Due to a connection ainternet schifoa for now No I can put photos, I'm the aggungo .......
We're back here, the penultimate weekend before leaving Sydney. To change a bit we decided to take a trip not too demanding. The goal suggested by Corrado and Jervis Bay, a nature reserve 200 km south of Sydney, which proved a good opportunity to test the car show.
Saturday morning at 8 we then found out from the base ready to go. Clearly we could not upload all of us, and 'then had to rent a car anymore. But Monday is Australia Day, then the company has proven more difficult than expected. After shooting a bit of dealers finally have found a car available. Memorized the route we took off. The outward journey was terrible. It was a warm and monstrous in our car we were 6. I swear si faceva fatica a respirare. Abbiamo tenuto l'aria condizionata a manetta per buona parte del tragitto, ma arrivati a circa metà l'auto a iniziato un po a lamentarsi, vibrava tutta e frenava na mazza, e io cominciavo un po a temere per il nostro investimento. Spenta l'aria condizionata però tutto si è risolto. Evidentemente per una macchina con 300000 Km sul groppone portare 6 persone (sarà poi omologata per 6? ) con il clima al max nn è certo l'ideale. Abbiamo quindi fatto una pausetta per far riposare il bolide e siamo ripartiti. Dopo 3 ore di viaggio e qualche strada presa in contromano siamo dunque giunti a destinazione. Guidare dalla parte opposta nn è affatto semplice, richiede un botto di concentrazione e nn si ha nessun punto di reference. I tell you just arrived at Jervis Bay was a sort of exit where you had to stop and pay $ 10 a ticket to enter, we have stopped, but instead of looking to the right where a lady was smiling and waiting for payment, We all looked at the box on the left, we saw that there was no nn and after a few seconds of silence, we said, "Bho? No there is none, that we go. "
I hope with all my heart that there before getting a nice fine.
However Jervis Bay is a kind of pristine paradise, with lots of beautiful beaches, campsites and a supermarket \\ bottleshop. Yes, because here in Australia, a land of drunks, there only two things that sn No missing ever, BBQ and bottleshop.
The day is spent in great peace, we visited several beaches and seeing beautiful places. In the late afternoon we came back and then returned to the supermarket to do some shopping for the evening and think about where to camp.
Just as we sat at a table something cross the road? Well we are in Australia, then what else if nn a kangaroo. It was the first time I saw a free one, but unfortunately no one had a camera in Porat's hand a few seconds and time it was dematerialized. E 'then began an expedition to find the kangaroo and five minutes long, more than one, we found a whole herd who was in a meadow jumping here and there. The photos were clearly wasted. It 'was a really fun afternoon.
When the sun began to set it and 'place but again the problem of where to stay.
At the suggestion of a type of the place we bought everything you need to slap a barbeque, a few cases of beer and we headed to a place where in theory at least dovevan be free of the grids.
arrived on site we are stunned. There were only No free gas BBQ, but also tables, chairs, toilets and changing rooms cn showers, gazebo and other kangaroos. Clearly the idea that all this good things was the campsite we saw a few meters tick nn is even jumped to the head. However
we placed the curtains (nn tell you that business was) threw the meat on the grill and go to the party. But when we noticed that the beer here is that nn would last four brave heroes (I, between Riki and Ilonka) sn is directed to the nearest town to make rifornimeto. It 'was a race against time because it was closing, plus the drive on the left was an impediment for the pilot include anything but super simple. The fact is that after many adventures to come bottleshop. Small problem no one had the portfolio to include part, and all he had were $ 64, enough for 2 cases nn costing $ 67. Take alms and then after a great performance riki, perhaps the same cashier because the sentence did or maybe because we were bothering the other customers had offered to join the missing money from his own pocket. These great Australians.
Anyway back to the base welcomed as heroes, but when everything seemed to go well here is a new unexpected. Two cops (probably named by the types of camping that is sick of being stood nn the 11 people who stopped more than sing Vasco) fitted with a torch sn come to visit us. We expected the classic routine of documents, patents, what are you doing here, because there are like 80 beers on the table and you are in 11, what I smell etc. etc. etc.. Instead we have just as good Australians told to turn down a little music and to continue our party.
The evening continued for another couple of hours until we have destroyed all holed up in a tent to sleep.
the morning but were waiting for the rangers. Sn these were a little less cordial than before the 2 cops, especially when we have understood that nn paid the ticket to camp. Fortunately, after some negotiations we agreed and we had to pay a fine instead of the standard price for 2 tents and move out as quickly as possible.
The day of sightseeing and then a couple of other stunning beaches, making bathrooms and so on and so forth
Towards evening we were exhausted redirected to Sydney. The return trip was quiet, and traveling at night more comfortable.
When you get home shower and straight to bed, to rest for the next day: The day Australia.
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