PhD admission examination Hello, I'm here to register for doctoral
Well, the examination begins in a half hour ...
Sure. Come in.
Strand 1
a) The candidate chooses four of the following topics and briefly (1 page maximum for each subject) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Undecidable problems. •
system architectures and operating systems. Advantages and disadvantages of the architectures with pipelining. •
Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Deterministic descending parsing (LL (k)).
• Databases and information systems. The main features of a system for managing databases (DBMS).
• Ingegneria del software. Ruolo dei diagrammi di classe nella progettazione del software.
• Intelligenza artificiale. Rappresentazione della conoscenza: le reti semantiche.
• Linguaggi e paradigmi di programmazione. Eredità e nozione di sottotipo nei linguaggi orientati agli oggetti.
• Reti e sistemi distribuiti. Architettura del world wide web: lato server, lato client
b) Illustrare un argomento di ricerca in Informatica illustrandone motivazioni e finalità, inquadrandolo nell’area di riferimento (4 pagine al massimo).
Tema n. 2
a) Il candidato scelga quattro dei seguenti argomenti e ne illustri brevemente (1 pagina al massimo per ogni argomento) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Topics on graphs greedy
• system architectures and operating systems. Deadlock and policies for its management
• Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Regular languages \u200b\u200band finite automata
• Databases and information systems. Operators of relational
• Software Engineering. Testing techniques
• Artificial Intelligence. Research topics in a state space
• programming languages \u200b\u200band paradigms. The functional programming paradigm
• Network and distributed systems. Algorithms routine
b) Describe a research topic in Computer explaining motivations and goals, setting it in the reference
Strand 3
a) The candidate chooses four of the following topics and briefly (1 page maximum for each subject) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Classes P and NP
• system architectures and operating systems. Constructs for accessing resources in mutual exclusion
• Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Direct translation of the syntax
• Databases and information systems. The use of entity-relationship model in the design of databases
• Software Engineering. The analytical phase and specific requirements
• Artificial Intelligence. The inductive method of learning
• Automatic programming languages \u200b\u200band paradigms. Activation procedures and memory management in programming languages \u200b\u200b
• Network and distributed systems. The organization levels in the OSI reference method
b) Describe a research topic in Computer explaining motivations and goals, setting it in the reference
Well, now the rules, as they are distributed sheets of bad and sandbags.
You have an hour. Who among
10 min stara 'will still crying' ejected.
If you want to hang yourself, please do so within the first 30 minutes.
Please, delivered flares, signal flares, flags and white bat-signal to the caretaker.
not pray.