Sn back, like a herpes that can disappear for years but sooner or later shows up as the humidity in the cellars that elimni but only for a while, as the bluebottle to chase him with a picnic towel but sooner or later nell'aranciata back straight, the one and only Carcara Praveen ...... and we start 2009 with a deserved tribute to Gialappa's.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. I apologize for my absence and for not have been updating my blog recently. Into a crime even if it's been a long since my last post the first 3 weeks sn fly without seuccedesse nothing so special. Unfortunately, the ankle has forced me to a sedentary lifestyle and unexciting, but for a week in this part of the field in the process I have crutches and sn climbed into the saddle. Nn
run, walk and even dance nn so what, but at least I can go out and run without breaking into a sweat each time. I hope in 3 weeks of being in place, unfortunately it took much longer than expected, and I'm sorry because here you have the opportunity to play every day, so it's like having na bottle of fresh water in the desert and being able to drink nn .
Anyway after the usual medical report to see a stock and a bit rissumere happened.
Well first of all the 24 we've moved into a new apartment, though in truth today to abandon already riapprodare hostel. Nn was bad, the hostel is good, but ten days is a bit out of the chaos and cn a minimum of privacy has regenerated. Privacy cmq so to speak because we were in a room with a friendly French that we nicknamed Jesus (I swear that I would really like to Metere a picture is the same when he is asleep) and that the landlord is a Chinese chestnuts breaks the nth degree. But it goes well, the presence of centocco (the Chinese call them so because if not you accorgon you talk about them) and the stinking smell of fried food that comes from their plates, they compensated for the swimming pool, sauna, jacuzi, barbecue etc. etc. ....... in fact every convenience that you find everywhere in Italy:)
But we move on to Christmas, I hate Christmas because I sn the Grinch .... joke, Christmas is my favorite time of year, all sn most good (or so they say), there is a magic in the air, lights, snow, reindeer (animal typical Italian) etc. etc. etc. .... But here things a bit different sn. Yes, because for them, Christmas is our summer holidays and at the beach, sun and sea, the Christmas spirit goes to hell, and here New Year's Eve and are transformed into a kind of Easter Monday \\ August.
For each and every way we adapted even if the snow and I swear even the cold in a sense we were missing.
On 24 we celebrated at the home of Conrad. Everyone has cooked something and we made a huge dinner. Brindisi at will, and an avalanche of Italians. Christmas is celebrated with family and our family here sn our friends. People you know maybe 1 month or 2 but which has established a relationship and a confidence really beautiful. Being away from home and share a similar experience joins you in a way unimaginable.
After dinner all on the beach waiting for the sunrise, beautiful spot for a day of sun and sea.
Again it was strange but pleasant.
The New Year was just as alternate. In Italy when approaching the last year has all impanicati Cause I will never know what to do, and you have to hurry otherwise it remains on foot. The evening is then classical always dinner where nn is spared at the expense, all dressed to perfection, and the disco at night baccagliare more girls as possible (at least one test .....). Here instead is
nn no stress, lots of you know that there is always something to do. The evenings in
nn missing disk, but they were pricey and everyway you can go to the disco every night. We therefore opted for a picnic in the gardens facing the bay, all dressed as if he went for a walk, waiting for the much acclaimed fireworks from the bridge.
The only problem with what was, that here in Sydney around the bay is divided into zones. Ina ome you can bring something to drink, in others you can only buy on the spot and others is strictly prohibited. Here is
then starts the search for the best place, and that Pio and Brother have discovered after touring scooter for a day.
Knowing that everything was packed we got up at 6 am and we left. It 'been a long day moooooooolto, but we had a lot of rest.
There was an incredible spirit of friendship, you fraternized and joking with everyone, even the cops who occasionally patrolled the place we were standing in too deep.
And at midnight, the much anticipated fireworks. I'll be honest I imagined them better (maybe because it was 20 hours waiting for them). The show hits because cmq sparan them from the bridge, from the skyscrapers and the barges in the sea, so that nn know where to look. Unica pecca sn durati solo 10 min e nn c'era molta varietà.....Anche il problema di trovare delle tipe è stato risolto in semplicità, nella nostra compagnia siam così amici che ci siam fatti un po tutti cn tutti(tipi cn tipe e anche tipe cn tipe :P ), nessuna malizia,e niente di così hard, gisto per festeggiare senza troppi grattacapi.
Abbiam conosciuto un botto di gente, alcuni svitati come delle campane e scene che un giorno vi racconterò.....vi dico solo che i francesi e i tedeschi ora mi stanno più simpatici :)
Finito tutto siam andati aprendere il battello e tornati in centro, li però senza biglietti e prevendite per locali vari nn c'era troppo da fare, eran gia le 3\4 di notte e quindi ci siam diretti at home, we were exhausted because cmq standing for nearly 24 hours.
What else, the minute we leave the apartment and return to Base. We hope we'll be waiting for my old job so No need to pay anything.
The other day we saw an interesting announcement. Looking for people to tour the country and selling posters in the universities. They give you the car, where to stay (like on campus) and a place to set up a stand and expose the stuff. Every week they change the place and start again. It would be a good way to travel expenses paid, to see a bang Places Where's My Car and paid for. Tomorrow we will send the curriculum, who knows that we're lucky ..... nn
Now I leave we have to go. Stase is the farewell dinner di Matteo(il barista) e di O Dario e O lorenzo(i 2 viareggini).
Ci mancheranno un casino...........solo ora capisco che L'australia da molto ma ci sn anche momenti tristi(nn parlo solo dei legamenti rotti), perchè quando se ne vanno persone con cui hai vissuto per mesi a così stretto contatto, fa davvero male. Molti li rivedremo in Italia, ma altri che vengon da paesi differenti no......
Anche a questo bisognerà abituarsi.
Va be vi Lascio e posto qualche foto. Ce ne son un botto, quindi per vederle tutte andate su Facebook....
Ciao Tigri....... Amici mi mancate sempre un botto, ci sentiamooooo.......