con un canone da 250 euro mensili.
San Giuliano è proprio una città senza pace...


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pursuit Remote Starter


Hello ...

... the little party democratic than a couple of weeks ago we also introduced the Hon. Erminio Quartiani. He was asked a simple question: "The much-criticized Toni for more than a decade has been endorsed by the Democratic Party, even during the period in which he created this avalanche of damage. There is a form of liability of the party?".
The answer, of course, was a bit more convoluted, "Toni had a consensus, both among citizens, both in the party. He has used this agreement in no way clear, and with hindsight Genia is a company too large to San Giuliano. " Evidently i grandi capi del PDmenoL fanno finta di non sapere che il consenso di Toni, e Genia, non sono due cose separate.
Genia era una macchina elettorale principalmente di Toni. Era principalmente di Toni perchè lui, grazie al consenso del Pd, è stato il creatore, ma tutti gli altri, in cambio del silenzio, pretendevano una piccola parte della macchina elettorale. Altrimenti non si spiegherebbero amministratori di Idv e della Lega che non sapevano nulla della situazione, non si spiegherebbero assessori al bilancio (Morelli) che si vedevano soffiare milioni di euro per il centro natatorio senza dire nulla. Genia era una macchina elettorale.
Bollette che non venivano inviate proprio nei periodi di campagna elettorale, ma che now they're back on the rump of many citizens. Hiring "nice" in the sense that were based on sympathy and friendship of the political turn. Of these assumptions, the number is exaggerated, the RSU said nothing. Now he woke up, and announced a strike that focus primarily on waste collection. About waste. The Tam-Tam in December, the magazine of the mayor, and only the Mayor, printed in glossy paper and paid by the citizens, the Handbook has been printed for recycling.
Going to intuition, you where to throw plastic cases for CDs, glasses, plates and plastic utensils? In the plastic ... but no! The plastic plates are not plastic, the cutlery Plastic does not go into plastics, as well as cartons of pizza (of course without the pieces of pizza in) do not go on paper, but indifferentiation. But there is nothing new under the sun. This is not an anomaly of San Giuliano, but many administrations. For many disposal companies, also apparently the one that leans San Giuliano, the collection is a problem, probably because investments have been made on incinerators, and therefore should not separate and recycle, but should also burn the one that is not necessary burn. Things, or is the case, or the company that disposes of the waste in San Giuliano is not valid, because in the municipalities where si fa veramente la raccolta differenziata i rifiuti di plastica vanno nella plastica. Non è una questione di poco conto, perchè noi cittadini paghiamo la tassa sui rifiuti, e questa tassa, con una raccolta differenziata valida (come quella del modello Vedelago) potrebbe essere molto più leggera.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Sims 3 Undo Update

Here in Athens ...

Hello ...

... 2500 years and sentirli...

"Qui ad Atene noi facciamo così.

Qui il nostro governo favorisce i molti invece dei pochi: e per questo viene chiamato democrazia.

Qui ad Atene noi facciamo così.

Le leggi qui assicurano una giustizia eguale per tutti nelle loro dispute private, ma noi non ignoriamo mai i meriti dell’eccellenza. Quando un cittadino si distingue, allora esso sarà, a preferenza di altri, chiamato a servire lo Stato, ma non come un atto di privilegio, come una ricompensa al merit, and poverty is not an impediment.

Here in Athens we do like.

The freedom we enjoy extends also to their daily life, we are not suspicious of one another and do not ever annoy our neighbors when our neighbor like to live in his own way.

We are free, free to live just like we like, and yet we are always ready to face any danger.

An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs.

Here in Athens we do like.

We have been taught to respect the judiciary, and we were also taught to respect the laws and do not ever forget that we must protect those who get offended.

And we were also taught to observe those unwritten laws that reside in the universal sense of what is right and what is common sense.

Here in Athens we do like.

A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless, and though a few are able to create a policy, all well here in Athens we can judge it.

We do not regard the discussion as an obstacle on the path to democracy.

We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom, but freedom is only the fruit of the value.

So, I proclaim that Athens is the school of Hellas, and that every Athenian is growing in developing a self- happy versatility, self-confidence, and readiness to face any situation and that is why our city is open to the world and we never expel a foreigner.

Here in Athens we do like. "

Pericles - Speech to the Athenians, 461 BC or on Democracy (We suggest an interpretation of great Paolo Rossi, click here

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nintendo Productgenerator

Escursione a Valle Vecchia

's observatory Falconera

the wetland Falconera observed by

Anatidae observatory photographed

Caorle view from the Port of Falconera

the pine

the beach

a small shrimp (?) Found on the beach

at the end: the flying men ...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Philips Sp 120 Home Theatre


Salve a tutti...

... bocche dal passato, ma neanche tanto passato... Giorgio Gaber:

"Dopo anni di riflessione sulle molteplici possibilità che ha uno Stato di organizzarsi sono arrivato alla conclusione che la democrazia è il sistema più democratico che ci sia.
Dunque, c'è la democrazia, la dittatura… e basta. Solo due. Credevo di più.
La dittatura in Italia c'è stata e chi l'ha vista sa cos'è, others must content themselves with seeing only democracy.
I, since I
ric ordo, I have always been democratic, not by choice, by birth. As one who was born when a Catholic, Apostolic, Roman. Patience Catholic, Apostolic do not know what it's like, but Roman I ?!...
Moreover, let us say, how do you now not to be democratic? The vocabulary is written that "democracy" means "power to the people." Yes, but that in some way to be able to
pole? How it works? This vocabulary is not c 'is written.
But we know that since 1945, after the famous two decades, the Italian people has finally acquired the right to vote. She was born c
dare la "Democrazia rappresentativa" che dopo alcune geniali modifiche fa sì che tu deleghi un partito che sceglie una coalizione che sceglie un candidato che tu non sai chi è, e che tu deleghi a rappresentarti per cinque anni, e che se lo incontri ti dice giustamen te: "Lei non sa chi sono io!". Questo è il potere del popolo.
Ma non è solo questo. Ci sono delle forme ancora più partecipative. Il referendum, per esempio, è una pratica di "Democrazia diretta"... non tanto pratica, attraverso la quale tutti possono esprimere il loro parere su tutto. Solo che se mia nonna deve decidere sulla Variante di Valico Barberino-R
oncobilaccio, ha effettivamente qualche difficoltà. Anche perché è Venice. Fortunately, only to say "Yes" if it means no, and "No" means yes. In any c aso has a 50% chance of hitting. But the referendum has more of a folkloric value because after a long discussion on the political significance of the results ... everything remains as before, and who cares.
Another key feature of democracy that is based on the interplay of majorities and minorities. If the polls are off a 51 win, if you lose out on 49. It all depends
n umber. As the game of Lotto.
The difference is that the game of Lotto, the people sometimes wins, democrazia... mai!
E se viene fuori il 50 e 50? Ecco, questa è una p
articolarità della nostra democrazia. È cominciato tutto nel 1948. Se si fanno bene i conti tra la Destra – DC, liberali, monarchici, missini… – e la Sinistra – comunisti, socialisti, socialdemocratici, ecc. – viene fuori un bel pareggio. Da allora è sempre stato così, per anni!
Eh no, adesso no, adesso è tutto diverso. Per forza: sono spariti alcuni partiti, c'è stato un mezzo terremoto, le formazioni politiche hanno cambiato nomi e leader. Adesso… adesso non c'è più il 50% a destra e il 50% a sinistra. C'è il 50% al centro-destra and 50% in the center-left. Or a 50-point ... so little that it is enough that one has diarrhea jumping the government.
There's nothing to do. It seems that the Italian people do not want to be governed. And he's right. He's afraid that if they win too much beyond those, it turns out u
na dittaturadi Left. If v t unconscious syrup those alt r i, comes a right-wing dictatorship. The dictatorship of the Centre but ... that's okay. Greetings
!!!"... click here to listen ...

... or copy and paste the link:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Aspergers Symptoms In Infants

toned down (Mark)

Hello ...

... if a person visited and owned a local crime hotspot, full of disreputable people, dedicated to exploit and squander the money of others, and then if that person were to be expelled from this place because it has become too large, and then began to criticize such a space, what do you think of that person?
Probably the same thing you think of Marco Toni.

Marco Toni was expelled from PDmenoL few months ago (he was expelled, not gone) and now appears to newspapers such as the executioner of the parties. I partiti non sono un'istituzione a sé, non stanno in piedi da soli, i partiti sono marci perchè sono marce le persone che li compongono, e Toni faceva parte di un partito fino a poco tempo fa.
Ma leggete che cose tragicomiche riesce a dire.
Toni presenterà un "progetto che coinvolga persone al di sopra dei partiti, che siano in grado di dare le risposte che servono a San Giuliano, visto soprattutto come la politica tradizionale stia vivendo profonde fratture interne".
Clamoroso. E' lui la politica tradizionale, è lui il protagonista delle profonde fratture, è lui che ha fatto carriera politica all'interno di un partito marcio, ed è lui che pretende di farci bere la storiella delle persone outside parties! If these people are with him, why do not they speak instead of him?
not beware of imitations, and the list will present 5 Star people above party.

Toni is just an opportunist. "Never speak of the center-right and center now is an old-fashioned scheme". Toni said this only because he knows who do not want either one side or the other. Toni can not define something obsolete, until two months ago, was the protagonist, or at least can not do it without admitting that he got it all wrong.
But the best part: Toni will focus also on "rehabilitation of swimming." He wants to restore something that exists only in his imagination! But, moreover, we analyze how the money disappeared in the swimming center that was never built.
The City has requested a loan of about 3 million to the "Cassa". When you ask for a loan at this institute, to have that money must use them directly (they spend the municipality), or choose who to entrust the task through a tender. Well ... Yet another illegal administration Toni: Has not been done neither the one nor the other, and the money is gone.

THEIR never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!