Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lotion Like Cervical Mucus 4 Days Before Period

Futuro alquanto incerto....

Let's do a little of the situation. News from the point of view of work nn sn, so it is right to make a small summary. My intention was to stay here until early June, after which they leave for Bangkok, to stop them a few days and then London and finally Italy. The intention would be that of Pius instead of remaining as possible (at least until August).
Now, between saying and doing is half of the draw. In theory the money to stay here until June I have, but I nn is peeled back to Italy, I'd still rather have a good nest egg for me the summer holidays and so on .... So in summary I have on
Australian account the money to live comfortably throughout March. After that, in the hope that nn jumps into the air before, we have invested the money in the machine ($ 1500 a head), which would enable us to take another month or so (always managing to sell to the purchase price). To arrive until June so there would be a month of the hole. There would be enough work on the farm a short 3 weeks and you're done (at least for me, that if Pius wants to stay longer will have to work most of:)).
Now the problem is that he is blessed when nn farm is located, then the future path is a real unknown at the time. Yes, because you want to move soon there will also be the date of the return flight. Already ma da spostare a quale data?
Il mio itinerario ideale al momento sarebbe questo. Continuare sulla Sunshine Coast fino a Cairns, visitando le WhitSundays, Fraser Island, Port Douglas, Noosa, Camp Tribulation e Cairns. La costa in quetione è abbastanza costosa, anche èerchè per visitarla bene, conviene comprare uno dei tanti pacchetti forniti dalle agenzie di viaggio. In più ci sn delle attività che vorrei assoluamente fare e che nn costan poco. La prima è paracadutismo a Cairns, e la seconda le immersioni sulla barriera Corallina (ci sarebbe anche la gabbia cn gli squali attorno ma mi fa un po cagare in mano).
Arrivati a questo punto bisognerebbe puntare verso Darwin.
Questo dovrebbe avvenire nel giro di 2 mesi: uno or something more to shoot and the other working.
After that our intentions were to sell the machine (in Darwin or Sydney, depending where is more convenient) and then divide. In fact, I at this point would be a sl months in Australian territory, and we both decided that one month alone we'd love to do.
My idea is therefore to settle down for a month in the city, aided by money from the machine and they look for a job for that month, time is possibly a normal job (bartender, pizza, etc. .... nothing short fruit or melons to be collected). The city in question could be Perth, very glad you visit, even if far away and expensive to reach, or again Sydney, where I'm supposed cmq come back for the return flight, and where I met some gentlemen that inhabitants of Biella them for some time and would give me a hand finding a job. In any case my idea would be to make one last month trying to improve their English as much as possible, and doing a very restricted diet and exercise so much to get in shape from eating fast food:) and beer pubs. Ah already before starting a week to surf the surf camp takes it from me No no:)
This is therefore the overall project but nn find work in the coming days could create upheaval nn recently. In fact I could go back a month or before, or continue to run and delay the job search after a (very risky), or sell sacrificing the machines or the first stages of the journey .... etc etc. ...... in other words when there is much uncertainty. The work situation they say all that should improve soon ..... we will see what happens. Hello


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