... la Giunta è caduta al Consiglio comunale del 2 Novembre, andando sotto su due delibere. Abbiamo deciso di analizzare una di queste due, la delibera di bilancio del 2009, ma arriverà anche il resto. Tralasciando il fatto che queste delibere sembrano fatte di proposito nel modo più prolisso possibile per cercare di allontanare le persone dalla politica, proponiamo qualche considerazione.
Analizzando il bilancio del 2009 si potrà capire l'evoluzione di Genia nell'anno scorso. Facciamo un riassuntino. Il 22/7/2009 l'assemblea dei soci, in cui l'unico socio è il Comune nella persona del sindaco, in July 2009 that the Greek had already approved the budget Genia with a loss of about 38 million. The law provides that the losses exceed a third of the capital (as in this case), in addition to the mandatory meeting of shareholders, we should go to the notary for the appropriate actions. In fact, this has been done and after the loss of 38 million share capital Genia has been reduced to € 1,209,200. Social capital serves as collateral to creditors, and then, simultaneously, it was necessary, an increase of capital by the shareholder (the City), return its capital to 18 million. The disastrous management of Genia has led to a loss of 38 million, in order to save the cabin, unless one month before the elections are been taken by about 17 million cases were transferred to municipal and Genia. This capital increase has been approved by the manager of the economic sector of the municipality, the municipal director of accounting, and the board of auditors. These are direct consequences of a disastrous management of Genia, which is a spa whose shares are 100% owned by the town. These actions are part of the budget of the institution, if the company is healthy these shares are worth much, if society is sick these actions are waste paper.
We have already said in other articles, that one reason for the disaster that was Genia la gestione dei dipendenti. Ora daremo qualche numero. Il Comune ha una spesa media per dipendente di 38.451,00 euro, avendo 178 dipendenti e quindi una spesa di 6.844.347,00 euro. ASF ha debiti per 2.457.015,00 euro, 73 dipendenti e una spesa per il personale di 2.078.053,00 euro, che vuol dire che in media un dipendente costa 28.465,00 euro! Genia ha debiti per 93.711.223,00 euro, 108 dipendenti e una spesa per il personale di Euro 5.098.206,00, che vuol dire che in media un dipendente costa 47.203,00 euro! . I dipendenti di Genia vengono pagati oltre il 60% in più del personale delle farmacie!
QUALCUNO TRA I VECCHI E NUOVI AMMINISTRATORI CAN 'give clarification on these numbers?
They never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we!
It 'been brought to my attention that there is' a TV commercial aired in Italy in which a popular detergent, in collaboration with UNICEF to combat neonatal tetanus and so' buying a keg'll give you a vaccine to children's poor Third World or developing countries.
The 'beautiful' and 'tetanus in the matter of which we speak is developed as a result of contamination of the umbilical cord cut with infected tools. Not only that. Such as neonatal tetanus kills newborn babies within seven days of life then a vaccine not only prevents any death, but could also transmit the disease if the immune system is compromised of the newborn at birth who knows' as factors. So not only
il vaccino sarebbe inutile, ma potenzialmente dannoso.
Come risolvere il problema alla radice quindi?
Con due semplici metodiche GRATUITE che non porterebbero soldi in tasca a nessuno e che percio' non vengono eseguite. La prima metodica semplicissima sarebbe di non tagliare il cordone e quindi far fare LOTUS BIRTH a tutti i bambini a rischio (il cordone e la placenta si seccano e cadono nel giro di pochi giorni senza bisogno di interventi medici o disinfezioni di alcun tipo). Il Lotus Birth eliminerebbe alla radice la possibilita' di contaminazioni di qualunque tipo.
La seconda opzione un po' piu' complicata, ma non meno efficace sarebbe quella di promuovere un'educazione di massa riguardo le regole base dell'igiene in countries at risk and the use of sterilization of instruments in a strict and severe.
But, you know, when there 'a chance' to make money, whether it be children, pregnant women or any other human being, no one is spared from succumbing in the name of money ...
since I have fulfilled the role of Mayor of this institution for ten years working with you (from 1999 to 2009), convinced have always based my action to administrative fairness and transparency, I think proper to inform you too, as employees of this institution, announcing lawsuit for libel against Mrs Gina Greek, on the statements to the press and published this morning (see attachment).
For clarity, precision and responsibility in relation to the defamatory allegations made by Ms Greek, the undersigned, during his first term (1999-2004) has never entertained any report under the direct or indirect of any company, organization, institution, foundation, etc.., for which the allowance was due to Mayor, by law, in full measure.
During the second term (2004-2009) have signed a private contract concluded, with a public body, with no possibility expectations, so I was mayor of the allowance payable in full extent provided by law, as indeed the result of tests already conducted at the time.
To do this, I want to clarify that the Ministry of Interior - Department of Home Affairs and local - with views of successive 'said 11/08/2006 and 15/11/2009 it is up to a remuneration in full size, as the staff with temporary contracts, as opposed to staff employed on a permanent, can not avail of leave of absence The ratio of the standard lies in the "differentiation .. the emoluments of those who are in different situations, or among those for whom the law recognizes the right to stand on unpaid leave and those who can not rely on that institution .. "(as in the case of the undersigned).
For its part, the Court of Auditors (resolution No 23/2010/PAR February 9, 2010 - Regional Section of the control for the Emilia - Romagna) was expressed on all 'interpretation of Article 82.1 first paragraph, to the extent it provides that the allowance of ".. is halved for employees who do not have the required expectations, " con riferimento ad un amministratore comunale con incarico a tempo determinato (come appunto, nel caso del sottoscritto)
La Corte dei Conti ha osservato che l’articolo 77, 1 comma, TUEL ha previsto per gli amministratori locali l’erogazione dell’indennità a titolo di compenso per l’attività svolta, al fine di favorire l’accesso alle cariche elettive “in condizioni di uguaglianza” per tutti i cittadini, disponendo del tempo necessario per l’assolvimento dei compiti politico amministrativi e conservando il posto di lavoro (articolo 51, 1 e 3 comma, Costituzione Italiana.).
The Court of Auditors stated that "should therefore be stated that the public administrator, who, though employed, can not require 'expectations - why not mentioned in their contract of employment - should be treated as the freelancer and should have paid the compensation function in full size.
The prerequisite for the correct application of Article 82, paragraph 1, last paragraph, the Consolidated Local Authority is, therefore, represented the finding, specifically, of the options provided in the individual contract employees and the exercise of this right by the person entitled (not provided law and not granted).
I thought it appropriate to clarify this point with the operators and managers of the local PEG, subject to the protection of my actions against Ms Gina Greek they are entitled.
Thank you for your attention and sincere best wishes.
... This morning we held a press conference in the Democratic Party who spoke Greek Luigia. Very often on this blog, the figure of the now former mayor did not leave that bad ... but this time he made a dramatic own goal! For her personally, politically, and nothing changes, but the Democratic Party has proven, once again, a party totally ridiculous. In reality, she will suffer the consequences, as it is standing for re still with this "party" tragicomic. The scoop that was pulled out, in fact, was not suitable for the alleged benefits of Marco Toni at the time of his office as Mayor (who is presumed by the Court of Auditors, that the most authoritative source). Toni, in fact, received the highest amount, when it should be left only to employees on leave or self-employed. Toni did not fall into any of these categories, but still included a self-employed. Everything must be confirmed, mind you, but now that has been thrown on the table at a press conference, however, the Democratic Party must take its responsibility as it is not plausible that none of the party in 10 years of administration Toni , knew the work and the compensation of its mayor! This is their way of doing politics. you think if Toni was not the cause of the fall of the Greek Democratic Party would have held a conference stampa per dire questo?!?! La risposta la si può ricavare dall'atteggiamento avuto con la Bugada, Morelli & Co: prima erano (giustamente) considerati coinvolti nella questione della crisi di bilancio, in quanto membri della vecchia amministrazione, ora invece sono "forze responsabili del centro-sinistra" e "carissimi amici". Siccome hanno paura di perdere a causa della scissione con Toni vanno bene anche loro. Obiettivo finale: poltrona, sempre e comunque... fa niente se dopo 15 mesi si debba riandare alle urne! Il servilismo (durato 11 anni) di un intero partito (il Pd) verso una sola persona (Marco Toni) ci ha portato a questa situazione... e ora lui è il diavolo? No signori, il problema di questo Paese (e quindi anche di San Giuliano) non sono i capi, ma i servi!!! Tutti, in tutte le coalizioni, erano ricattabili. Il personaggio che porta più voti comanda, perchè i più piccoli sanno di non poter avere la poltrona senza di lui, e quindi si prostano al Toni di turno! Magari gli avvisi di garanzia che arriveranno li faranno cambiare un pò... chissà...
Venerdi 12 novembre, il Sindaco di San Giuliano Milanese, Luigia Greco, ha ricevuto il provvedimento di sospensione del Consiglio Comunale e di nomina del Commissario per la provvisoria gestione Body, in the person of Deputy Prefect, Dr. Francesca Iacontini. Today, Friday 12 November, the Mayor of San Giuliano Milanese, Luigia Greek, received the suspension of the City Council and appointment of the Commissioner for the interim management of the Authority, in the person of Deputy Prefect, Dr. Francesca Iacontini. This is the outcome of the procedure that is triggered after voting against Municipal Councillors of sixteen (PDL, Northern League and seven members of the same center-left majority), the City Council at its meeting on November 2 last year, which marked the end of the early Mayor's office, after only 16 months of city government. The Commissioner will then have the task of ferry across the city until the invitation of the forthcoming elections. Commissioner ad acta, Dr. Lydia Andreotti Loria, decided on November 11 of us staying balanced budget of our organization and respect the stability pact.
age of eight year aliens kidnapped me while I skated in the ballroom of my aunt. one of them grabbed a shoe, has split into two pieces and stuck them under a kind of small ironing board under her arm. then, with that thing, it was launched down a slope at top speed, laughing like crazy.
Open letter from the Mayor of the City Council Luigia Greek
Dear citizens,
The choice emerged from the Municipal Council of San Giuliano last night, Tuesday, November 2, was to no longer have a Mayor and delivered to the Commissioner of the prefect of our city. Today is my last opportunity to speak to you all, with transparency and correttezza che ogni cittadino di San Giuliano merita e che ho sempre voluto garantire. Di fronte all’appello al senso di responsabilità nei confronti della città, da me rivolto a tutti i Consiglieri Comunali e alla disponibilità a riportare San Giuliano al voto la prossima primavera, chiedendo però di non rinunciare a risolvere le emergenze del Comune, 16 consiglieri comunali, tra cui sette (Davide Barbieri, Oscar Logoteta, Raffaella Milesi, Marco Toni, Simone Greco, Lucia Salvato, Cristina Tosi) che avrebbero dovuto sostenere la maggioranza, hanno voluto interrompere il percorso di risanamento e trasparenza che questa Giunta aveva iniziato. Se il Comune non rientrerà nel patto di stabilità nel 2011, con la conseguenza di non to guarantee services to the city and whether the 110 workers Genia will be less protected in the near future, the responsibility of the directors of the list is Toni, and three representatives elected in the lists Pd, which have betrayed the trust granted them by the vote last June and they, along with the center-right, given our city the Prefectural Commissioner. The Commissioner shall have full authority over all actions relating to the city and its companies, until the next elections, expected to be held not earlier than 5-6 months. I accepted a candidate in April 2009, precisely because we believe that the commitment and dedication every day were a legacy shared by all the supporters of my candidacy. Immediately after my election, I found myself faced with problems which gradually emerged in their complexity, without ever being able to rely on comparison with those who had preceded me, for example with the Stability Pact is not met since March 2009, which resulted (the explicit for those not in the know, and neither was I), in having to be up to any current expenditures of the City and in breaking down of investments, with the further consequence to slow the local economy. I was never discouraged, even though my days in the past 16 months have been scanned from the phrase: "you can not guarantee more security in the city, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not invest in transport public because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not schedule events of celebration and socializing in the neighborhoods, because the failure to respect the pact does not allow it, you can not do maintenance on the roads, because the financial crisis of Genia and debts accumulated not allow it! The policy today, and I say that from the first town mayor, can not abdicate to the collective interest, what is good for families and for our country. In recent times have been identified as a sacrificial victim, my political inexperience has been touted in the press as a failure, I have downloaded the failures of the past and present, just because I "dared to remove the velo” sulla questione Genia per far emergere la verità. Se ognuno di voi si fosse trovato al mio posto, di fronte alla più grave crisi della storia di San Giuliano, sono certa che non avrebbe “mollato” e fino all’ultimo avrebbe provato con responsabilità a cercare la massima condivisione per garantire il risanamento del Comune e della sua azienda. I miei ex sostenitori, ex Sindaco Marco Toni in primis, parlano di gestioni amministrative del passato senza “aver mai indebitato l'ente locale”. Ma è facile per chiunque vivere al di sopra delle proprie possibilità economiche, e al contempo facendo fare debiti al cugino: 54 milioni di euro di debiti del cugino Genia non si sono certo materializzati improvvisamente, but, as noted periodically in recent years were the auditors of the municipality, are the result of poorly controlled operations, which produced month after month "serious irregularities" and probably about € 14 million of debt for years. Every father or mother of the family knows that you can avoid borrowing with responsible choices, but probably less popular cut or ICI for 10 years of no increase of any rate. It 's a bit like continuing to sign bills for millions of euro today that all came to the collection. And none of these has the signature of the current Administration. The political responsibility, in my opinion was demonstrated yesterday by all the directors, che pur nelle differenze di visione, hanno manifestato grande rispetto delle istituzioni e la volontà di non lasciare la città in mano a chi non conosce le sue criticità e le sue potenzialità, rischiando così di veder azzerare anche tutto il buono fatto in questi anni. So bene dalla mia esperienza personale che le vittorie si conquistano insieme, con un buon lavoro di squadra, ma quando si perde, si perde tutti, e la città pagherà più di ogni altro, le conseguenze di questo voto “scellerato”. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare gli Assessori Eliana Cardella, Silvano Filipazzi, Iginio Granata, Ezio Mercanti, Mauro Rossi, che, nonostante le difficoltà, hanno dato ad assicurare impegno e fiducia al Our government project. I also thank the Prime Minister, Rosario Zannone and Municipal Councillors: Paul Ring, Borla Nicoletta, Daniel Garbett, Robert Licciardello, Lorenzo Alexander, Luca Maria Morena, Mario Gold, Carmine Di Pasca, Scanzano Diego, Bugada Giovanna, Francesco Marchini, Sergio Morelli who have given their positive contribution, so that you do not get all'infausto vote on 2 November. Although yesterday was struck to the heart, not only the town council, but an entire city of 36,000 inhabitants, I feel a strong responsibility to my country, and we continue to look at the truth with pure eyes and commit to the common good. The citizens are demanding account of our choices, and those who continue to do the ostrich and tell that "it's all right," while hiding their heads in the sand of the injury and resentment, I say that it is time to lift his head and face difficulties with transparency, humility and civic consciousness, to give an opportunity for rebirth in San Giuliano is the only way I know to respect the confidence and intelligence of the citizens.
November 2, 2010 City Council of November 2, 2010 - Summary
... ... as you have noticed by now, the junta has finally fallen, and now comes the Commissioner. Before starting the argument, let us remove a pebble from the shoe. Bugada The last night on Genia said: "He who is without sin cast the first stone" ... it was fortunate that we did not hand a stone (of course it's all metaphorical). However, beyond the various accusations from side to side on the responsibilities (they are all responsible), as usual, the Council has not discussed the specific issues were not explicit and precise proposals, nor the substance of the criticism ... only newspeak. The same people then accuse us of not doing proposals. Well, we'll say here what they have not been able to say in a year and a half.
"mistakes we learn", but only if you have the ability to analyze the mistakes of the past. To move forward we need to understand what were the mistakes of the past. First, consider who were the administrators Genia, and administrators to understand not only Fazioli (Chairman) and Gilardetti (general manager), but the entire Board. The Board was made by incompetent and incapable, that they had no credit for being there, except that I made a small career in politics. There were men of IDV, PD, League. What's more, when the board of directors has been changed, the Greek used the same method failed. It was also used the same method to appoint the auditors (or who should control the administrators). This led to another injury: a race without an end to harmful and unnecessary recruitment, hiring employees of non-functional for the type of things to do, but taken as a favor to someone, so typical of patronage on which this policy. At this need (and should) remedy by appointing people who are really capable of, and especially by unrelated parties. If you wanted to save Genia must be considered from the viewpoint of the maximum reduction of costs. Management del Cda politico, come detto, ha portato ad assunzioni inutili e DANNOSE in Genia. Parlando chiaramente, in Genia ci sono circa 40 dipendenti di troppo. Quello che non bisognava fare, per risolvere la situazione, era di considerare questi lavoratori come dipendenti Genia, ma bisognava considerarli come lavoratori e basta. Se li si lascia lì si andrà SICURAMENTE a perdere TUTTI i dipendenti, e non solo i 40 ora in esubero. Quello a cui bisognava pensare non era come lasciarli lì, ma dove spostarli! Ma non solo questi amministratori erano incapaci, erano anche strapagati e decisamente a stipendi fuori mercato. Da cosa si vede questa loro incapacità? Genia non ha mai avuto un vero piano strategico! Ma in fondo, queste persone were unable to, then away with the advice, even at the expense of these disproportionate. This failure has cost us a lot of money: necessary to remove all external advice, the board of directors must be able to manage Genia, if not at home! Genia also had corporate organization, and created the sottosocietà whenever there was need to give some salary to some friends of friends. need (and should) eliminate all the various Board of Genia, thus reducing costs, and leave as one administration. Another reason costs have been disproportionate to the venue, and transportation. Headquartered Genia is nothing short of Pharaonic: you must SELL! And this have said in many. The next step, however, should not be paying a rent, but the relocation of offices Genia in the current headquarters of the local police in via Labriola, and the return of local police in the municipality (where the rest was a few years ago) . Finally, after creating Genia has not done so to eliminate all offices whose duties were transferred to Genia, and then double costs!
With 40 employees in less than on the shoulders of Genia, and without the seat, it would save about 4 million a year ... the only alternative is bankruptcy. All of course must be accompanied by a credible rescue plan to propose to the banks. solutions are tears and blood, but blame those who think this is like getting angry with the doctor if it gives you a bitter medicine ... the problem is not medicine, but the disease! this year and a half, none of those who had the power to do something had the courage to say these things, and now we think the Commissioner. Yet another failure of their policies.
THEIR never give up (but the interest?). Neither will we. Civic Party San Giuliano 5 Star