The choice emerged from the Municipal Council of San Giuliano last night, Tuesday, November 2, was to no longer have a Mayor and delivered to the Commissioner of the prefect of our city. Today is my last opportunity to speak to you all, with transparency and correttezza che ogni cittadino di San Giuliano merita e che ho sempre voluto garantire. Di fronte all’appello al senso di responsabilità nei confronti della città, da me rivolto a tutti i Consiglieri Comunali e alla disponibilità a riportare San Giuliano al voto la prossima primavera, chiedendo però di non rinunciare a risolvere le emergenze del Comune, 16 consiglieri comunali, tra cui sette (Davide Barbieri, Oscar Logoteta, Raffaella Milesi, Marco Toni, Simone Greco, Lucia Salvato, Cristina Tosi) che avrebbero dovuto sostenere la maggioranza, hanno voluto interrompere il percorso di risanamento e trasparenza che questa Giunta aveva iniziato. Se il Comune non rientrerà nel patto di stabilità nel 2011, con la conseguenza di non to guarantee services to the city and whether the 110 workers Genia will be less protected in the near future, the responsibility of the directors of the list is Toni, and three representatives elected in the lists Pd, which have betrayed the trust granted them by the vote last June and they, along with the center-right, given our city the Prefectural Commissioner. The Commissioner shall have full authority over all actions relating to the city and its companies, until the next elections, expected to be held not earlier than 5-6 months.
I accepted a candidate in April 2009, precisely because we believe that the commitment and dedication every day were a legacy shared by all the supporters of my candidacy. Immediately after my election, I found myself faced with problems which gradually emerged in their complexity, without ever being able to rely on comparison with those who had preceded me, for example with the Stability Pact is not met since March 2009, which resulted (the explicit for those not in the know, and neither was I), in having to be up to any current expenditures of the City and in breaking down of investments, with the further consequence to slow the local economy. I was never discouraged, even though my days in the past 16 months have been scanned from the phrase: "you can not guarantee more security in the city, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not invest in transport public because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not schedule events of celebration and socializing in the neighborhoods, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not do maintenance on the roads, because the financial crisis of Genia and debts accumulated not allow it! The policy today, and I say that from the first town mayor, can not abdicate to the collective interest, what is good for families and for our country. In recent times have been identified as a sacrificial victim, my political inexperience has been touted in the press as a failure, I have downloaded the failures of the past and present, just because I "dared to remove the velo” sulla questione Genia per far emergere la verità. Se ognuno di voi si fosse trovato al mio posto, di fronte alla più grave crisi della storia di San Giuliano, sono certa che non avrebbe “mollato” e fino all’ultimo avrebbe provato con responsabilità a cercare la massima condivisione per garantire il risanamento del Comune e della sua azienda. I miei ex sostenitori, ex Sindaco Marco Toni in primis, parlano di gestioni amministrative del passato senza “aver mai indebitato l'ente locale”. Ma è facile per chiunque vivere al di sopra delle proprie possibilità economiche, e al contempo facendo fare debiti al cugino: 54 milioni di euro di debiti del cugino Genia non si sono certo materializzati improvvisamente, but, as noted periodically in recent years were the auditors of the municipality, are the result of poorly controlled operations, which produced month after month "serious irregularities" and probably about € 14 million of debt for years. Every father or mother of the family knows that you can avoid borrowing with responsible choices, but probably less popular cut or ICI for 10 years of no increase of any rate. It 's a bit like continuing to sign bills for millions of euro today that all came to the collection. And none of these has the signature of the current Administration. The political responsibility, in my opinion was demonstrated yesterday by all the directors, che pur nelle differenze di visione, hanno manifestato grande rispetto delle istituzioni e la volontà di non lasciare la città in mano a chi non conosce le sue criticità e le sue potenzialità, rischiando così di veder azzerare anche tutto il buono fatto in questi anni. So bene dalla mia esperienza personale che le vittorie si conquistano insieme, con un buon lavoro di squadra, ma quando si perde, si perde tutti, e la città pagherà più di ogni altro, le conseguenze di questo voto “scellerato”. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare gli Assessori Eliana Cardella, Silvano Filipazzi, Iginio Granata, Ezio Mercanti, Mauro Rossi, che, nonostante le difficoltà, hanno dato ad assicurare impegno e fiducia al Our government project. I also thank the Prime Minister, Rosario Zannone and Municipal Councillors: Paul Ring, Borla Nicoletta, Daniel Garbett, Robert Licciardello, Lorenzo Alexander, Luca Maria Morena, Mario Gold, Carmine Di Pasca, Scanzano Diego, Bugada Giovanna, Francesco Marchini, Sergio Morelli who have given their positive contribution, so that you do not get all'infausto vote on 2 November. Although yesterday was struck to the heart, not only the town council, but an entire city of 36,000 inhabitants, I feel a strong responsibility to my country, and we continue to look at the truth with pure eyes and commit to the common good. The citizens are demanding account of our choices, and those who continue to do the ostrich and tell that "it's all right," while hiding their heads in the sand of the injury and resentment, I say that it is time to lift his head and face difficulties with transparency, humility and civic consciousness, to give an opportunity for rebirth in San Giuliano is the only way I know to respect the confidence and intelligence of the citizens.
I accepted a candidate in April 2009, precisely because we believe that the commitment and dedication every day were a legacy shared by all the supporters of my candidacy. Immediately after my election, I found myself faced with problems which gradually emerged in their complexity, without ever being able to rely on comparison with those who had preceded me, for example with the Stability Pact is not met since March 2009, which resulted (the explicit for those not in the know, and neither was I), in having to be up to any current expenditures of the City and in breaking down of investments, with the further consequence to slow the local economy. I was never discouraged, even though my days in the past 16 months have been scanned from the phrase: "you can not guarantee more security in the city, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not invest in transport public because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not schedule events of celebration and socializing in the neighborhoods, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not do maintenance on the roads, because the financial crisis of Genia and debts accumulated not allow it! The policy today, and I say that from the first town mayor, can not abdicate to the collective interest, what is good for families and for our country. In recent times have been identified as a sacrificial victim, my political inexperience has been touted in the press as a failure, I have downloaded the failures of the past and present, just because I "dared to remove the velo” sulla questione Genia per far emergere la verità. Se ognuno di voi si fosse trovato al mio posto, di fronte alla più grave crisi della storia di San Giuliano, sono certa che non avrebbe “mollato” e fino all’ultimo avrebbe provato con responsabilità a cercare la massima condivisione per garantire il risanamento del Comune e della sua azienda. I miei ex sostenitori, ex Sindaco Marco Toni in primis, parlano di gestioni amministrative del passato senza “aver mai indebitato l'ente locale”. Ma è facile per chiunque vivere al di sopra delle proprie possibilità economiche, e al contempo facendo fare debiti al cugino: 54 milioni di euro di debiti del cugino Genia non si sono certo materializzati improvvisamente, but, as noted periodically in recent years were the auditors of the municipality, are the result of poorly controlled operations, which produced month after month "serious irregularities" and probably about € 14 million of debt for years. Every father or mother of the family knows that you can avoid borrowing with responsible choices, but probably less popular cut or ICI for 10 years of no increase of any rate. It 's a bit like continuing to sign bills for millions of euro today that all came to the collection. And none of these has the signature of the current Administration. The political responsibility, in my opinion was demonstrated yesterday by all the directors, che pur nelle differenze di visione, hanno manifestato grande rispetto delle istituzioni e la volontà di non lasciare la città in mano a chi non conosce le sue criticità e le sue potenzialità, rischiando così di veder azzerare anche tutto il buono fatto in questi anni. So bene dalla mia esperienza personale che le vittorie si conquistano insieme, con un buon lavoro di squadra, ma quando si perde, si perde tutti, e la città pagherà più di ogni altro, le conseguenze di questo voto “scellerato”. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare gli Assessori Eliana Cardella, Silvano Filipazzi, Iginio Granata, Ezio Mercanti, Mauro Rossi, che, nonostante le difficoltà, hanno dato ad assicurare impegno e fiducia al Our government project. I also thank the Prime Minister, Rosario Zannone and Municipal Councillors: Paul Ring, Borla Nicoletta, Daniel Garbett, Robert Licciardello, Lorenzo Alexander, Luca Maria Morena, Mario Gold, Carmine Di Pasca, Scanzano Diego, Bugada Giovanna, Francesco Marchini, Sergio Morelli who have given their positive contribution, so that you do not get all'infausto vote on 2 November. Although yesterday was struck to the heart, not only the town council, but an entire city of 36,000 inhabitants, I feel a strong responsibility to my country, and we continue to look at the truth with pure eyes and commit to the common good. The citizens are demanding account of our choices, and those who continue to do the ostrich and tell that "it's all right," while hiding their heads in the sand of the injury and resentment, I say that it is time to lift his head and face difficulties with transparency, humility and civic consciousness, to give an opportunity for rebirth in San Giuliano is the only way I know to respect the confidence and intelligence of the citizens.
November 3, 2010
Mayor Louise
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