WE ARE OFFICIALLY POOR. Yes, as I told you we want to start shooting a bit, and what better way nn take a car ..... it's right, buses and planes too middle-class fans, we want to go on an adventure. After a week of research between Internet sites and go to jobs found in the car is beautiful hostel that rained down from heaven. One morning
Hanna, a Swede who was our room mate in the hostel for about a month, and we are looking at us ago: "But you are looking for a car accident? Why sell one of my friends "....... And then from his pocket he pulls out a fresh listing of cool day. We call, we look at the car and that evening we decided to buy it to avoid to make it to steal from someone else (there is plenty of competition in Sydney and the cars sold They come in a flash knock, so either it was fast or good opportunities you to lose).
Buy a car here is very simple, nn sn too much trouble and the usual bureaucratic hassles in Italy that make you lose entire days. Sign a sheet with proprietrario and go to pay motor tax na (tot 10 min).'s All you say? Well, yes. Some things to know, however, there. First, find the right car nn is simple. If you want to travel must be spacious and reliable (to remain firm in the middle of the desert is an experience that I would rather avoid), and because we are backpackers and holidaymakers nn entrepreneurs, and machines to choose from sn always very old (sometimes have more than 20 years) and have probably done so many times around Australia and the conoscon way better than the driver. We must therefore avoid buying
na machine that takes thousands of dollars of maintenance (unless you buy the nn for a ridiculously low price) or about to exhale the last breath. The problem is that for people like us nn nn mechanical means it is easy to understand the conditions of a vehicle, and each time the machine is na ranging from mechanical to have it checked, you end up needlessly squander money or fooled by others who have it all right to buy czech. It 'so important to try to see how the machine runs, and well informed when it was made the last cut, see the receipts, to know who the previous owners and what use they made.
Another important factor is the REGO. The Regulation No more is that the fee for putting the vehicle into the street. It should be renewed every year or every six months, and when you buy a car it is important to check the expiration as long as possible, primarily because it has a regular extension of the cost that varies between 300 and 800 dollars depending on the periods, in order to extend it because you need to pass the test (this should be done if you buy a car registered in a state other than where you buy, if you buy a CNC machine or if it has expired, the regular time tot nn you review) and in some states sn really picky, then maybe you end up paying for a bang of stupid things such as dents, holes in the bodywork, strange noises, excessive exhaust fumes etc etc..
Moral of the story we have given away a white Ford Falcon in 1997, 4000 of a cylinder petrol with 300,000 Km We paid $ 3000 (1500 each) which was the maximum that we set out to spend $ 400 more to make the cut the mechanic (we saved them sarmmo happy but at least we are comfortable). As I said earlier that we have passed out. But there is to say that looking around the price seems a bargain (I touch for good luck), the car is too old nn considering what is around, the Regulation will expire in October, it really is very spacious (we you can safely sleep in). In addition the previous owners have left us a legacy: a tent with 6, stoves gas refills, pots and utensils, air mattresses + air pump, alternator to attach the cigarette lighter to charge cell phones and PCs, flashlights, oil the engine coolant and hear hear a guitar from Yamaha. Of course none of us can play, but have no idea how to strum laughter with friends around a fire singing songs and drinking a few beers. In short, certain things have nn price for everything else there's MasterCard)
fact is that if you have a shot of ass we will also be able to sell a little bit more than the we paid. E 'therefore essential to treat it as best as possible and hope to have long life.
Nn is rare indeed that so old and used cars die suddenly, and at that point, I usually fix them costs more than buying another. Most of the time, therefore, abandoned They come in the first smashing cars and who we have seen we have seen. But since we have to back the earthen soldi investiti, invito tutti coloro che leggon il blog a incrociare le dita e a seguire le nostre avventure on the road. See you soon........
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