Friday, September 26, 2008

Flowers For Algernon Plot Diagram


Fra mi fwda questa simpatica combo



A) scegliere 7 blog che si considerano meritevoli di questo premio, perchè ci insegnano ogni giorno a vivere qualcosa in più, sia con la mente that with the heart.
B) present the award, stating the name of the donor and the link to her blog, so that everyone can visit,
C) include the names of winners and links to their blogs;
D) the award is requested to show *** The link to the blog, where does the initiative (also *** is fine, so who gives a flying);
E) post these rules


nothing personal between, but that 'a bullshit and I will boycott.

Blogs that I like are in the blogroll on the right.
most people 'and some less.
Distribution and 'this.


"teach how to live a little more, and with the mind with the heart" and 'emogay the typical bullshit that are not even able to map concepts uniquely defined.
"Heron stars" seems Pollypocket version of "shithead."

Fuck ste chains slinguazzamento fuck each other.
I was really cares let you know.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nightmare Before Christmas Floor Mats

my own shopping cart

The fruit of my shopping Irish

  • Necronomicon in original language. 850 pages, Paper N points
  • targati Mensa puzzles. 500 +.
  • Fife penis king.
  • in Fife worthy king. Absent
variously justified:
  • jar of peanut butter (and elsewhere)
  • Cap turistamedio verdetrifogliuto: Ryanair donation.
  • Two books of sheet music and a CD of mutefish. Missing.
  • Card cliffs whose name I forget. Moher?
A zero but also inherent in this photo: matches, vodafone something, pen averages, concelleria range, tuning forks, rubikube # 4 (I think), CD-frisbee, tin Burn, floppy with high school term paper, deck trump Brio , sudoku electronic envelope Feltrinelli, dude Nokia, Nutella end cap 80, letter of stuff which I will boast then, computer book of the first high school, notes neural networks, Ryanair air tickets, Guinness mat, strip of wood, leprechauns wary.

as well as a considerable portion of the desk, I had the opportunity to observe a couple of geological ages.

Namesti .
(JJ, BASTA rasps themed planes.)
information Hides everywhere.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Homemade Bread Tastes The Yeast

typical post commitment to zero. The Higgs

Something old

Something new

Something from the Jurassic period

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Easy Bake Instructions Online


[ link]

can simulate Big Bang started today by more than three thousand scientists from around the world, gathered in the CERN in Geneva, calling into question the principle of God's creation? "Patch" is dry and a little amused response that comes from Jesuit scientists of the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical observatories in the world, still in full swing with two locations: the historic Castel Gandolfo, near Rome, and the ultra-modern in Tucson, Arizona.

But LOL, now the Vatican has of astronomical observatories?

Father Jorge, do you see in the 4-quadrant KFC-Y7?

matter what the Bible tells me to see us, Father Ralph.

Or use them as toy cameras those cycles in which a set of fictitious images turisticopaesaggistiche

Father Jorge, do you see in the 4-quadrant KFC-Y7?

Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes, Father Ralph. Annotate.

e. .. loaves. fish. Done. Now?

I move the dial 9-RSA-D4 .. 'CLICK!' .. Ffatto. Here is Noah builds an ark. Mark.

.. mooooosé.Arca. Perfect, coincides with the scriptures!

True, father Raph. Our experiments are a success after another.

Beautiful PreyMobil of these telescopes.

Astrophysicists the Pope undertook to investigate "the infinitely large, the universe," ANSA said Father Joseph Koch, a Jesuit astronomer of the Observatory, and from experiments in Geneva, which are focused on the spotlight over the world, does not conceal a certain snobbery: "I'm not saying that we are not interested, however, we take care of each other and then the Big Bang is and remains a theory."

True, true. But so is yours. The difference is that you accept passively fairy tales handed down orally for centuries, while scientists such an airhead work hard to build a huge underground cathedral, hoping to convert as many people as possible to their beliefs.

And to think that would be so simple.

Englert Look, I created the Standard Model.

shows, Hilbert? ... Oh, yes, yes, it is the Standard Model. But wait .. as do elementary particles acquire mass?

Well, there's this mechanism is "Higgs mechanism", which excites a field called "Higgs field" until it reaches a state that I call the "Higgs boson"

Hm .. could work! But we're scientists, we must try it! We will build a huge particle accelerator, a hundred feet underground, 27 km long, with 1600 magnet supercond ..

Hey, hey. slows down.


... not enough to say 'word of God'?

're evil, Higgs!

Higgs Father, please.

The 'God particle', the aim of the research superacceleratore CERN, "is only - Koch remembers his father - the name by which the Nobel laureate Leon Lederman has dubbed its importance to the "Higgs boson" but it is a metaphor, it has nothing to do with God. "

Also because, I mean, like Great Manitou CapoCazzo Almighty of the Universe, not that we would make a great figure to sit hidden at the subatomic level. And then "particle" is one of those nicknames that do not you get up more off, and everyone knows that the archangels are assholes and just can blindside you on your ass.

Hello particles such as up?

Gabriele Look, stop with history is not funny.

Particel-LA! Particel-LA!

Fanculo, davvero.

E poi, è cosa buona tranquillizzare le masse. Non serve fare un mutuo per comprarsi un cannone a ioni e cercare stanare Dio a protonate, potete tranquillamente continuare a cercarlo inginocchiati davanti alla Jpeg di un hippie ariano.

Il bosone di Higgs, che secondo i fisici raccolti a Ginevra potrebbe spiegare l’esistenza della massa, è così importante -osserva l’astronomo gesuita - perchè «costituisce quel tassello mancante alla teoria del Big Bang» che, sottolinea, è appunto «una teoria con delle falle». Per questo la teoria «esige» il boson, the particle can explain the existence of the mass, to invalidate it. The materialization of the Higgs "would fill that hole," but "if we succeed simply happen that the physicists will have another strong indication that the way they interpret things right, but always remains their interpretation."

Well, this is true. It's called Science, and the thing that requires hard a white coat, short hair, a pitiful wage and the solemn promise never to use the cheat "paroladiDio.

However, one aspect of the theory underlying the "God particle" that the astrophysicists Pope marries.

This is too easy to make jokes, go. PESSSSSSIMA choice for Father Koch, which uses a metaphor 'wedding' to speak of scientific theories. Chabal as if I held a lecture entitled "Teaching the bon ton through the Riemann hypothesis."

The metaphor of Lederman, father says Koch, "can be read as an attempt to approach the thought authoring and this certainly characterizes us."

Oh my FSM, see all and do not understand anything!
I do this, reverend, that Lederman has a Nobel Prize in physics, not a degree in pretologia astrocosmica downloaded from eMule. Then rinse the mouth or le mando Margherita Hack.

Inoltre l’astronomo della Specola sottolinea come, a proposito degli esperimenti che verranno condotti nel super acceleratore Large Hadron Collider (Lhc), che «si tratta solo di tecniche di particelle elementari».

Non so se Padre Koch sia vagamente consapevole di quante belle cose sono composte di particelle elementari: gli ananas, la maggior parte dei campanili, i crocifissi.. lo stesso padre Koch. Che quindi potrebbe teoricamente essere infilato nell' LHC.
Io la butto lì.

E, infine, cita lo scienziato Stephen Hawking di cui condivide il pensiero riportato dai giornali in questi giorni: «è much more interesting not to know and keep looking. "

Say, who are annoyed by this tedious search of the scientific evidence .. is so beautiful and medievintage not know, come up with a guy extraplanare sparafulmini, chemical-physical attribute every phenomenon to God and humiliate his intellect praising the inscrutable Divine Plan whenever you can make a coffee, eh?


Which Way Should Blinds Face


Imho, the comic timing made perfect.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Mala Prayer Beads Diagram

Steganography is the strongest weapon. Topics

Lorem Ipsum is
Simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Please welcome Vigenere on my Blog, gente.



Friday, September 5, 2008

Review Infiniti Eurosport Elliptical

PhD admission examination

Hello, I'm here to register for doctoral
Well, the examination begins in a half hour ...
Sure. Come in.

Strand 1
a) The candidate chooses four of the following topics and briefly (1 page maximum for each subject) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Undecidable problems. •
system architectures and operating systems. Advantages and disadvantages of the architectures with pipelining. •
Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Deterministic descending parsing (LL (k)).
• Databases and information systems. The main features of a system for managing databases (DBMS).
• Ingegneria del software. Ruolo dei diagrammi di classe nella progettazione del software.
• Intelligenza artificiale. Rappresentazione della conoscenza: le reti semantiche.
• Linguaggi e paradigmi di programmazione. Eredità e nozione di sottotipo nei linguaggi orientati agli oggetti.
• Reti e sistemi distribuiti. Architettura del world wide web: lato server, lato client
b) Illustrare un argomento di ricerca in Informatica illustrandone motivazioni e finalità, inquadrandolo nell’area di riferimento (4 pagine al massimo).

Tema n. 2
a) Il candidato scelga quattro dei seguenti argomenti e ne illustri brevemente (1 pagina al massimo per ogni argomento) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Topics on graphs greedy
• system architectures and operating systems. Deadlock and policies for its management
• Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Regular languages \u200b\u200band finite automata
• Databases and information systems. Operators of relational
• Software Engineering. Testing techniques
• Artificial Intelligence. Research topics in a state space
• programming languages \u200b\u200band paradigms. The functional programming paradigm
• Network and distributed systems. Algorithms routine
b) Describe a research topic in Computer explaining motivations and goals, setting it in the reference

Strand 3
a) The candidate chooses four of the following topics and briefly (1 page maximum for each subject) the basics: •
Algorithms, computability and complexity. Classes P and NP
• system architectures and operating systems. Constructs for accessing resources in mutual exclusion
• Automata, formal languages \u200b\u200band translators. Direct translation of the syntax
• Databases and information systems. The use of entity-relationship model in the design of databases
• Software Engineering. The analytical phase and specific requirements
• Artificial Intelligence. The inductive method of learning
• Automatic programming languages \u200b\u200band paradigms. Activation procedures and memory management in programming languages \u200b\u200b
• Network and distributed systems. The organization levels in the OSI reference method
b) Describe a research topic in Computer explaining motivations and goals, setting it in the reference

Well, now the rules, as they are distributed sheets of bad and sandbags.
You have an hour. Who among
10 min stara 'will still crying' ejected.
If you want to hang yourself, please do so within the first 30 minutes.
Please, delivered flares, signal flares, flags and white bat-signal to the caretaker.
not pray.
