Friday, March 11, 2011

Roulette System Forum

THE NEXT MEETING! Cricket launches

Salve a tutti...

... leggendo, anche solo sfogliando, i giornali locali vedrete che tutti gli schieramenti politici, per la prossima campagna elettorale, punteranno sul "cambiamento". Il PDmenoL punta sul cambiamento, e lo fa attaccando il suo ex amichetto Marco Toni. Toni stesso, attaccando la sua ex casa del Pd, usa l'arma dell'antipolitica. Il Pdl e la Lega puntano sul cambiamento, dicendo "basta al centrosinistra a San Giuliano". Il problema, però, è semplice. Tutti dichiarano di voler cambiare, ma semplicemente spostando le pedine in campo. Tutti i partiti si scontrano sulle persone, ma nessuno parla del modo di fare politica. Se i nomi dei politici cambiano disposizione, ma non si cambia l'atteggiamento con cui ci si approccia politics, it's useless. Beware of politicians who speak of anti-politics, or change. Politics has become a lobby, and who is part of a lobby has no interest to remove it! Their way of doing politics is and always will be, based on the concept of delegation, and not the rate of participation. For their political means to delegate the power to do what you want in a small group of people, but they are not checked.
's why the Civic 5-Star list is different. If any of us should come into the Council, the concept of delegation will be reduced. Citizens can monitor the actions of their employees, and consciously choose to upcoming elections. Our policy is based on participation, citizens, and politicians who are not on the Council for over 20 years. A demonstration of this, our next meeting will be open to all and will be an opportunity to make citizens participate in our program. non-partisan citizens will come to bring us their advice, and maybe join us. The meeting will take place Tuesday, March 15, at 21, 30, under the statue to the fallen of Victory Square ... Riappropriamoci squares, riappropriamoci of politics!

THEIR never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!


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