Saturday, September 29, 2007

Usna Nominations And Ohio

A response to your letters

The best way to correspond with a Russian woman is email. When you choose a woman, the fact that it has or not an email address can make a big difference.
Write a nice letter and choose a suitable object. You can read here the secrets to a letter that will impress a Russian woman. Write to
that your intentions are serious and you think to visit her a few months. In fact no more than 10% of Western men then decided to travel to visit their correspondent: Russian women are often disappointed and have no faith in men.
Your correspondent must think that you are a serious man. Only then will answer. One of the terms to l'attenzione di una donna russa è: apparire seri!
Può essere utile fare tradurre le vostre lettere, anche se la donna parla l'inglese o l'italiano. Le donne russe hanno in generale un ottimo livello di istruzione e conoscono almeno una lingua straniera. Tuttavia, non è detto che riescano a leggere tutte le lettere che arrivano: le donne più belle ne ricevono tante! Una lettera scritta in russo avrà la precedenza. Dunque, prima lettera in russo, poi, quando la donna vi avrà conosciuto come corrispondente serio e leale, potrete proporre di passare all'inglese.
Se la vostra corrispondente non ha l'email e usate la posta tradizionale, aggiungete un coupon di risposta internazionale nella vostra prima lettera. Le donne consider the act as to care for them and they'll tell you first and with greater motivation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good Fiber Filling Breakfast

Children dressed very well?

the public opinion of an Italo-Slavic man who seems interesting and I await the comments of Italian men.

" tell the truth ': son of a Slavic mother and Italian father, I recognize very well the old story, though always lived in Italy. There' s a huge gap between me (I had an education" slave ") and other Italians. Apart from their effeminacy, this care as if they were American superstar, and 'the very fact that as children grow and when they marry seek a second mother who is watching them. They never married, what they do and 'change Mom. one another.

not ever fight, they make toys for women at work, you watch them, meeting women who seem to gossip, always afraid of everything and everyone. Do not say things in front 'cause they're afraid, but' you tell her behind with women.

My wife, Italian, says that is surprised by my hard thinking, but 'and admits that' a better person who is fighting and there when you need ', not a person who always support you because' whining like having a child.

Italian men abroad are considered effeminate whining, spoiled, almost everywhere, and 'useless to deceive you, Latinos are Hispanics. That are very different from the Italians.

I do here fear of my colleagues say they are too hard to think that I am always ready to head-on collision, but the truth 'and' they are afraid of everyone and everything and they want a woman who calm their fear.

the letter is right, and not at all Italian men cling to the mother for 30-35 years. And I do not say it's 'difficult to leave home because' missing work 'cause the work is missing in the east more' and they go away and the men 20-23 years older.

You are very beautiful children with clothes and delicate hands of a bitch. Weak, fearful and Fighine

Friday, April 13, 2007

Mónica Roccaforte In Quicktime

Italian men we have broken the bales?

An interesting letter from an Italian woman married to a Russian man.

"I just want to respond so that
Italian woman who deliberately refused to marry the Italian man in his cause and macismo
gorgeous and the desire to remain forever a child viziato.In
few words Italian men we have broken bales.

(...) My story is revealed to be the antithesis of all those so far
told. I am an Italian woman who married a Russian man.

(...) I do not know why there has always been in the Italian woman a feeling of inferiority in front of Italian men and weaknesses of the proceedings as if his life depends on her man. Even today this is when I watch Italian television, the Italian women and too much a victim of his appearance and that who think of her men. Generally, Commentaries on the Italian woman of Italian men are bad: too much more, tits, low fat. (...)

Seriously, honestly speaking for many Italian women who have chosen to turn to marry a foreign man, I tell you that Italian women are tired of their men who believe themselves the most beautiful the world and still want to have all the avantage of the past. Once it was normal for an Italian woman having to spend his time to serve the people without receiving a thank you from the latter: to feed, clean, wash, care for the children etc. Today women are tired of this, we are fortunately in a time when the medias helped us to see a reality beyond the small Italian and his narrow-minded.

The young Italian men can say with all sincerity are the most pampered women. They care only to look good and have a foreign woman as a girlfriend to show how it shows a good objective. This is not to say that Russian women have no value, but for many Italians idiots one beautiful woman is a foreign object in an exotic show for grabs.
I know so many Italian men who married women of Europe and why now find themselves with disastrous relationships. Russian women are not stupid and they too want to build anything in life without becoming slaves of men infantile use them to meet their little egos.

(...) Finally I conclude by saying that before accusing the Italian women, Italian men should make a deep reflection on their education by Methuselah and the way they act. Plus are not the only ones to take foreign women because Italian women are doing it.
In fact, many Italian women prefer foreign men much more attractive to them because we know that the beautiful blonde are not even their Italian. Italy His children makes them brown, rarely fair.

strongly recommended time period to the Italian woman to not focus on man Italian. On land there are 2.5 billion men very handsome and most interesting Italian man and if its not the Italian male looking for that meets his love in another country like Russia which fortunately gives birth to their children very beautiful. Genetically speaking, mix breeds only brings good results and open your mind to new cultures is very interesting.

PS (remember the good Doctor Zhivago). Viva Italian women

Thursday, April 12, 2007

5 Month Old Green Eye Discharge

A letter from M.

" Dear Helen, I read your book on Russian girls and I was happy with the content, because it gave me confirmation that maybe I did not really everything wrong with my ex-wife Belarus . In fact I had a marriage of three years with her, then one day she ran away leaving a letter in which he said that she realized that she did not want a family and children, but only wanted to have fun. I blamed a lot, I always tried in every way to make her feel like a princess, I have created a work and its independence, I'm pretty sure I sent love and affection.

Now, as I am aware of being a handsome man, handsome and with an appreciable economic situation, I know others, but I greatly fear. I could have all the Italian I want, but I do not like for their lack of femininity, and more.

Sorry if I disturbed you, wanted to be an outlet, perhaps a call for help and still had to get you the compliments for the book, because, having lived and experienced the east, You gave so much and will certainly help to Italian men who want to take this adventure

Dear M., I'm sorry for what happened to you. I know it will comfort you to know that this is the first time I hear something like that. As he said and did your ex-wife Belarus seems so far away from all the women I got to know, from all the experiences that I have been told.
It 'also true that my experience of Belarus is very small, I Russian friends and I are Ukrainian, Russian (mainly the south) and the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). With few friends in Belarus there was rarely a good feeling. Try it again, dear M., you've been unlucky and you will not be still. I hope my advice will be useful.