Vi racconto come è nato mio figlio Robert all'ospedale di Terni, EVITATELO.
Tutto comincio' il 22 Maggio 2008, quella sera avevo le contrazioni, erano regolari ogni 20 minuti ed erano non troppo forti, sopportabilissime, da giorni pensavo, ci siamo, fra poco ci siamo manca poco, volevo che il mio cucciolo arrivasse presto, non ce la facevo piu' ad aspettare e mangiavo liquirizia e bevevo tisane al lampone per aiutare la natura se fosse stato il momento. Ero eccitata e spaventata cosi' dopo un po' di ore che andava avanti cosi' e sentendo le contrazioni un pochino piu' forti mi decisi (grande errore) to go to hospital for a check and give birth at that time I was 35 weeks, the child was already 'a small calf (2,900 pounds May 22) with a big-heads since the last inspection and all organs were perfectly formed it' is not I was afraid of possible breathing problems.
arrival at the hospital and check me, ask me all the documents and then scare me: "yeah but who wants to have problems? No no must be within at least two more weeks!"
Then I make a visit during which, after another contraction, the cap remains in the hands and find me Open a cm. .. so 'decided to take me to the tracks and tell me that I will have to' put the miolene 'cause that is repeated too soon.
the tracks you do not see a decrease, although they had the first touch, the tracks are gone.
I am sure that is their own fault 'cause I was scared, but then, thinking it best to do as they said, I'll put the miolene. For four days in hospital with miolene, all controls perfect. Then come home, dejected, 'cause my baby should I wait to see it ... After a few days I get up from her chair and my groin is a noise like breaking a pain that will take me 'till after the birth. I do check, but I say it is nothing, I think that the cartilage has given a little 'because of the increase in weight of the child. From there I will arrive 'at 41 weeks.
monitored and controlled with precision Swiss almost until the day of the 41st week, the latest monitoring decide to keep me and make me the next morning (I went on Saturday). I am unaware and happy for it to end the odyssey could not wait to give birth even though I was a bit 'anxious' cause I was told that the induction can' give atrocious pain. Vabbeh them to bear ', as long as' natural born thought. And I had no idea you could wait up to 42 weeks at least.
the visit prericovero say I do not want hair removal because 'so I do not want to completely natural birth and an episiotomy quinidi hair removal and' useless, but the midwife is approaching with the razor, she says she is more 'hygienic and size (now with her legs open, naked, that you rebel?) , shaving a secco, la cosa piu' fastidiosa mai provata fino a quel momento. Gia' li mi girano, ma penso, vabbeh, ricrescono, ma se pensa che gli faccio fare l'episio si sbaglia di grosso.
Quel giorno non ero andata di corpo. Mi faccio dare un lassativo per donne in gravidanza cosi' il giorno dopo sono libera e pronta.
Prendo il lassativo prima di cena.
Dopo cena ho dei dolorini e penso che sta facendo effetto.
Invece no! Sono le contrazioni, il lassativo ha forse sbloccato la situazione (come spesso fa anche l'olio di ricino) e lo scopro quando alle 21 con questi dolori leggerissimi e sopportabilissimi mi portano for the routine check of the track in the labor room.
Li for the first time throughout the pregnancy to see how the contractions are done in me and I rejoice (we cheer!) And texting on her cell phone to my mom, my companion who had come home 'cause he would come The next day, my roommate who was also a classmate prepartum.
I start to sing (I'd carry the MP3 player with muscihe I chose to give birth) is not too strong 'cause I do not want to disturb, from time to time monitor the track, they begin to get the beating of the child occasionally, but then go back so I'm not too worried, but I ginecolga it states that if we start so 'can not do it ... (casserole partly prevented ... eh but she already had a caesarean 'speech when I was still months before the controls, although all was well ... I did not realize that it was also to be avoided ... while I was in labor have cut another whose child had drunk the water and then had serious problems after that and then I found out months later that is not mad ' has already done so I think 'that led them to be pessimistic ... then it was night and I think it would take even attend to). I put the needle cannula "'cause if you have to do after the caesarean you already' ready 'and I rebel against them without success, I say" at least put me in the crook of the arm that the needle the last time they tried on the wrist / hand and there have been successful and I have only done evil, "but no, two attempts, two bent needles and then the third, while I cried and begged them, in the end I was satisfied ... I cry a little ', then I recover and go on, but I run a bit' more ', but I just want to hug my puppy. I would like to move, get up, but now they are forced on the couch. I say that I absolutely want to oxytocin, but maybe I put it, passing it off as saline 'cause after a while' contractions began with much, much more 'strong.
arrival until 0:30 with contractions more and more 'strong and close together, my partner beside me from about 22:00 to 22:30 gave him strength and cared for each deceleration, the last infinite contractions were so strong that I could not take almost fiato figuriamoci fare la respirazione. Arrivata a 6 cm e dopo l'ennesima decelerazione la gine mi dice, "facciamo il cesareo che sta soffrendo". In lacrime, spaventata, piena di dolore e quasi senza respiro non riesco a dire no e oppormi. Ho paura che il bambino davvero soffra, muoia o altro...
E intanto ero ignara allora, non come oggi, non sapevo che la posizione litotomica (ovvero sdraiata) puo' causare delle false sofferenze fetali e che bastava che mi lasciassero stare alzata o provare altre posizioni perche' tutto si normalizzasse! E le contrazioni date dall'ossitocina non erano certo di aiuto dato come erano, per non parlare del fatto che SE le contrazioni fossero state davvero prodotte dal mio corpo (dal momento che secondo la cartella I would not have had any clinical drip - mysteriously never happened) could prove at least two ways to slow down a bit '.
I sign the yellow sheet cursed with that surgeon (? Or what?) I look bad, and maybe 'annoyed, maybe it does to make you sign, but is not kind, I do not remember what he says, are stunned and tears from pain, I only remember his face without a trace of kindness or understanding.
Scream, scream, screaming in pain still strong I think oh God oh God I hope that something evil and that it does end, they tell me to move on the couch in the operating room, help her get there, I'm bad, I doubled over in pain and scream, I say "and shut up!" and say "but it Evil does not breath I do not have contractions on purpose! "and I thought to myself, but what an idiot this woman can not understand? it will have 'view of portions not? will be' annoyed too, 'cause I have them all around me at midnight when they could rest and instead the weight ... but then they could leave me alone today ... I think not.
sitting on the couch countless other very strong contractions I say you stand still you must inject the needle in my back, I while a fall a little bit silly, and before taking over, I take courage, take a breath and immobilize the few seconds they serve, zac, the needle is immediate, a slight annoyance, then the pain is no more '. I feel well, back to breathe fire a sigh of relief and I worry more now ask, ask insistently, terrified, until 'someone will answer' "I do not do anything until 'does not effect you? it?". "Yes," she reassures people "do not worry," I lie down and I begin to prepare, test my legs until I tell if I hear 'I do not feel', a horrible feeling: they are paralyzed. I understand, now I understand those who have no more 'use of their legs, it's horrible, and' terrible and heartbreaking. I worry about the other, vaguely linked to the mind, then the only angel I speak of the situation, he tells me what I'll feel '. And 'the anesthesiologist, reassures me and tells me what will happen', it gives me gas, perhaps to make me feel more 'calm. There speaks, I ask questions, I start trying to play down talk, you know what they do, but surgery (?) is annoyed, tells me that they have to do, I shut up. The anesthesiologist goes away and I do not see more '... I'm alone in my head with my thoughts, with all those people around ... as long as' do not feel it: the cry, my baby! is out! I do not remember if I ask where he is, if I show up. I carry it, watch it, I can see for the first time, but it's not as if I saw it, I do not understand, and 'everything too fast, they do kiss me, kiss him and smell her perfume, a wonderful scent (I say then days later it was the vernix caseosa) I talk to him in Italian and English, and I tell him two things he looks at me. She cries, but when he hears my voice I look calm, then took him away and cries again, I say "do not give him anything, please do not give him anything that I fed it, then start crying myself. - I do not see again 'until three hours later and only after many, many insistence. And I (I remember now) I will say that they had to give water and sugar 'cause the blood sugar was low (physiological and not know it was normal and that you should not take anything) so I think vabbeh .... -
I sewed, my partner and my mother make me see them before entering the control room, but for a few seconds, the time to ask me how I am, I ask "how's the baby?" You took a picture? Let me see "I look on my husband's digital, comment, then I take away them in a room adjacent to the operating room, I attach a machine to control heart rate and blood pressure. Li spends' nearly two hours alone, I call for a human touch, is one pissed me off the car 'cause you do not need much more,' he tells me they have to do. I think to myself, if now suddenly do not die if no one would notice. I cry, I can not sleep, I shake, then I say that is an effect of anesthesia. I tremble as if he were cold, I shiver to death. For an infinite time. I ask to see my baby more 'times, I do not remember when and how many, I am told that the nest, they are doing checks, etc.. When
and then 'now that I will bring to the ward from the couch to my bed, I make you move, I say that is impossible, that I do not feel my legs that I am not strong, the nurse on duty, a blonde idiot nondovrebbe do work for human contact, tells me to give him a hand that do not make it to lift me alone, I have to help me with that handle, I'll try, but it is useless, I feel nothing, almost risk move the bed and fall. Then I power up and move me, I'm in my bed and I ask you again to see my child, I saw only two seconds. Finally
me carry it, but I just say that you have to rest 5 minutes, then thankfully the idiot goes and the rest with my partner, my mother and nurse of the nest with the baby coming, and perhaps moved by my tears makes me see more than 10 minutes' ... gently caress my baby, my finger and the approach he takes in his hand and shakes, I'll take some pictures before it is taken away, I did not think to take the breast, I was tired, upset emotions, not reason and then he slept so 'blessed, I did not want to disturb.
him away and collapse from exhaustion, sleep a bit ', then the pain wakes me up, I ask the pain, it will take hours before I take him and that he does not even effect is not too painful, and I think the labor I say stand it, but I still want the pain and wonder and I request it and I only bring the same drip bowls which I had placebo 'cause did nothing.
The rest of the morning passes between pain and sleep to catch me and leaves me, around 8 o'clock I start to ask my child, I did not bring him before the 10 and gave him the formula, I get angry, but not now There is nothing to be done. I began to enjoy it, take pictures with the phone, then collapse, then I wake up crying and I do change when the pope '... then let me put to the breast and after a while 'Difficulty' find the right position and begins to suck the mother's colostrum, it hurts the first time, but soon passes, I'm so uncomfortable 'lying-but-pulled-up, but I do not care, my baby, and 'finally in my arms, it feeds me and tears flowing down' thinking at earlier, I cry, I try not to sob 'cause it hurts, it hurts to laugh, I can not sit, I can not stand, I can not change ...
Just the thought that I raise is fine.
nurses / midwives alternate, some are cute, others are to be taken to blows, but because 'they do not change job!?
the survey I squeeze his belly to see if the losses are in place, if the uterus and 'back where it should, I dunno, I just know that make me a bad dog and I cry and cry. I feel so angry today about how I was treated, tears rising in her eyes as I write, physical injury and 'healed but the emotional as it will take me'?
They put a drip of oxytocin, then they gave me drops to take for the uterus to contract, but if these things are not 'cause the baby's sucking stimulates uterine contractions give me what the hell to do this stuff? In more 'I'll be able' after so many months that the possibility Methergin also 'to go away the milk but to them that give a damn? I give all the hope and maybe even like 'increase the use of formula milk!
They say it is a precaution because 'better way' than risk a scrape, I am a coward, sketch and'll down '.
The next day they tell me I have to get up, but I do not want, I'm hurt, I hurt and I do not want any more pain, do not give me the pain I ask, are still attached to an IV and catheter-forgot to say, when I was prepared for the TC I have inserted the catheter and failed the first time and making a bad dog and the latter succeed, this will do 'is that my urine is mixed with blood on the first day and I will act 'an infection that will take me' for two weeks-I do not want to know to get up, I want to be followed in my own time. A nurse arrives in the afternoon and a relative of my roommate, which is part of another department, but that is visiting, he encourages me, tells me that if I get up after a while 'go around and I can finally change my child, etc., spurs me on, I do a little 'courage, I give you straight, I put more' sitting, then it helps me to sit down and get up later, but hell, I get up the tears, rips me, I would rip, and 'as if to give me fire at the same time, excruciating pain, I feel like dying I let go of weight and put me back on the bed in tears .
suffering and fear to try again that pain makes me desist from trying again for another several hours, when I will get up 'again for the first time you really will' to move from bed to chair. The first time I had to walk every step I suffer, I feel heavy, as if his stomach had never gone away, I should feel more 'light I think, but no. I can stand my belly, 'cause the only thing that gives me' s a bit of relief. I gather strength and go pee 'to the bathroom for the first time in two days, strip it hurts, it hurts to sit, but when I sit I feel better. But pee 'hurts, burns and get up is a huge pain. Compose myself and change the diaper is a business, I call my friend, are white as a sheet, I feel faint from the pain, I'll take back to the bed weight.
Every time I get up is a pain, walking in the room before and in the corridor and then 'an achievement, but I do not feel' pain. My baby is wonderful, they make all the compliments, it's pretty good and when he cries for his reasons he does already 'in different ways, if he's hungry is a prodigious MAAAAAAAAAA, so that seems to call mom, many are surprised, I I love it. The colostrum
I have as much of my 'I can, but a couple of times I have to request the addition' cause I did not know what to do, was more 'hungry than it should because of formula and glucose, which had expanded its stomachino tiny, one that until stomachino 'does not reach the milk has the ability' of a teaspoon and as such would be perfect to accommodate those nutrientissime few drops of colostrum produced in the early days, but I do not know these things yet, and even then driven by the idiot of my mother who haunts me, do not leave me alone, says he is hungry hungry and tormented me, I hate it. We then quarrel over the following days, I tell her to leave me alone, leave, but unfortunately it is not easy hunting (suffers from problems of head) and I feel even more 'angry and powerless.
not help at all.
I do not even help the nurse chubby blonde, a snob who thinks knows' whom. Fortunately
arrives then the milk and get it to satisfy only me.
When I go out after 4 days I do it partly in a wheelchair, I'm still hurt and feel 'bad (although a little' less) for a further two months.
The food was good, the primary, then I will know 'then be responsible for the policy of "do not give painkillers because' time is a great suffering" (and of course he knows he has suffered such things!) And ' a character that I hope I never meet and know who ' se lo rivedo, ad oggi me lo sono dimenticato.
Le infermiere del nido, tutte tranne un paio, dovrebbero cambiare mestiere.
Se qualcuno che lavora all'Ospedale di Terni legge questo mio racconto, gli riferisca che si devono vergognare per come trattano la gente. Hanno trasformato un parto fisiologico in un parto cesareo e cosi come con me penso chissa' quante altre povere donne sono state trattate come carne al macello. Il senso di vuoto, la rabbia, l'impressione che quel bimbo non mi appartenesse del tutto anche se l'ho amato subito mi hanno accompagnata per vari mesi e dopo 17 mesi la rabbia era ancora tanta. Oggi la rabbia c'è ancora, ma c'è anche tristezza, rimpianto per essermi fidata delle persone sbagliate. Ma la mia vendetta impossibile I made a conscious woman and now I can help all women to beware, 'cause it is not said that anyone who has a degree in medicine is to be believed on everything' he says or leaning in everything 'that's right, we trust and rely in their hands, some of us went well, but others ... And breast-feeding and 'another thing that women should be helped and supported, but still too many places trying to do everything possible to destroy this very important thing. That bitterness, looking for change for a world and a better future, but it takes education and support in this regard and we women and mothers should be the first to help each other and show them that we are not sick to be treated without respect, we women and mothers, pregnant women, not patients.