Ok, finalmente riesco ad aggiornare sto benedetto blog. Sn passati un po di giorni, e tante cose sn successe, quindi farò un breve riassunto.
Innanzitutto c'è stata la cena d'addio prima di partire. Voglio ringraziare tutti i miei amici dal primo all'ultimo che l'hanno resa una serata indimenticabile (anche per il mio stomaco, ne sento ancora ora le conseguenze se sl mi azzardo a mangiare al Mc). Mi mancherete un casino....
Ah gia grazie anche alla lara per il bigliettozzo e alla fra e alla emily per il libro cn tutte le nostre foto, lo guarderò when I'm homesick.
But we come to the last days:
THE TRIP: to say that it was exhausting, nn Monday night I slept. For reasons that now No I do not remember ever after before you leave, and then I still had a lot of things to do.
fact is that we started the morning at the seventh half from Malpensa airport and we arrived at 8 and 30 to London (Gatwick). From there we changed and went to Heathrow airport. Smooth. Here, however, was to be expected that the flight would leave at 21 and 30, and I swear I knew No more than how to pass the time. It was almost like being in the movie The Terminal with Tom Hanks, we just needed that we build a bedroom for sleeping at the airport. We've done races coi carrelli, giocato alle slot machines, mangiato il loro schifosissimo Fish and Chips (emily ma cosa cucinate al tuo paese) ecc ecc ecc.
Fatto sta che partiamo. L'aereo era carino, con film e tutto l'ambaradan dei classici voli olteoceano, ma il viaggio era interminabile, nn capivamo più che ora era, il tempo passava ma il fuso orario andava al contrario, ogni 3 ore facevamo colazione. VA be, siamo arrivati a Singapore, l'aeroporto è una figata, sale piene di xbox 360, cinema, negozi......ma chiaramente ci siamo fermati solo poche ore. Ah gia li il clima è invivibile. C'è tipo un umidità del 99%. Siamo andati a fumarci una siga e siamo rientratin bagnati, nn si respirava.
Va be siamo ripartiti e finalmente arrivati in Sydney. No problem at check-in luggage and fortunately there. After waiting a couple of hours, the bus finally arrived in Sydney.
to write these 30 lines it took me 1 hour and a half. You will say "but you're dyslexic? Why come sn bad "..... well the problem is that while I'm writing a standard talking Californian girl, two in London and a Swedish guy, and meanwhile to write and understand them is not simple. Nn
I swear I wanted to write in English, I came out automatically .... whowhhowhowhowwooooh ... is a step forward.
Ok I have to stop. Sn gone tomorrow I'll tell you how the first 2 days here, and I anticipate that this place is a paradise .. Ciaoooo Sn
back. So what I was talking about? Ah, yes the city. Sydney is wonderful, simply wonderful. It 'a city built recently so it's very modern, filled with things to see and photograph Where's My Car. No we have seen much yet, but rest assured it is a really exciting place to live. E 'clean (no throw cigarettes on the ground) and the thing that impresses is how nice sn Australians. In Italy all sn always in a hurry, stressed out by life and work, and no one nos caga you when you go to public offices or branches, are 6 hours and no tail that helps. Here instead sn
all relaxed, with the smile and you ripeton things even 30 times if you see nn. Yesterday we
went to the bank to open an account. First, it took me just half an hour, and think that the type of bank has also apologized because there were five minutes of the queue. He asked us if we wanted to take a coffee or drink something intangible. Then he was very kind, spoke softly, struck another world ...... I swear (Oh yes qu can also choose the color of the ATM, the girls are always on the light pink, and I have chosen the pious black) .
We have also activated the card with the number and made the Australian TFN, which srve to pay reduced fees for us foreigners.
In fact, even if it was sunny yesterday nn so we could shoot because we had too many things to do. Oh yes, here is indeed no nn hot. Or rather, yesterday was good enough, but two days ago it rained and it was colder than in Italy. The hostel where I lodged
X Base calling, it's nice, spacious rooms sn, there is a nice kitchen and a lot of people. We are in the room cn 2 girls in London, Giorgina and Rach (which is also nice), a Californian (Erika, but lives in 8 hours from Orange County:)), a Swedish guy by the name was still unknown and another girl ever arrived in London today.
It 's really cool, I speak English, nn well but I try and start to understand enough, partly because they speak up to help us understand. Last night we went out
cn 3 girls. We went to Sydney Tower, a tower nn so as with a rotating disk on top. You could see all over Sydney, and with binoculars even in the apartments of the people.
We then went to a party in the square (very quiet) and we took the fish. Cn Pius paid $ 100, the type is remembered were Nos 10 and wanted to give him the rest. He also insulted in Italian (but were all kind nn?) But we have finally solved. After that the two of London we have now departed, and we therefore had to go to sleep. We were pious and I cn californana, and we shot 2-3 and bevacchiato pub. No there were many people because we were in the business district, but after a while the talk of cocktail sn degenerate ..... cool .... Today
nn are very fit, but so we go to the beach, so I can relax a bit ...
and stasis is the birthday is celebrated by Pio then. Eat drink and then go to Kings Cross which is the club district, so finally we will see how the real nightlife.
From tomorrow then back to healthy life (because I really need a week to recover) and you start to look for a house ......
Hello guys, I greet you all and see you soon .......
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