A quick guide to the images PUBLIC EVENT for the protection of vegetation along the banks of the river Piave held Sunday, May 30, 2010 between San Donà di Piave and Musil and organized by the group Citizens in Defense Piave with the collaboration of: Nature Sandonatese Association, Legambiente, WWF Veneto Orientale, Group Mycological Sandonatese, The Pendolino, Vivilabici, Lipu, El Vassor .

Un primo risultato è già stato raggiunto: il disboscamento non riprenderà il 30 giugno come previsto dal progetto esecutivo della Regione Veneto.
Gli amministratori locali e le associazioni sono state convocate giovedì 3 giugno per essere informati sulle decisioni prese dal comitato tecnico coordinato dalla Provincia di Venezia.

All agree in demanding the suspension of logging began on the banks of Musile, the definition of new criteria for action agreed with authorities and local associations, the implementation of systems for flood control upstream of the last stretch of water and the establishment a protected area of \u200b\u200bthe lower Piave.

is read the poetry of English poet Rafael Alberti:
The uprooted tree
The uprooted tree
Han uprooted a tree. Even this morning
wind, sun, birds
stroked the benignly. It was
happy and young, white and sitting up,
with a clear vocation of sky
and a high of future stars.
Tonight lying like a child
exiled from his cradle, broken legs
the tender, sunk
his head, scattered on the ground, sad, defeated in
and leaves in tears still green in tears.
go out tonight - When no one
can see, when I am alone -
to close your eyes and sing
that song this morning that the wind whispering through
wind, sun, birds
stroked the benignly. It was
happy and young, white and sitting up,
with a clear vocation of sky
and a high of future stars.
Tonight lying like a child
exiled from his cradle, broken legs
the tender, sunk
his head, scattered on the ground, sad, defeated in
and leaves in tears still green in tears.
go out tonight - When no one
can see, when I am alone -
to close your eyes and sing
that song this morning that the wind whispering through