Hello ...
... when enough is enough. A President of the Council, After almost daily attacks the judiciary, insults the public school and its teachers, it is just too much. According to the premier's public school teachers "inculcate ideas different from those who would" inculcate "families, and then you must allow parents to send their children to private schools, which must be supported and facilitated. When it comes to culture, express themselves using the word "inculcate" is one thing that makes me shudder. A school is not "inculcate" ideas, if anything, a bit of culture is transmitted, by which, hopefully, one day you can make your own ideas. In addition to this, funding and freedom

Public and private persons have the right to establish schools and institutions of education, without cost to the State (Constitution Article 33.3)you know the rest: who knows how to do , if you can not do anything teaches, those who can not teach administration.
Joking apart, we list the Civic 5-Stars we can not support and express solidarity possible Orianna Trotta, Maria Montessori elementary school teacher in San Giuliano, who Monday in protest against the declarations of el Premier has decided not to enter the classroom, and to make the first lesson in the hall and then to the gym. When asked what he was up to, simply dichiarava che in un paese libero non si può essere obbligati ad aspettare i sindacati per protestare (e per fortuna, si potrebbe aggiungere, visti i sindacati italiani). Ora l'insegnante rischia dei provvedimenti disciplinari, ma sono già arrivate sul tavolo del dirigente scolastico una ventina di firme dei genitori degli alunni, con le quali chiedono di non punire la Trotta. E' partita anche una raccolta firme tra i cittadini, che noi della lista ciVica non possiamo che guardare di buon occhio.
"L'Italia è il paese dei diplomi, delle lauree, della cultura ridotta soltanto al procacciamento e alla spasmodica difesa dell'impiego"THEIR never give up (but the interest?). WE EVEN
(C. Levi, Christ Stopped at Eboli )
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