Fra mi fwda questa simpatica combo

A) scegliere 7 blog che si considerano meritevoli di questo premio, perchè ci insegnano ogni giorno a vivere qualcosa in più, sia con la mente that with the heart.
B) present the award, stating the name of the donor and the link to her blog, so that everyone can visit,
C) include the names of winners and links to their blogs;
D) the award is requested to show *** The link to the blog, where does the initiative (also *** is fine, so who gives a flying);
E) post these rules
nothing personal between, but that 'a bullshit and I will boycott.
Blogs that I like are in the blogroll on the right.
most people 'and some less.
Distribution and 'this.
"teach how to live a little more, and with the mind with the heart" and 'emogay the typical bullshit that are not even able to map concepts uniquely defined.
"Heron stars" seems Pollypocket version of "shithead."
Fuck ste chains slinguazzamento fuck each other.
I was really cares let you know.
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